We were warned!

Published on Oct 19, 2013
No wonder young Americans are leaving the Democrat Party and its failed socialist Policy. Why would americans elect the very same Liberal Democrats and Socialist Democrat party into office that caused this financial crisis? Democrats in the media have the nasty habit of name-calling and blaming republicans and conservative for the very things they (Democrats) are responsible for. Progressives are actually regressive economically. The reason the liberal media, socialists in governement, and Barack Obama himself attacks the Tea Party and publicly bullies Tea Party Conservatives of all ethnic backgrounds is because the Tea Party is the ONLY Group that is exposing the truth about Obama and his radical agenda to subvert America into Socialism and a Statist to help the average American to unite and stand against it. Democrat leadership prey of the ignorant, the clueless, the unaware, the lazy, the entertainment-addicted and the drug-addicted to order to us them as their voter base. Obama called them his persuadables. But now young Americans are abandoning the Democrat Party of Liars, exaggerators, and media manipulators.

SNL is worthless and not funny. They are owned and operated by socialist and russian pay-masters to invent any and ever sort of ignorant media designed to stimulate apathy in the hearts and minds for lazy and uneducated entertainment addicted Americans to make light of the important issues through mindless character-assassinations and yellow journalism. MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, the POLITICO, and the NEW YORK TIMES are the poster-child for incompetent American journalism in America.

The only constitutional rights and public policies that Democrats will ultimately defend are the ones that guarantee the destruction of our nations families, awareness, security, and economy until the vast majority of Americans continually elect dictators and slave-masters until America is a nanny state controlled by a powerful communist few. Ever since JFK's assassination by the communist Lee Harvey Oswald, the Democrat Party has been slowly taken over by socialist progressives and communist factions who have had DIRECT involvement in collapsing our free economic system through the fiscal regulations and public that democrats created in Congress and the Federal Reserve.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Some think it is the governments job to take from those that have worked hard for a living and give it to those that do not in order to make people "equal". That does not sound equal to me.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
That assumes that the poor and disabled got to be that way because they didn't work hard.

I'm sure EVERY poor person wants to be poor. Every disabled person WANTS to be unemployable. Every chronically I'll person WANTS to be sick.

That argument smacks of Mitt Romney talking points. Please come up with another.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
That assumes that the poor and disabled got to be that way because they didn't work hard.

I'm sure EVERY poor person wants to be poor. Every disabled person WANTS to be unemployable. Every chronically I'll person WANTS to be sick.

That argument smacks of Mitt Romney talking points. Please come up with another. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Not every poor person may want to be poor but many of the motherfuckers deserve to be - if they are lazy, shiftless assholes who refuse to work.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Not every poor person may want to be poor but many of the motherfuckers deserve to be - if they are lazy, shiftless assholes who refuse to work. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
"Lazy, shiftless."

Codewords for -- NIGGERS!

What a worthless piece of shit you are.

Read what you just wrote, Uncle Hand. Not only is it poorly written, it's unbefitting a person who accuses others of inappropriate language.

No wonder you can't get laid at home!

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
"Lazy, shiftless."

Codewords for -- [offensive word redacted]!

What a worthless piece of shit you are.

Read what you just wrote, Uncle Hand. Not only is it poorly written, it's unbefitting a person who accuses others of inappropriate language.

No wonder you can't get laid at home!

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Hopefully, you will receive your just reward for using that word!!!
I standby what I wrote - you need to suffer for using worse language than your pal Sterling did to get kicked out of the NBA.
"Lazy, shiftless."

Codewords for -- NIGGERS!

What a worthless piece of shit you are.

Read what you just wrote, Uncle Hand. Not only is it poorly written, it's unbefitting a person who accuses others of inappropriate language.

No wonder you can't get laid at home!

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

You have a vivid imagination ... Shit Eater
Munchmasterman's Avatar
"Lazy, shiftless."

Codewords for -- NIGGERS!

What a worthless piece of shit you are.

Read what you just wrote, Uncle Hand. Not only is it poorly written, it's unbefitting a person who accuses others of inappropriate language.

No wonder you can't get laid at home!

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You fucked up bud. Yeah, we all knew what he meant. We don't need or did we ask for a translation.

You now have the moral high ground present at the bottom of the Dead Sea.

Now you're looking up at the asshole of every douche-bag and cocksucker on the site. You've seen what they can do to a mis-statement with no distinct words. They'll never let you live down an N-bomb. Any person can slip when they're speaking. You typed it, proof read it, and posted it.

Not every poor person may want to be poor but many of the motherfuckers deserve to be - if they are lazy, shiftless assholes who refuse to work. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Many? That's a statistic that stands up well.
It may be obvious to a JINO that sweeping negative terms using such rock solid numbers like "many" have no detrimental impact on groups as a whole but I doubt real Jews from the Germany of the 30s and 40s would agree with you.

It looks like Yssup has a peer after all.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
You fucked up bud. Yeah, we all knew what he meant. We don't need or did we ask for a translation.

You now have the moral high ground present at the bottom of the Dead Sea.

Now you're looking up at the asshole of every douche-bag and cocksucker on the site. You've seen what they can do to a mis-statement with no distinct words. They'll never let you live down an N-bomb. Any person can slip when they're speaking. You typed it, proof read it, and posted it.

