Fuckin Charlotte

bambino's Avatar
Looks like our resident go to HO stole a pic from our other resident go to HO, Angela Blu!

Fuckin Charlotte
  • BSer
  • 08-21-2014, 09:37 AM
Link please
TheeCharlieGirl's Avatar
They're friends. Or they were.
  • BSer
  • 08-21-2014, 10:10 AM
Where is said pic?
Fuckin Bambino
bambino's Avatar
Look on Backpage today. Forgot to post link. She fuckin Stole Blus pic.
Big Stig's Avatar
Look on Backpage today. Forgot to post link. She fuckin Stole Blus pic. Originally Posted by bambino
What the fuck Bam? Do you expect her to post her real pictures? C'mon man!
eaglehorse's Avatar
A Hog riding a Hog! Is CC hanging out at the Westmoreland county fair? Slopping with the hogs, grazing with the cows, eating ear corn with the Horses.
Silver still has issues,
BluMax's Avatar
Look on Backpage today. Forgot to post link. She fuckin Stole Blus pic. Originally Posted by bambino
I am the only true Blu although she probably has me by 30 years or so.
And what is wrong with Backpage? I have met some of my best clients through Backpage.

Besides if you didn't use it then how would you know that Charlotte and I were posting there in first place?
Who fucking gives a shit anyway? Seriously ? Except the bitter , resentful , hate breeding momma boys such as yourselves ?
When the three of you can dress yourselves without poking one anothers eyes out. We may find a reason to give your posts some sort of validity. I guess in this case i did .

This unnessary blasting of me and others of whom I'm sure you have butted heads with. Is just uncalled for. You find no resolve in badgering us privately so you run to the first bitch board that will listen , and trash us publicly, because BABY didn't get his way...... well boo fucking hoo!!! . Let's address the issue straight on shall we! This isnt about Backpage! This is Fucking Personal ! Anyone with a IQ over 40 can see that!

In case you didn't get the news flash ! Fucking N0 ONE cares about this dumb shit anyway! ...... Except ! The little whiny ass bitch boys and girls who are always complaining about the stupidest shit anyway! The only reason I'm responding now is because of the wide spread panic you three inject into the masses.
What the masses fail to realize is that everything on this board and other boards alike . Is that it's all just a bunch of PIMP propaganda at the end of the day . If you don't suck up to the board administrators and the posting big shots and their little friends and other kiss asses . You will be lucky if one will piss on you if you're on fire in the middle of the street! But they'll badger the hell out of you publicly until you finally just say " Enough is Enough ! " ...and speak up or commit suicide like one poor girl did..

And please don't give us some song and dance about how you are just looking out for the community !
That tired , redundant , & good natured community servants bit is pretty transparent , and wearing paper thin , and it's just plain obvious that's it's a bunch of Bullshit ! Your lack of intent and desire to stir about anything that is positive , good , or uplifting has become predictable, if not expected . Which unfortunately bares a reflection of weak character and nature with in this boards administrative staff. I do not understand why they continue to allow these social terrorists to carry on in the manner in which they do . Even freedom of speech has limitations, especially if it is harmful , threatening, or just a big fat lie! I think the lines have definitely been crossed and the lack of supervision in these instants is pathetic.

i'm fucking done .........i can't believe i wasted this much time deliberating a issue that should be crystal clear to those of whom frequent this board and can read between the lines. Perhaps my faith in humanity has impaired my sight.

i will be amazed if this even gets posted
kngslmn's Avatar
nice rant??? starts out with whats wrong with backpage, i had to reread the thread, didnt see where anyone mentioned anything being wrong with backpage, i just read it as an informative post stating for guys that the ad had fake pics, nothing more to it than that
chizzy's Avatar
alot of us do care if someone is posting pics that arent hers.............. isnt that called bait and switch?

as for backpage, it is what it is and I find nothing wrong with it, other than fake pics, which is what the poster is saying
  • BSer
  • 09-02-2014, 09:18 AM
I'm so lost was Ms Blu's post in the wrong thread?
AmishGangster's Avatar
If nobody takes anything seriously how can widespread panic ensue? And does widespread panic occur when Charlotte posts a fake pic? A day without a fake pic from Charlotte is like a day without sunshine
TheeCharlieGirl's Avatar
If nobody takes anything seriously how can widespread panic ensue? Originally Posted by amishgangster
My thoughts exactly.

No offense Angela, It's a sad day in the community when a provider, that was as respected as you once were, loses her shit over some dumb BS. Don't you know they're fishing for crazy and now just you got caught on their line?.
I understand CC is your buddy and all but IMHO your post makes you look kinda like an unhinged cray cray person. I mean you post on your website that you will no longer be giving references due to a stalker that supposedly shows up everywhere you are but then you go bat shit crazy on a public forum that ANYONE can read, registered or not,, about bashing that's not even occurring? Seems like a contradiction. Especially when you turn around and are the one bashing and making personal attacks.

Now back to the topic at hand, why was CC using your pics, is all the gentlemen were wondering? Seems like a logical question, no? It doesn't have to turn into a debacle, just clear up the bullshit and everyone will move on. Geez.!!!