Holy jack and jane o'lanterns!

ck1942's Avatar
Outstanding and creative costumes! Even some of the jacks!

Very even split genderwise and our space was overflowing. I know the afterpart will be special too. Many new faces!

Per the usual rule only those attending may disclose their own attendance ut no one else's.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Sorry I missed it.
ck1942's Avatar
Perhaps you can come to San Antonio's little shindig.
Had a blast as always! It was great to see some fresh blood. As always very friendly and a great crowd!
Skarla's Avatar
Great time, loved the costumes as well!
Waleli's Avatar
Was the venue OK? Food? Drinks?

Great Venue! Good Food! Snow Goddesses french fries smelled wonderful, maybe next time I will order some myself. My strawberry lemonade was delicious.

Were the guests all friendly?

Everybody was friendly and respectful and the conversation was interesting.

Anything we need to work on to improve?

I cannot think of anything that could make it better, unless it would be to have it in a private home somewhere so we can all lounge around on the floor and massage each other's feet in a big puppy pile.

Most important:

Will you come to future events???

I hope to keep coming back as long as I am still alive, free, single, and able.

Thinking about a November South Austin event. Any interest?

Things get a little hectic during the holidays for me, less free time and less money.
After the holidays would work better for me.

Take care out there!

Thank you for all you do...
quzi's Avatar
  • quzi
  • 10-20-2016, 08:25 PM
Fun times! For those that made the effort, the costumes were awesome!