Bill O'Reilly, not the sharpest knife in the drawer

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
BO interviewed Donald Trump tonight and he could not wrap his minds around some things. Trump talked about the Libyan oil fields (as well as the ISIS oil fields) and said that we have to take them and hold them in order to hurt the radicals. Trump did not want to go into details because you don't tell our enemies how or when we're coming but O'Reilly kept asking. Finally O'Reilly made his own assumption that we would have to commit troops to the operation to which Trump said that EXXON, GULF, and BP would have a big say in how to run such an operation both before and after. O'Reilly persisted about the troops because he could not get outside the box. Even O'Reilly admitted that the ISIS fighters were only about 6,000 strong but BO come not come up with answer; mercenaries, very professonal, highly paid mercenies employed by the oil companies backed up by American air and naval power with American intelligence gathering capabilites.

Something else that Trump did say that went right over BO's head. Trump said that the US owes China $1.7 trillion and that gives US a lot of power over China. I remember the same thing being said about Trump back in the 1980s. If a bank loans you a fraction of their worth then they control you. If you owe enough money to a bank that you walking away (or declaring bankruptcy) would make them insolvent, then you own the bank. They can't forclose. They can only wait until you decide to pay them off.

Sounds like Trump foreign policy is going to be more like Reagan foreign policy than either Bush or Obama.
Sounds like you like the Trump tea JD.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Sounds like Trump is going to continue the Bush and Obama policies of fighting wars for the big oil companies. And you think things will be different. Wake up, JD!
LexusLover's Avatar
Sounds like Trump is going to continue the Bush and Obama policies of fighting wars for the big oil companies. And you think things will be different. Wake up, JD! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Not really ... "the People" guzzle the oil....

Not really ... "the People" guzzle the oil....

Originally Posted by LexusLover
Sort of like all of the people screaming about lost jobs in the US While standing in the checkout line at WalMart.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
If I even hear his voice, I change the station or channel. He is a piece of shit and should move out of the country with the rest of the "celebs".
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Wasting my time talking to the peanuts.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You're wasting your time defending Republicans, JD.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
What week was it that Trump became a Republican?

Bill O is still a piece of worthless shit, not even a worthy dingleberry hanging from a piece of stray toilet paper from a hariy mother fuckers ass.

Trump, as a "businessman", probably was able to throw his weight around to make the best deal possible for himself, but to believe that that will translate into an effective means of doing things as the president of this nation is a stretch that will fall extremely short.

There is one thing that I do applaud Trump for in his "foreign policy" and that is telling the nations that we protect to pay for that cost. Not an unreasonable request. I wonder what will happen to Germany if we were to pull out of there and left them to the Islamic hordes they have invited to provide cheap labor for their economic engine.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You're wasting your time defending Republicans, JD. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
How exactly did I defend any republican? Are you hallucinating?
lustylad's Avatar
Something else that Trump did say that went right over BO's head. Trump said that the US owes China $1.7 trillion and that gives US a lot of power over China. I remember the same thing being said about Trump back in the 1980s. If a bank loans you a fraction of their worth then they control you. If you owe enough money to a bank that you walking away (or declaring bankruptcy) would make them insolvent, then you own the bank. They can't foreclose. They can only wait until you decide to pay them off. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
It went over my head, too. Maybe you can explain it to me. China holds US Treasury notes and bonds in its international monetary reserves (along with Euros, yen, gold, etc.). It can sell these obligations for cash anytime it wants to. Then the same debt will be held by someone else. So what? China is a sovereign nation, not a bank. How does the fact that they hold a chunk of our debt give US any leverage over THEM? How exactly does that work?
  • DSK
  • 04-30-2016, 07:25 AM
It went over my head, too. Maybe you can explain it to me. China holds US Treasury notes and bonds in its international monetary reserves (along with Euros, yen, gold, etc.). It can sell these obligations for cash anytime it wants to. Then the same debt will be held by someone else. So what? China is a sovereign nation, not a bank. How does the fact that they hold a chunk of our debt give US any leverage over THEM? How exactly does that work? Originally Posted by lustylad
They can't force us to do anything with it except to accept our money as payment. Our debt profligacy making those dollars less valuable hurts them.

The fact that everyone else except the Swiss are loose spenders makes us the lesser of many evils when it comes to holding foreign currencies.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
How's Trump doing in Atlantic City?
  • DSK
  • 04-30-2016, 09:03 AM
How's Trump doing in Atlantic City? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
He already sold that shit. He knows a losing hand when he sees it.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Okay, these goes back to the 80s. Trump explained to interviewers that when you owe a lot to someone or a bank, you own them. Let us say a smallish bank (which you picked on purpose for that reason) has assets of $200 million. Those assets include all of the outstanding loans. So you borrow $100,000 which is .05 percent of their total assets. You get in arrears and they put pressure on you to pay. You mention declaring bankruptcy and they laugh in your silly face. They can call out the lawyers on you and the revelation that .05 percent is in the air means nothing to the public or the stock holders. However, if you borrow $100 million dollars from that same bank and you threaten to go public with talk of bankruptcy....well half your assets are in danger of disappearing entirely or to be greatly reduced to say...10 cents on the dollar. That scares the crap out of the bank owners if it happens and it scares the crap out of the stock holders if it is possible. Regulators will be taking note. So, as a responsible bank owner you are going to tread much more lightly if you have a huge outstanding loan.

Same thing with China, yes, China could demand the money or sell the debt (which might be their best course of action) to other countries or banks. If the US floated the idea that the US may default on their debt to China only then the value of that debt if you want to sell it is greatly reduced. If China holds the debt then they could lose a large part of their economic might if the bottom falls out. Who's going to pay for those islands and that blue water navy? Of course, the US will be hurt by such an action but you could also collapse China's economy which is on uneasy footing already.

Do I have to explain how 500 professional soldiers equipped with the latest gear and backed up by US intelligence could rip a new asshole for ISIS? If those Blackwater guys ever got in trouble then the US could go in with special ops assets to rescue those poor "oil workers".