Trump proves Atlantic story is fake news

smokedog01's Avatar
Odd that nobody has mentioned the Atlantic piece that has been "confirmed" by two other news organizations. I mean Fox only mentioned his denial so in case you have not read it

Today Trump proved that at least part of the Atlantic article was not true. Specifically the part about why he did not go to the Aisne-Marne American Military Cemetery near Paris in 2018. In his own words he was so disappointed that his helicopter could not fly in the rain and that the Secret Service would not drive him in the rain that he called Melania back in Washington to commiserate.

The chryon was placed over a 2015 clip of Trump saying that McCain was not a hero because Bone Spur preferred people that were not caught by the enemy.

Cue Oeb saying marxist deep state lsm faux hefner civil war puppy brigade.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
LOL. Even Bolton who hates trump says it’s bullshit. Keep trying though, the throws of desperation are fun to watch.
  • Tiny
  • 09-04-2020, 06:45 PM
Odd that nobody has mentioned the Atlantic piece that has been "confirmed" by two other news organizations. Originally Posted by smokedog01
This might help explain why,

Some posters believe law and order is at stake in this election so will ignore Trump's denigration of the military. Then you have evangelicals who don't approve of his pussy grabbing and philandering. They still support him because of his picks for judges.

I don't fall into either of these categories. The slams against John McCain were one of the reasons I didn't vote for him in 2016.

However, Biden is not a member of my tribe. He wants to raise my taxes. He also wants to take jobs away from my friends who work for oil and gas companies.

I support Amy the Wonder Dog for president this year.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Odd that nobody has mentioned the Atlantic piece that has been "confirmed" by two other news organizations. I mean Fox only mentioned his denial so in case you have not read it

Today Trump proved that at least part of the Atlantic article was not true. Specifically the part about why he did not go to the Aisne-Marne American Military Cemetery near Paris in 2018. In his own words he was so disappointed that his helicopter could not fly in the rain and that the Secret Service would not drive him in the rain that he called Melania back in Washington to commiserate.

The chryon was placed over a 2015 clip of Trump saying that McCain was not a hero because Bone Spur preferred people that were not caught by the enemy.

Cue Oeb saying marxist deep state lsm faux hefner civil war puppy brigade. Originally Posted by smokedog01

i was waiting for one of you leftists. this way you look silly for being taken in by yet another "we hate trump" unsubstantiated article. why is it that not one of these dozens of articles making any number of claims never name the source? Kelly isn't part of Trump's staff anymore. what does he have to lose now? does Kelly, if he is this source, think Evil Lord Trump's gonna cancel his Army pension? let's say for the sake of argument that Trump did. Kelly, by coming forward could have 2 million in a gofundme page by noon the next day.

i'm reading an article claiming that Rod Rosenstien of all people, not exactly a Trump fan, blocked Mueller from pursuing a counterintelligence investigation into Trump and Russia. remember this is the same guy who wanted to wear a wire to secretly tape Trump's comments.

and where is Mueller to confirm this? in his basement like Biden. and just as senile.

a couple of the claims in this horseshit article ..

A question never asked

A significant theme of the Schmidt book is that investigators were not only blocked from investigating whether Trump is disloyal to America, but that at times the Mueller investigators didn't ask the right questions of witnesses.

so which is it? were they blocked or just incompetent?

The Mueller team tried, unsuccessfully, to get Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to allow a counterintelligence investigation into Trump's Kremlin dealings. Rosenstein refused, Schmidt reports.

again .. where is Rosenstein's comments? he's out too. what's he got to lose now?

tell me smokey .. why won't any of these people, Kelly, Rosenstein or Mueller or any others come forward if Trump is such an existential threat?

smokedog01's Avatar
Now it is confirmed by Fox. Keep defending your guy, though.
matchingmole's Avatar
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Now it is confirmed by Fox. Keep defending your guy, though. Originally Posted by smokedog01

i saw that link hours ago in several "breaking" articles . since i don't twitter all i see is this

This is not available to you

where is this shocking "bombshell" on Yahoo's main page now?

nowhere to be found.
smokedog01's Avatar
i saw that link hours ago in several "breaking" articles . since i don't twitter all i see is this

This is not available to you

where is this shocking "bombshell" on Yahoo's main page now? You use yahoo for news. That is funny.

nowhere to be found. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
dirty laundry
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Originally Posted by smokedog01

must be unblocked now.

