Last Week Tonight Sex work segment

John Oliver put in his take on the sex work industry and how it should be decriminalized. Would be nice if this were to start a National discussion but we know it won’t!
ben dover's Avatar
Very good video! Thanks for posting!
Thank you for posting. I am all on favor of decriminalization, but not legalization.

Nevada is a perfect example of what will happen with legalization.

HOWEVER, it would be really cool to see the media circus around legalization of prostitution.
ICU 812's Avatar
We now have the most liberal/socialist administrstions ever,

This should be a Democratic Par4ty convention platform issue.

Where does AOC stand on decriminalizing prostitution?

What about Illan Omar and the rest of "The squad"?

Kamala Harris? Nancy Pelosi? Sheikla Jackson?

Where is Beto O'Rourke on this?
trey32's Avatar
In the military mayny years ago I was stationed in Berlin. Prostitution wasn't illegal, just tolerated. The main street was the Kudamm. At night there were some of the most beautiful street walkers I have ever seen. There were no pimps and no crimes. In my time there, I wasn't aware of any sex crimes committed by military personnel. The SW's were smart, beautiful, and I never saw any addicts.
I want to watch the rest of that original opening video!
VeronicaTurbay's Avatar
its refreshing to see decriminalization mentioned in the media. Love that segment!