Did anyone notice one million radical, progressive, socialist, American hating, Islamists in Washington DC this last weekend?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
On the anniversary of the Million Man March (which only had 400,000 people in 1995) over a million people showed up this time. What did they want? They said what they want. They want the United States to fall. They want Jews to die...and white people too. They identify with ISIS and Palestinians. 20 years ago they couldn't get this many people, now they can. What does that tell you about the state of affairs?



Justice or Else.....or else what?
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The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
SPAM Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Asshole licker, when Israel is destroyed by the actions of your beloved Muslim president, what will be your reaction?

will you say "well he got the job done that Hitler started?"

will you say it "was a tragic accident that couldn't be avoided?"

will you say "it's the fault of republicans who shouldn't have voted for Obama's shit Iranian deal?"

who will you blame it on? yourself? Obama? who??

how, as the chosen one heeb you claim to be, can you sleep at night while this man shits in the white house and destroys your heritage? how?
Asshole licker, when Israel is destroyed by the actions of your beloved Muslim president, what will be your reaction?

will you say "well he got the job done that Hitler started?"

will you say it "was a tragic accident that couldn't be avoided?"

will you say "it's the fault of republicans who shouldn't have voted for Obama's shit Iranian deal?"

who will you blame it on? yourself? Obama? who??

how, as the chosen one heeb you claim to be, can you sleep at night while this man shits in the white house and destroys your heritage? how? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

More spam from the WK Keep on spamming whackoff.
Asshole licker, when Israel is destroyed by the actions of your beloved Muslim president, what will be your reaction?

will you say "well he got the job done that Hitler started?"

will you say it "was a tragic accident that couldn't be avoided?"

will you say "it's the fault of republicans who shouldn't have voted for Obama's shit Iranian deal?"

who will you blame it on? yourself? Obama? who??

how, as the chosen one heeb you claim to be, can you sleep at night while this man shits in the white house and destroys your heritage? how? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
How can you sleep at night with the thinly-veiled racist tendencies you possess? My guess is quite well, because you're a delusional fucktard.
  • DSK
  • 10-14-2015, 08:24 AM
How can you sleep at night with the thinly-veiled racist tendencies you possess? My guess is quite well, because you're a delusional fucktard. Originally Posted by WombRaider
The Muslims do not like Mexicans either, mi amigo. Plus, many a Mexican that I have known hates other races. Finally, WTF instructs us that everyone is at least a little bit racist, and in the tradition of cherry picking what I want to hear, I accept his thesis.

In the final tradition I wish to continue, you are a freelance faggot from Arkansas.
The Muslims do not like Mexicans either, mi amigo. Plus, many a Mexican that I have known hates other races. Finally, WTF instructs us that everyone is at least a little bit racist, and in the tradition of cherry picking what I want to hear, I accept his thesis.

In the final tradition I wish to continue, you are a freelance faggot from Arkansas. Originally Posted by DSK
White devil, white devil
White devil, white devil Originally Posted by WombRaider
Puta maricon EUNUCH, puta maricon EUNUCH !
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I can see a time in the near future where Islam turns on the Catholic Hispanic (which will be the majority population in the US) and all hell breaks loose. The Catholics of the world declare war on Islam using the fading power of the United States. Ask me later how it turns out.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
More spam from the WK Keep on spamming whackoff. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
How can you sleep at night with the thinly-veiled racist tendencies you possess? My guess is quite well, because you're a delusional fucktard. Originally Posted by WombRaider
are either of you turds Jewish turds? let the Jewish turd answer. neither of you idiots have any foreskin in this game

it's a very sleek look. you'll like it.
are either of you turds Jewish turds? let the Jewish turd answer. neither of you idiots have any foreskin in this game

it's a very sleek look. you'll like it. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
woomby the EUNUCH can't afford any more " loss of equipment and most Doctor's won't want to look through a microscope to perform the surgery on his microscopic " pee stem " anyway.
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