Hustled? A Quustion...

bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 12-28-2010, 06:15 AM
A friend told me a story yesterday and asked me what I would have done.

First, a little foundation. This guy is as legit as it gets. He's MAJOR nerdy and I am pretty sure he's only fucked one woman in his life! (his wife). Hence, the question in his mind about what happened.

Anyway, he stopped at a HEB gas station last week at about 6:00 AM (still dark). There was no clerk there and the only way to get fuel was to use a credit/debit card. As he was filling his tank a lady pulled in to the next pump and proceeded to try and get gas. Her card apparently wouldn't "read" so she headed to the office to pay in cash. It was closed - no one there. She came back and tried her card again. Still, it wouldn't work. Sensing her distress, my friend walked over to offer his assistance and tried to scan the card. No luck. They agreed for her to give him a twenty and he would use his card. Nice gesture - and a thank-you - end of story.

His next stop was at a CVS a few blocks away and he noticed she (the lady from the gas station) was following him. Yikes!!! What is going on, he thought? As she drove up behind his car after parking, she rolled down her window and asked "would you like to play with my tits?". He almost shit himself. Guys, remember this is Joe Nerd. He gets ZERO exposure to this type of thing.

His question to me: "What do you think she was up to? He thinks he was being flattered by a young, good looking lady. I, however, think she probably had a guy nearby and was about to rob him. (He looks and dresses quite successful).

Whadda you guys think?
She definitely had an ulterior motive, whether it was to rob him or milk 100 bucks and a nut out of him-- who knows?
texasjohn1965's Avatar
Dear Penthouse,

You really won't believe this one.

I'm chained to the bed, waiting for my wife to come in...

It's about that time; the twilight he can see through a small slice of hallway window is fast brightening to daybreak. This glimmer, Xander figures, is the last daylight he's ever going to see in his life.

Good a place as any to paraphrase Cordelia: Of all the stupid things you've ever done, this is the last.

Last of a long, long list.

He knows he's drifting. He's lost time. He wonders if the others are looking for them. Doesn't look like anyone's going to make it in time. Not altogether sure if he wants them to.

Brilliant fucking idea. It had to be a secret. Nobody could know what happened to Faith, could know that he was keeping her. He'd bring her blood, make sure she couldn't get free to hurt anybody. It wasn't her fault what had happened to her. There was no fucking way in hell that he'd dust her, not after all those years of letting Spike walk the earth.

He'd done it once before. Dusted her. In a vision, of course, the first one the Hand of Imhotep had slammed into his head. Sure, it was just a vision, but he'd felt every bit of it as if he'd lived it -- remembered every bit of it as if he'd lived it. This wasn't a thing he could do twice.

So he darted her and chained her in a building he rented from a man who didn't ask questions. He reasoned with her calmly as she thrashed and hurled curses at him. And he stupidly trusted her clear-eyed entreaties the fourth night he came in to feed her. He only unfettered the one wrist, but that's all she needed. She swung the still-manacled wrist into his temple, and when Xander woke up, he was the one spread-eagled on the bed.

He doesn't know how long ago this was. He's faded in and out, usually comes back in for --

-- the things she does with her mouth.

She stretches her body alongside him, her cool skin against his. He misses her wild heartbeat after a night of hunting.

Sometimes she slides downward, and though he's appalled at how eagerly his body responds, he can't stop it.

Other times she sinks her teeth into his neck and takes him to the brink of death, and it's no less erotic.

She twines her limbs with his in the afterglow of both, declaring her love, spinning stories of their future once she's turned him, her words taking on even more power as he drifts in and out of consciousness.

He wakes in the dark and she's there.

It's the last time, he thinks. Next time he drifts, he's not returning.

"We can have forever," she's saying. "Would you like that, baby?"

He would like that, but he's too weak even to form the words. He doesn't realize she's unchained him -- how long ago was that? -- until she cuts her own wrist and lets the blood run onto his cracked lips. Then with a speed and strength he can't believe he seizes her arm in both hands and greedily drinks.

Her voice murmurs to him, crooning words he can no longer make out.

He's sorry he couldn't save her.

He's sorry he couldn't save himself.
Wayward's Avatar
I thinck she wanted her $20 back, but then people call me a cynic.

In other news, hot vampire chicks improve just about any thread.

I would have given her 20 back right there on the spot and reached in to play with her tits
Timk48's Avatar
Maybe she wanted to show her appreciation?
GeoEgo's Avatar
She was just being a pretty cool gal
Maybe she wanted to show her appreciation? Originally Posted by Timk48
JoeCanGo's Avatar
Nice Vampire Pic Father Wayward.

I think he should have said yes and played with the titties. I wouldn't think there are too many hustlers out looking to get over on someone at 6:00 am, but I could be wrong.
notanewbie's Avatar
I had animal sex for an entire weekend for helping a young lady that I met at a gas station move her couch.

I say she was just being friendly.
boardman's Avatar
I had animal sex for an entire weekend for helping a young lady that I met at a gas station move her couch.

I say she was just being friendly. Originally Posted by notanewbie
I've really got to start hanging out with you more often.
notanewbie's Avatar
bm, is wasn't all that...the trips to the liquor store, the humiliation of buying the condoms in bulk, the effect the hot shower sex had on my skin...I felt like a prune, the neighbors banging on the was a lot of work.
ImaMrCool's Avatar
Hang on a second, he said no?
Wayward's Avatar
Poor NAN suffering life's burdens just to provide service to strangers and to entertain us.

Once upon a time Father Wayward was taking one of his lesbeanse friends out for dinner and a movie, really she wasn't completely lesbeanse more of a normal healthy buy sexual. If I bought her some drinks then she got pretty sexual. While waiting for her to make herself more beautiful was chatting with the comeplete lesbeanse roomate, who was whinning about not being able to build Ikea funiture that she wanted. I suggest it wasn't that hard, she started dragging flat boxes out from under the couch.

Well building things is fun and the funiture frustrated lesbeanse roommate appartely was willing to get past her mild case of penis hatred after seeing her purchases come to three dimensional life. Fun was had by all and by all I mean me. Best thing about lesbeanses they tend to be competitive softball, monster trucks, cock sucking... plus if I'm building a table someone is going to get tied to it. Seriously you have to make sure it works, the next week we all went to IKEA together now that was a fun weekend. It's like dating a stripper, if you have one or two, then the others want what those girls have.

Did we go off topic, does anyone care? Thinking about the OP, it's really seems like if he was kind enough to take out his credit card and she was then kind enough to offer up play time with her fun bags, then the next logical step would be to let this nice wayward girl hold your penis. Just sayin'
  • pyro
  • 12-28-2010, 02:02 PM
seems like hes pretty easy to read.
tell him he prolly dodged a bullet

just my $.02