Coming to a street near you?

With the thread on future M&Gs, this article struck me after Jackie had mentioned the license plate cameras, which have been around for a while. A little further into the surveillance society we go.
KCSmutMonkey's Avatar
Thanks for the article Hugh. That's good stuff.
Red Rock's Avatar
You have to wonder sometimes what this world is coming too. Just think of the the home owner is sitting in his house monitoring the exterior will the cops are outside monitoring the house....Have you ever wondered with t he advent of Google maps and aerial voyerism has progressed to a whole new level!!!
bartipero's Avatar
If that was on my block it wouldn't be after the next foggy night.
All I have to say is that those units better be bulletproof . . . 'cause I'll be loading a very special tip for that fucker if it pops up on my street.