Hobby Bloopers

What's your biggest hobby blooper? I will admit mine! I onced danced for a client and I was trying to be all sexy and I fell. I caught my hair on fire accidentally slinking around the stage on one of those stupid candles they place on the tables. I once got a 240 session mixed up with an 80 rubdown session and boy let me tell you..... that rubdown client got the best rubdown of his life! There is more but this is all I will admit lol!
blenderhead's Avatar
I managed to get cum in both her eyes.. Poor girl had to make her way to the bathroom half blind, and I didn't have the presence of mind to help her. Sorry!
guest031812's Avatar
hahaha blender that ones good!! Next time aim for her mouth!!
KissLover's Avatar
I was helping remove a cotton cami and gave it a light toss and it landed on a halogen floor lamp. Right when things were really heating up we started to smell something burning. Scorch marks but avoided 3-alarm fire.
Funny stuff guys...keep em' coming! I almost forgot about the guy that was so excited to see me he crashed into my garage before our appointment! Luckily it was a pretty simple patch job.
sixxbach's Avatar
I almost forgot about the guy that was so excited to see me he crashed into my garage before our appointment! Originally Posted by BritneyBangs
Damn Brit, what ya got between them legs to cause that??!!!

Damn Brit, what ya got between them legs to cause that??!!!

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
The magic box!
sixxbach's Avatar
The magic box! Originally Posted by BritneyBangs
Hmmmm and I believe in magic actually....

Back on topic..... My hobby blunder was when a coed fell from my bed. It was during uh.... BBBJ.... it was funny. Good thing my bedroom is carpet and not hardwood!

rekcaSxT's Avatar
I was going down on one of the lovliest blonde women (she was a provider) I have ever met. She was having multiple orgasms, and could barely walk. I picked her up to carry her to my bed (we were on the couch at the time). When I picked her up I almost dropped her down my stairs.... OOPS!

Then while in bed, moving from one position to another, I accidentaly kicked her in the head.

In spite of all of this it was a great session. I got 2 pops, great head, sexy lap dance from her, she was very flexible.... hot hot hot.
Reincarnated's Avatar
I had a provider fall asleep while giving me a BBBJ...lol
unagi's Avatar
  • unagi
  • 11-10-2010, 08:18 AM
Had a provider fall asleep while I was doing DATY. Not good for the ego.
Prowordsmith's Avatar
This wasn't with a Provider, as such...but I was doing a great job on DATY with a woman who was really enjoying it...
Until something tickled my nose and brought forth a HUGE sneeze right into her pussy! Yeah, the mood henceforth was ruined.
I took a huge dump in Monica Fox's incall!!!!...


Italia stabbed me in the leg with those 7" stripper shoes while she was riding me CG, cut the skin and bruised me.
I still love her!!!
A certain someone who's name will go unmentioned fell out of our sex swing in front of my client. That damn swing is going to be the death of us all! First it attacked Natalie and then someone fell out of it.
During my first visit with a particular lady, while in K9 position doing a little Italian I got this huge cramp in my hamstring (I had just started working out again). It hurt so bad I had to jump up and walk around to get it to stop! Talk about spoiling the moment!! LOL!

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