Whats there to do in Montgomery? What does a girl have to do to get a lap dance around here?

Hottassamelia's Avatar
So Ive never been here in Montgomery before and I'm a bit lost...
So very bored and nothing to do...wanted to see some tits and ass
but..oh no...cant find a strip club.
No Strip Clubs???
Where are all the strip clubs? I mean goodness.
What does a girl have to do to get a lap dance around here?
there is not much to do over there. i dont ever stay long enough there tho!
DallasRain's Avatar
not much to do there...not even any really good mall..lol

there is a Krispy Kreme{my weakness...lol}

try to have fun!
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
Hmmm, you might want to get together with another lady who's in town and put on your own show. Too bad Montgomery is so staid.

Hottassamelia's Avatar

oh well...JustaGuyinMS has a good point though..
damn shame ElegantBelinda is in Mobile tonight, I think I would have tons of fun playing strip club with her..

maybe my trip here will be short...
hehe, we WILL meet up soon dear!
44formore's Avatar
I'm here in Montgomery on business and feel your pain.... Hey... I just thought.... Can PM ya?
Hi 44. Glad to see you made it to Eccie. Amelia is a nice girl.

Amelia, he's a classy guy and a lot of fun. Loves to smile.

You 2 should get together.
Hottassamelia's Avatar
Well by all means,PM ME! In fact, skip that and just call...
Im about to pull out all of my curls Im so bored! heehee
Ur so cute. I hope you come to Bham. Hey, come tomorrow. Oh yeah! I'm gettin all excited... heehee!
Hey, you both disappeared. I'm gettin visuals. It's like free porn... *giggles*

Amelia, I'll give you a face dance girlie. Your face or mine? ROFLMAO.

Now EB, beside our differences I will tell you "that's one sexy ass avatar". I see you are coming to the Birm. I'm looking forward to that thingy you are gonna show me and thank you for cumming my way. Btw, I hear you are making quite the name for yourself in these parts. I'm looking forward to the new adventure stories. They are almost as good as the ones in Mississippi. Maybe you do have "balls of steal"? Look me up right before you leave town. I wanna hear the new stories. I'd say I enjoy the ones about me most but I'd be lying. The ones about you are much more entertaining. Too bad not everybody writes reviews. Maybe they will give you another chance. Who knows? See ya soon!
bluffcityguy's Avatar
I'm here in Montgomery on business and feel your pain.... Hey... I just thought.... Can PM ya? Originally Posted by 44formore
In my experience, a lady never objects to a respectful unsolicited PM from a gentleman interested in seeing her. I have certainly never gotten any backlash from any unsolicited PM that I've sent a lady who's caught my eye.

By interesting coincidence, I was discussing this with a visiting provider yesterday. One hint: don't send an unsolicited PM to the effect of "God, baby, you're hot! How long are you going to be in town, and how much will it cost me to have you staring at my hotel room ceiling for an hour?" Just be respectful and polite (you Southern guys always make such a big deal about how polite and chivalrous you are, so you should have that nailed) and demonstrate that you're interested in more than just getting your nut off, and you'll do just fine.


He's extremely sophisticated and classy bcg. Very much the debonair gentleman I would invite here *hint*. Watch him, he will never provider bash or get points cause he's too poised to indulge in the high school antics or archaic behavior that occasionally becomes the norm here. What can I say, I am decorating the place with my charming collectibles. Have you noticed I don't have to advertise here? I just point out the sexy professional ladies for my sweethearts so I know my friends are all safe and happy in these troubling times.
44formore, amelia, is definitely a sweetheart!
DallasRain's Avatar
ditto--Amelia & Belinda are HOT/HOT/HOT!!!!!!!