Georgia RICO Charges

... G'day - all you lads seeking Truth and Honesty,

... I'm sure you'll stand WITH me with these
Georgia RICO charges that the Georgia AG is bringing.

Now other states might just do the same!

... Hmmmm... Even got Government Officials who
supported the nefarious deeds.

... INDICT THEM ALL! - That's what I say!

#### Salty
winn dixie's Avatar
Huge nothing burger. They have the right to assemble. Very irresponsible for gop georgia members to try this facade
... But they don't have the right to co-ordinate in-advance
damage and destruction... And co-ordinating to do it
in other states. .... Government Officials even encouraged it
and led efforts to bail the criminals out of jail.

As I mentioned - other states are also looking to bring
RICO charges against BLM and ANTIFA Leaders.

#### Salty
ICU 812's Avatar
There may be something to the charges . . .It is complex and I certainly dont know.

However, I am concerned that the act5 of challenging an election result can be criminalized as a conspiracy to commit a crime, and then charged as 'racketeering". This weakens several provisions of The First Amendment in my book. The left is calling this insurrection and treason.

Think of the Bush/Gore campaign for instance. Under this political climate, the Gore campaigned would have been charged sa a group for all their insistancve on the Broward County re-count and then wanting to re-count the entire state of Florida.
ManSlut's Avatar
^^^Oh puhleeze, now you’re trying to stretch a far fetched idea of one scenario of wanting a recount to being equivalent to one of organized election fraud of requests to “find votes” after 2 recounts had already been done, illegal organized voting machine tampering/accessing, illegally organized Electorate Voters in 7 of the closely contested States the head organizer lost in.

The nut jobs in this forum will keep spinning shit how OrangeMan is the victim and not the perpetrator of fraud and the Trumpers keep sucking his Little Johnson and begging for the Big Finish.
DNinja69's Avatar
Trump had the Justice Dept and resources well beyond what most any other man on the planet could dream up with 3 wishes and was unable to find 1 actionable case proving any real voter fraud or tampering.

There have already been more convictions stemming from the Trump effort to 'steal it back' than there were against the other side. For me what we can take from all this is that a lot of people are looking to nudge the vote any way they can. Trump just sucks at it.
Oh come on salty thread starter extraordinaire. Shirley you know by know that Biden has weaponized all federal state and local law enforcement...except maybe paxton lol

Even the dumbest of dumb kangaroos knows that matty
biomed1's Avatar
Of Guideline # 4 . . .
#4 - Blatant insults or hostility toward another member will be met with staff intervention. This applies to using our coed forums for name calling, personal attacks, or vulgar slang terms to describe fellow members. If you have legitimate concerns about another member here, share them tactfully in the appropriate private forums or with staff.
... This thread concerns the Georgia AG bringing charges
against those who attacked the Public Safety Training Centre.
Damaging police cars and setting fires.

This thread is not about voter fraud or Donald Trump.

You fellows got anything to add to the thread topic??

#### Salty
Precious_b's Avatar
... G'day - all you lads seeking Truth and Honesty,


... INDICT THEM ALL! - That's what I say!

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Hear! Hear!

They already are indicted.
This is the last Hail Mary they have since pissing away all those other dozens of court cases where they were too scared to say "Fraud" in the courtroom unlike they did out in public.

Come on salty, what do your insiders say the defense will present in front of the judge? This is there last chance.
... In THIS case - those who organised the "protests"
at The Safety Training Centre will be facing charges.

... Me political "insiders" surely believe that
"out of towne" members of Antifa and BLM may be
the ones who did the damage.

... I am unsure of that me-self, but we'll all
just have to wait and see.

#### Salty
ICU 812's Avatar
The talking heads chatter away with guest "experts" and all . . . .

One thing that I maaged to sift out of all that noise yesterday is that, n at least one court case agaiunst Proud Boys, evidense was introduced where the defendants were complaining to each other that they had assumed that President Trump would declare them to be a malitia and givr them orders . . .but he did not.

Looks like they were colluding with each other, but not with the White House.

This information is not from some sociasl medis outylet. It is a matter on public record in sworn testimony and vetted exhibits of e-mails and text messages.
Pretty sure she knows what type of charges and the overall indictment covers.

Challenging the election results is not a crime. There is a legal process for doing so. Trump is accused of using illegal methods to try and overturn the results. The scope, the actions, and all the different people involved in the conspiracy is what makes it a RICO violation (I believe).

Bush/Gore used legal means to challenge the results. The route went through the Supreme court. They decided the process. It wasn't a bunch of crazies using their own version of how the election would be decided.

Plus, nice walk back on the topic. To me, it looks like you tried to switch topics mid thread. You didn't establish what the topic was until well into the thread.
... G'day - all you lads seeking Truth and Honesty,

... I'm sure you'll stand WITH me with these
Georgia RICO charges that the Georgia AG is bringing.

Now other states might just do the same!

... Hmmmm... Even got Government Officials who
supported the nefarious deeds.

... INDICT THEM ALL! - That's what I say!

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
... There's me FIRST post - I'M THE O.P.

Fani Willis is NOT the Georgia AG.

... IF you're well-read on what's going on
at the time I started the thread - you'd have
a rather good idea where me thought process
was going... Being a Trump supporter and what-not.

... Reckon the last advice that I might need
is a lecture on WHAT me-own thread should
be about.

... Not sure WHY lads even bother to post in
a thread when they don't fancy the thread topic.

... IF you don't fancy it - start a thread of yer-own.

### Salty
The President and his sycophants don't have the right to coordinate in advance to
damage and destroy our democratic principles by try to overthrow an election he lost ... And coordinating to do it in other states. .... republican in congress and state Governments
even encouraged it
and led efforts to push the big lie that there was a stolen election and that there was massive voting fraud.

Though it’s not been mentioned - other states are also looking to bring
charges against fake electors and those that attempted to conspire to overturn a fair election because they didn’t like the result.

... In THIS case - those who organized the fake elector and other plots will be facing charges.

... Me political "insiders" surely believe that
"Lying and scheming Trumpy" members of the Republican Party ARE
the ones who did the damage.

... I am positively sure of that me-self, and we'll all
just have to wait and see how the trials go.

#### UNSalty