Global warming likely to cause colder and snowier winters, scientists say

SEE3772's Avatar
SEE3772's Avatar
Just stand down and shut the fuck up!
We run shit!
We're closing your coal plants!
Your going to pay more for energy!
You are going to go along with cape and trade and carbon taxes!
You will love UN Agenda 21!...

You know who you are....
Great all we need is another cold ass winter.
We have had relative mild Winters for the past few years in Houston, and this Summer was really pretty nice compared to many we have had in the past.

The chicken little crowd that worships at the alter of " climate change" are, in reality, simply looking for something to levy a tax against.
Squawk away chicken little's...
If its hot - its global warming
If its cold - its global warming
If we get lots of tornadoes and hurricanes - its global warming
If we get few tornadoes and hurricanes - its global warming
If glaciers melt - its global warming
If glaciers increase in size - its global warming

Gotta love liberals - no rationality, no logic, no problem.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
If its hot - its global warming
If its cold - its global warming
If we get lots of tornadoes and hurricanes - its global warming
If we get few tornadoes and hurricanes - its global warming
If glaciers melt - its global warming
If glaciers increase in size - its global warming

Gotta love liberals - no rationality, no logic, no problem. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Damn straight!!!
If the computer model that predicted disaster is wrong, tweak the model until it predicts more disaster.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You forgot to add, if nothing is's global warming!
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I own stock in some natural gas companies and pipeline companies that pass gas to the northeast. I am hoping for a long cold winter with lots of snow for that part of the nation.
I own stock in some natural gas companies and pipeline companies that pass gas to the northeast. I am hoping for a long cold winter with lots of snow for that part of the nation. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Like Houston?
Ducbutter's Avatar Originally Posted by SEE3772
Actually, it is true up to a point, though it seems rather counterintuitive.
It is the oceans that moderate temps on the planet. When oceans are warm the planet is warm. When oceans are warm they put more water vapor (the biggest greenhouse gas there is) into the atmosphere. More moisture in the atmosphere means more snow. That's the nutshell version anyway.
Ducbutter's Avatar
I own stock in some natural gas companies and pipeline companies that pass gas to the northeast. I am hoping for a long cold winter with lots of snow for that part of the nation. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Rest easy 2Dogs. About 2/3 of the US is forecast to have a cold and snowy winter. The west coast drought will continue with less than normal precip. levels. The Midwest back into the northeast and extending into the southern states should see snowfall in excess of 30% above yearly averages.
If you watch the last video of the OP's post, you will SEE...

Record-Shattering Snow This Winter? Take It With a Grain of Rock SaltEXPAND

We're going to have the snowiest winter in recorded history this year! If you believe this, chances are you recently read a terrible knockoff of The Onion. The junk site in question wrote about predictions of "record-shattering snowfall" this winter, and it's a bunch of malarkey.

The article is called "Meteorologists Predict Record-Shattering Snowfall Coming Soon," and it goes on to quote a "doctor of global weather sciences" and "senior administrator of meteorologists" as predicting "a massive cold-front sooner in the year than has ever happened, which will produce not just record-breaking snowfall [...], but record shattering snow storms across the board, affecting the entire United States."

Whoa, that's terrifying! And it's also a load of sleet.

The article talking about the "record-shattering snowfall" is just a bad hoax written by a bad hoax website that masquerades as a bad satire website. The site in question is called Empire News, and as Gawker's resident debunker Hudson Hongo over at Antiviral constantly has to reiterate, it's a satire site that's low on satire and excels in writing hoax articles in order to generate viral clicks on social media.

On Saturday, Empire News also published a slightly-closer-to-satire article titled "Funnel Cake Stand Survives Category F4 Tornado," which documents the peril that Meemaw Jane's Funnel Cakes faced in a Nebraska town ravaged by a tornado a few months ago.

Not only is there no such thing as the two job titles referenced in the article, but there is no scientific skill in predicting record-breaking snowfall across any region — let alone the entire country — this far in advance. Heck, we often have trouble pinning-down snowfall accumulations while the storm is happening. This is why many meteorologists and weather bloggers (myself included) are cautioning folks against taking The Farmer's Almanac's predictions of a very snowy winter for more than entertainment value.

This Slow Loris Could Predict the Weather Better Than Farmer's Almanac
People are wildly sharing the news that the Farmer's Almanac is predicting a brutally cold and …
Read more
Jason Samenow of the Capital Weather Gang wrote an article at the end of last month discussing winter weather forecasts issued this far in advance.

Because so much in the atmosphere can change between the summer and late fall, we don't think issuing public-facing winter forecasts in the summer (or earlier) is a good idea.

"It's equivalent to last year predicting the Skins would get into the playoffs based on their preseason record without having seen an injured [Robert] Griffin play," says Wes Junker, our winter weather expert. "The forecasts are entertaining and could be right but they also have just as much chance of being wrong."
Here's some advice for the snow weary and lovers alike: don't worry about this winter! What could we possibly do with that information right now other than prepare to listen to people complain about their lumbago? Municipalities and businesses that have to prepare for winter weather should prepare for the worst no matter what; when they don't, they run out of salt in December and officials complain about it for the rest of the season. Much like a horoscope, winter weather forecasts this far in advance are fun to talk about but serve no real purpose.

It's a terrible thing for a weather writer to tell his audience, but whatever happens, happens. We'll deal with the snows of winter when we get there. Enjoy fall in the meantime, and take the extra click before sharing something that sounds too big to be true.
But, I do think it's going to be a cold winter.
Ducbutter's Avatar
The forecast I gave you comes from Joe Bastardi (what an unfortunate surname) who is the best long term forecaster in the business by my reckoning. The fact that The Farmer's Almanac agrees with him doesn't concern me. No one, including Bastardi, can give exacting detail about long range forecasts but he and others are able to predict general hurricane activity months in advance. Bastardi called for a very quiet hurricane season(back in April I think) in the atlantic while many others were saying the opposite. And don't think for a second that he's an AGW alarmist. Nothing could be further from the truth.