Bump thread: Any luck finding AMP or private masseuse that will take clients?

I went for a drive today and called on a few familiar places to see if anyone would take clients privately. One did pick up the phone, but it was a legit place and they confirmed they were closed (no surprise there). Thinking about just ringing the doorbells and see what happens. Has anyone had any luck and be willing to share general details? Words of advice other than what's already been said (I don't have any therapists' personal phone numbers saved in my phone). If you think this is a stupid question, I kind of agree with you and will own it. :-/
I was out for a bike ride about a week ago along the river trail. Being curious, knowing I was close by, I detoured over to CHS on Dodge Ave in Jefferson. Although the open sign was not lit, there was a familiar car in the driveway. Poked my head in to see if anyone was there. A few girls were inside about to eat lunch. They would have taken me in for a session, however being on my bicycle I did not have my wallet on me. I tried calling there yesterday, no answer.

Might be worth a drive by if you live close.