Two former sr Trump admin officials confirm .@JeffreyGoldberg
reporting that President Trump disparaged veterans and did not want to drive to honor American war dead at Aisne-Marne Cemetery outside Paris.

which two? yet again .. no one has yet come forward on record.


even Walrus face Bolton said it was a weather concern and never heard Trump make any such remark .. but he's "sure" it sounds like something Trump would say.

HedonistForever's Avatar
So I'm supposed to vote for Biden and his merry band of Marxist ideologues because Trump may have said "another" dumb thing? A dumb thing that John Bolton, no Trump fan says is hogwash and he was in the room.

If Commala and 60 million Democrats can forgive Biden for being a racist,sexual abuser, plagiarist, a man that put untold numbers of Blacks in prison, then I think I can decide to put aside anything Trump "Might" have said.

If it isn't about the economy, law and order, immigration, school choice, not interested.
smokedog01's Avatar
Before Trump did you question whistle blowers or anonymous sources independently confirmed by competing news agencies? Use a shred of common sense. Perhaps they do not want to lose their jobs or have nut jobs start threatening their lives of the lives of their families? Its not that hard to figure out. Fox news confirming it is not enough for you?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Before Trump did you question whistle blowers or anonymous sources independently confirmed by competing news agencies? Use a shred of common sense. Perhaps they do not want to lose their jobs or have nut jobs start threatening their lives of the lives of their families? Its not that hard to figure out. Fox news confirming it is not enough for you? Originally Posted by smokedog01

  • Tiny
  • 09-04-2020, 09:08 PM
i was waiting for one of you leftists. this way you look silly for being taken in by yet another "we hate trump" unsubstantiated article. why is it that not one of these dozens of articles making any number of claims never name the source? Kelly isn't part of Trump's staff anymore. what does he have to lose now? does Kelly, if he is this source, think Evil Lord Trump's gonna cancel his Army pension? let's say for the sake of argument that Trump did. Kelly, by coming forward could have 2 million in a gofundme page by noon the next day.

i'm reading an article claiming that Rod Rosenstien of all people, not exactly a Trump fan, blocked Mueller from pursuing a counterintelligence investigation into Trump and Russia. remember this is the same guy who wanted to wear a wire to secretly tape Trump's comments.

and where is Mueller to confirm this? in his basement like Biden. and just as senile.

a couple of the claims in this horseshit article ..

A question never asked

A significant theme of the Schmidt book is that investigators were not only blocked from investigating whether Trump is disloyal to America, but that at times the Mueller investigators didn't ask the right questions of witnesses.

so which is it? were they blocked or just incompetent?

The Mueller team tried, unsuccessfully, to get Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to allow a counterintelligence investigation into Trump's Kremlin dealings. Rosenstein refused, Schmidt reports.

again .. where is Rosenstein's comments? he's out too. what's he got to lose now?

tell me smokey .. why won't any of these people, Kelly, Rosenstein or Mueller or any others come forward if Trump is such an existential threat?

WHY? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Yeah, the belief that Trump colluded with the Russians, beyond asking them on national television to find Hillary Clinton's emails, is most likely fantasy. Same for much of the Steele dossier.

I doubt the reason that Trump didn't go to the cemetery was because he was afraid of getting his hair wet. And Goldberg's psychological analysis is over the top. Otherwise there's not much that's surprising in the Atlantic article. It's all in character with what the Lord Emperor has said in the past. And we 100% know some of it's true, like the part about John McCain, from videos of The Great One.
Originally Posted by matchingmole
It's true Donald Trump didn't serve his Country in the Military, but he's made up for it by Serving his Country as President. Top that.