Post a little

A few years ago this little section of Eccie seemed to have many more active posters in it, hobbyist and providers. We had a good time and always seemed to have some lively banter going on. At this point other than a few reviews, an occasional alert or ISO we don't get much going on.
We also don't get near the traveling girls we used to, and I believe part of this is due to a dead board. I think when it looked like we had a lot of activity we attracted more visitors.
If you're on this site, and you benefit from any of the info that is here then you should make an attempt to participate in any discussions that are happening, or start one of your own.
It doesn't have to be an important post with any real profound info or wisdom, just something to talk about.
I more naughtiness!!! lol Or stuff in general peeps
biggtexxx's Avatar
Comments devoid of wisdom are my specialty!! I'll keep that in mind and try to post more. Good point, Smith.
I tend to post more on the national forums because I like to be ignored by a bigger audience.

While a livelier local forum would be nice, I doubt it will have an effect on visiting providers. Visiting providers need to make enough to cover expenses (including appointments lost during travel) and go home with some cash. They can break even at home without the hassle of travel.

Changing our reputation as cheapasses, NCNSers, and last-minute cancelers will do more to help than local discussions. In terms of the last two, ladies, pay attention to who pre-books and who is first to make an appointment. While eagerness is great, if it's someone without reviews or references, don't put too much stock in it.
I tend to post more on the national forums because I like to be ignored by a bigger audience.

While a livelier local forum would be nice, I doubt it will have an effect on visiting providers. Visiting providers need to make enough to cover expenses (including appointments lost during travel) and go home with some cash. They can break even at home without the hassle of travel.

Changing our reputation as cheapasses, NCNSers, and last-minute cancelers will do more to help than local discussions. In terms of the last two, ladies, pay attention to who pre-books and who is first to make an appointment. While eagerness is great, if it's someone without reviews or references, don't put too much stock in it. Originally Posted by emptywallet
All good points, thanks for posting.
rjdiner's Avatar
Well, I'll try to pick up the pace a little.
I was just looking at Elgato's post for the south Texas roll call. It kind of makes my point about all of the inactivity. We have 76 posts on it, which is a good number, but we have over 2500 views. That means a lot of people have looked at this and not said hello. Thanks to all those that do participate . I'm here to have fun, as are most of you. Tell a joke, or make fun of That Guy.
I love naughty and flirty post Well...I like my men that way too!
Hey Delayah, how about naughty and tied to a post?? Makes a pretty picture in my mind......
If you're the one tied to it Paints a VERY fun picture in my head
Well been handcuffed to a bed before and teased and pleased, so I am down for it.
single1's Avatar
As many of you know, I left Eccie for a few months but now I'm looking to participate again so you should be reading more of my adventures. Just as long as people are civil and it doesn't get out of hand, I'm cool.
Welcome back
single1's Avatar
Thanks bro. I need to make a trip out there and meet some of you guys. I know you guys met my boy Redd19, so now I'm looking to make the trip out to CC too.
jughead1171's Avatar
Mr Smith, I don't know if it will help on the visiting talent but a more active board should help with the interest and getting to know others on the board.