Coronavirus Concerns

Hobbyman28's Avatar
So is anyone nervous about seeing new girls or even being in parlors now I mean even the current girls will leave and go back to China for a bit then return.

No one nervous about catching that shit?
I think your question answers itself.
My concern is the new chicks that want to come here, can’t get over here. Also, the chicks are more germaphobic now which is making GFE harder to come by.

Saw two chicks this week who are waaaaay too healthy. Fat, ugly chick at Wonderland, walked away. Fooled by Kelly at Sunshine who turns out was wearing a full compression suit under her dress. Was like where the fuck did all this fat come from? it was like unbuttoning pants after Thanksgiving dinner. Felt like I was doing a fire hydrant. Anyway, Kelly was obsessing over her WeChat news feed and very happy to be in BR instead of China or even NYC. They have a strong support network. You will be fine unless you are reading this from a nursing home.
DATYMAN's Avatar
Laying low, there about to get cut off from any new ladies coming into the country.
Personally, I am suspending all activities because AMP's are not known for their hygienic practices and at this point it's not just the girls you have to worry about. I am not a germaphobe, fearmonger or anything of the like and while I am relatively youthful and healthy and don't fall into the high risk groups who typically suffer the most severe effects of this virus, as identified by various health organizations, why tempt fate?
In the meantime, for those that continue to frequent these establishments, isn't this the perfect opportunity to recalibrate service and tip norms? I've seen numerous hobbyists complain about these women expecting tips that are not consistent with the quality of service provided. I'm sure AMP's have been adversely impacted and while the owners might qualify for any government financial relief package extended to small business owners directly impacted by this outbreak (airlines, tourism, service, etc.), these owners are not known for their generosity and will not share with the girls. Fewer customers translates into the need for larger tips to maintain their previous standard of living...just sayin'
Coronavirus 'may cause damage to men's testicles', doctors warn!! So jerk off at home.
Not very concerned myself. The level of hygiene and antiseptic the women I see use makes me more comfortable seeing amp girls than standard providers
I agree. When you walk in the door the strong oder of chlorox gets you. Than they spray your hands with alcohol
So is anyone nervous about seeing new girls or even being in parlors now I mean even the current girls will leave and go back to China for a bit then return.

No one nervous about catching that shit? Originally Posted by Hobbyman28
God the media has everyone so spooked about this its insane. Its not a zombie apocolypse people. your chances of getting any STD at all is higher WITH a condom on than getting fucking corona virus. Worry about that instead.
REDROBIN66's Avatar
Think about all of the wet spots you have laid on. All of the slippers you have used in the parlor. The fabric in the whole where your face goes (the paper tower doesn't prevent shit). This area is full of hepatitis and massage tables and table showers are perfect ways to spread it. I have a friend who changes the sheets in front of me, the same person, have folded towels and put it back in the clean bin. There is bleach smell there to. So don't be to comfortablw.. don't be to freaked out either.
tigerfan12's Avatar
Big Easy Spa on W. Metairie closed for at least two weeks due to concern about the coronavirus.
I'm not setting foot in. I'm more worried about where all the other guys have been bringing in the AMPS. The girls barely get out to be exposed. Not even going to see some other studio ladies. Gonna hurt them the most.

I just found me a RW GF to take matters in her own hands.
Hobbyman28's Avatar
Great input guys. I'm aware it's not a super virus just was trying to see everyone's thoughts. I mean I wouldn't wanna get sick virus or due to parlors not being the cleanest places..

I haven't been to a massage parlor in quite a while now not due to any of the above but more so of the lackluster quality of the ladies we have in Louisiana.. nothing but old bats.
just curious (may be a dumb question) what is RW GF?