There isn't a day that goes by that I don't thank God

The shit I see every day makes me damn glad that Repubs are generally less intelligent than normal folks.
That's what saved our country's ass.
We're ready for them this time. We've taken care of Trump this time.
... Too right, mate... I surely agree.

People love paying more money $$$$ for petrol-gas, and
paying more for food and housing.

And the fact their taxes will be going up!
With MORE of those IRS agents to see that they pay...

... And as far as "taking care of Trump" - a nice job there.
His popularity has INCREASED since the Raid - though it was high already.
And Trump's endorsed candidates are all Winning primarys!

If YOU had anything to do with all the success that America
is seeing right now - lemme be the first to thank you! ...

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Trump will die in prison.
ICU 812's Avatar
What I am seeing on this forum, from 2015 through the present anyway, is that conservative positions are largely presented as well thought out positions, while the liberal response is often limited to name calling. Some clever composite word ending in "-tard" doesn't convince me or anyone else that I am wrong.

The issues of open borders, weak foreign policy, energy issues and inflation don't get resolved by denigrating those who disagree with you.

We are beginning to see some eye-opening on the part of a few traditional liberals such as Bill Mahar who are still hold the same lioberal views they have had for decades. Now though, they are finding that the progressive-left ineffectively opposed to free speech and explicitly endorsing censorship!

In a parallel situation, the mayors of New York and DC, cities widely proclaimed to be "Amnesty Cities". These mayors are now complaining about a new influx of illegal aliens in their jurisdictions.

Now then, will someone on this forum explain why I am wrong without impuning my intellect or parentage?

Yssup Rider's Avatar
What I am seeing on this forum, from 2015 through the present anyway, is that conservative positions are largely presented as well thought out positions Originally Posted by ICU 812
Lol. Silliest shit you’ve written, and that’s saying something. There was no need for me to read beyond that sentence to understand your level of delusion. At least that first sentence was entertaining. Good job.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
one of the problem is the way people take stances or positions and they want to make a good impression to get elected.

theres a group of people share a similar position, but split to an alternate opposite position. for example, pro gun vs. anti-gun. sometimes these positions flip depending on who's running. lack of honesty all round.
  • Tiny
  • 08-15-2022, 10:27 AM

Individuals who identify as Republican have greater probability knowledge

Individuals who identify as Republican have higher verbal reasoning ability

Individuals who identify as Republican have better question comprehension

Cognitive ability’s effect on party identity works through socio-economic position
  • Tiny
  • 08-15-2022, 12:09 PM

I would disagree Tiny. We can all find some unsubstantiated studies. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
I don't think we necessarily disagree Blackman. I was trying to reply to VerySkeptical's statement, "The shit I see every day makes me damn glad that Repubs are generally less intelligent than normal folks." He seems to imply that Republicans are "generally" mentally handicapped.

I'm too cheap and lazy to buy and read the paper I linked to. But, from the abstract, the fact that the differences were only 1 to 4 IQ points would indicate there's really not much difference, for your average Republican vs. your average Democrat. There are a lot of very smart Republicans and very smart Democrats.

However, the one thing from the abstract I strongly agree with is that the smartest SOB's out there are the classically liberal Republicans. Admittedly though, that might be because I'm a classically liberal Republican.
  • Tiny
  • 08-15-2022, 12:35 PM
What I am seeing on this forum, from 2015 through the present anyway, is that conservative positions are largely presented as well thought out positions, while the liberal response is often limited to name calling. Some clever composite word ending in "-tard" doesn't convince me or anyone else that I am wrong. Originally Posted by ICU 812
I think part of the reason is because you've got some smart people from the left who post here, but they're usually inclined to post one liners instead of well developed positions. Reddog is an exception. You also see occasional flashes of brilliance from Blackman and Yssup, and once in a while WTF when he sits down long enough to think things out. Those are just examples.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
The problem with left wingers/liberals/democrats is they base everything on emotion, not logic and reasoning. It is, frankly, a childish way of finding solutions to problems and why so many young people are liberal.
The events at the capitol on Jan 6 were certainly unemotional and founded in good logic and reasoning.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The events at the capitol on Jan 6 were certainly unemotional and founded in good logic and reasoning. Originally Posted by reddog1951
You know that’s right.
I don't think we necessarily disagree Blackman. I was trying to reply to VerySkeptical's statement, "The shit I see every day makes me damn glad that Repubs are generally less intelligent than normal folks." He seems to imply that Republicans are "generally" mentally handicapped.

I'm too cheap and lazy to buy and read the paper I linked to. But, from the abstract, the fact that the differences were only 1 to 4 IQ points would indicate there's really not much difference, for your average Republican vs. your average Democrat. There are a lot of very smart Republicans and very smart Democrats.

However, the one thing from the abstract I strongly agree with is that the smartest SOB's out there are the classically liberal Republicans. Admittedly though, that might be because I'm a classically liberal Republican. Originally Posted by Tiny

Well then maybe you should run for president because the Democrat that occupies the Oval Office right now is no flaming wit.