Phone number

Is is dangerous if I only use 1 phone number for my normal life and hobby?
I use a hobby phone, however I am not very technology savy and that worries me.

A couple of times a year providers send me photos and I worry one of those photos may have malware. With a burner phone I can easily toss if something were to happen. With my personal phone that can create a lot of complications.

If you have an SO, you definitely need a hobby phone.

When I started in the hobby a wise old man told me: "Keep your hobby life separate from your private life."
VitaMan's Avatar
Hobby life should be completely disposable.
MILF_77584's Avatar
Who really cares! It’s your life, most of my clients know me from tgi Friday’s bartending, had the same number for 8yrs. I’m okay with being who I am and if anyone judges, that’s them.