Many? That's a statistic that stands up well.
It may be obvious to a JINO that sweeping negative terms using such rock solid numbers like "many" have no detrimental impact on groups as a whole but I doubt real Jews from the Germany of the 30s and 40s would agree with you.

It looks like Yssup has a peer after all. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Would you have been happier if I had substituted "some" for "many"? We all know that some people deserve to be poor and are gaming the system, right?
"Those that don't work shall not eat" and all that?

The book "Toxic Charity" makes the very good point that you ruin a man by giving him that which he could earn on his own. He loses his self respect, his initiative, his status in his family.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Would you have been happier if I had substituted "some" for "many"? We all know that some people deserve to be poor and are gaming the system, right?
"Those that don't work shall not eat" and all that?

The book "Toxic Charity" makes the very good point that you ruin a man by giving him that which he could earn on his own. He loses his self respect, his initiative, his status in his family. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Not a question of some or many or making me happy. When no real numbers exist, you chose the word "many". Most definitions would say "many" implies more than "some". Neither are a number.
I also agree with Toxic Charity but not your skewed interpretation. You can become poor almost over night. A 45 year old person with a solid work ethic his whole life doesn't become dependent on charity in 1 or 2 years. Even those raised in a welfare home have a drive to regain or discover self determination.. How many? Some? Many? A lot? A few? I can't put forth a number with any certainty.
And neither can you.

That being said, you ignored the main point of my post while bringing up supporting information.
Do you really need help figuring the main point out? That would explain a lot.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
First of all, the use of that word has NOT been outlawed on this site ... same as KIKE, JEW BASTARD, MICK, etc.

Second of all, I was illustrating that JL's use of the terms "shifltess and lazy" were simply prefixes for the N word.

Please prove otherwise.

Some of my best friends are Honkys!

(Idiots... yeah, you, too, MMM if you can't figure this play out) You really think I give a rat's ass that the self-righteous RWW fuckwads on this site will bash me for posting the word NIGGER? They'd bash me for using the word "is." So let them continue their thinly veiled racist bullshit. I and my black friends (ALL OF THEM) know what kind of guero pendejos these dipshits are!

JL is a cocksucker. On that we can all agree... even the (N) lovers among us.
First of all, the use of that word has NOT been outlawed on this site ... same as KIKE, JEW BASTARD, MICK, etc.

Second of all, I was illustrating that JL's use of the terms "shifltess and lazy" were simply prefixes for the N word.

Please prove otherwise.

Some of my best friends are Honkys!

(Idiots... yeah, you, too, MMM if you can't figure this play out) You really think I give a rat's ass that the self-righteous RWW fuckwads on this site will bash me for posting the word NIGGER? They'd bash me for using the word "is." So let them continue their thinly veiled racist bullshit. I and my black friends (ALL OF THEM) know what kind of guero pendejos these dipshits are!

JL is a cocksucker. On that we can all agree... even the (N) lovers among us. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Hollyweird likes...
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
First of all, the use of that word has NOT been outlawed on this site ... same as KIKE, JEW BASTARD, MICK, etc.

Second of all, I was illustrating that JL's use of the terms "shifltess and lazy" were simply prefixes for the N word.

Please prove otherwise.

Some of my best friends are Honkys!

(Idiots... yeah, you, too, MMM if you can't figure this play out) You really think I give a rat's ass that the self-righteous RWW fuckwads on this site will bash me for posting the word NIGGER? They'd bash me for using the word "is." So let them continue their thinly veiled racist bullshit. I and my black friends (ALL OF THEM) know what kind of guero pendejos these dipshits are!

JL is a cocksucker. On that we can all agree... even the (N) lovers among us. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
People of all races can be shiftless and lazy - but you stand guilty of using the N word repeatedly on this site.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Not a question of some or many or making me happy. When no real numbers exist, you chose the word "many". Most definitions would say "many" implies more than "some". Neither are a number.
I also agree with Toxic Charity but not your skewed interpretation. You can become poor almost over night. A 45 year old person with a solid work ethic his whole life doesn't become dependent on charity in 1 or 2 years. Even those raised in a welfare home have a drive to regain or discover self determination.. How many? Some? Many? A lot? A few? I can't put forth a number with any certainty.
And neither can you.

That being said, you ignored the main point of my post while bringing up supporting information.
Do you really need help figuring the main point out? That would explain a lot. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
I maintain there are many people on welfare who are lazy motherfuckers. They deserve what they get.
They probably ignored the teacher in school, slept late when they should have been at work, drank their earnings away, took drugs, made bad choices, wasted time posting on a pointless SHMB, etc. If they didn't, I don't mind them getting temporary support with the goal of making them self sufficient, if it is possible.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Straw man argument.

I think we ALL KNOW who the haters are here... The lazy and shiftless motherfuckers who'd rather make their living with their boots to the neck of the common folk and work for a fucking living.

You like the "N" word, assholes? Is using it a Nuclear bomb? Or is espousing policy that discriminates against the poor, the disabled and the disenfranchised

You got nothing. I'll say NIGGER again if you like. Just remember that some of my best friends are hillbilly rednecks!
