No Indictments From the Grand Jury, in the killing of Breonna Taylor

Chung Tran's Avatar
AG Daniel Cameron could have charged one or more Officers himself. He declined. Grand Jury indicts one Officer for recklessly shooting into an adjacent apartment.. I.E., property is more valuable than a Black Woman, who was shot many times, no medical help for 20 minutes after. a no knock warrant (disputed), no bodycams. Dude Cops were looking for was already in custody. Cameron is black, married a white woman 8 weeks ago, who may (not confirmed, but circulating as a rumor) be Mitch McConnell' s grand daughter. McConnel was at the small, less than 10 guests, wedding, that is known. and Cameron made Trump's list of potential SC choices.

The optics are terrible. and you wonder why some are calling for police defunding? Meaning take a chunk of money from the police budget, and direct to social groups, mental health, etc. Not abolish police entirely. I know y'all like to demagouge that issue, and bullshit about the real meaning of defund.

I'm sure Kentucky will see rioting tonight.

Here to see how far to the right the comments will stretch. I will not post again in the thread. No point. Just more Mule-fucking.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
'bout time you showed up.

the forum was missing your classy style.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
The chick's boyfriend started shooting at the cops, and she got shot.
How is this in any way racist?
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Great a police officer was already shot.
Let's watch the monkeys kill some more random people in the name of "justice."
These people are disgusting and anyone who sympathizes or supports these people have zero respect from me. Not that my respect is worth very much, but just saying fuck you.
winn dixie's Avatar
Great decision to not indict the officers. I applaud the people who made this decision for not caving to pc culture!
winn dixie's Avatar
Pc culture is failing. Americans are fed up with these riots and the agendas behind them! Today was a great day! No charges against the Officers in louisville. The people are "woke"! "Woke" to the socialist and bigotry the left is promoting!
Great decision to not indict the officers. I applaud the people who made this decision for not caving to pc culture! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Pc culture is failing. Americans are fed up with these riots and the agendas behind them! Today was a great day! No charges against the Officers in louisville. The people are "woke"! "Woke" to the socialist and bigotry the left is promoting! Originally Posted by winn dixie
You are a gigantic pompous ass. With absolutely no redeeming qualities
winn dixie's Avatar
You are a gigantic pompous ass. With absolutely no redeeming qualities Originally Posted by Jam3768
Thank youse

check your inbox

Your bigotry towards others with differing opinions shows! Rage is not healthy!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You are a gigantic pompous ass. With absolutely no redeeming qualities Originally Posted by Jam3768

All the best
ECCIE Worldwide
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Thank youse

check your inbox

Your bigotry towards others with differing opinions shows! Rage is not healthy! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Neither is push-the-envelope racism at a time of civil unrest.

All the best
ECCIE Worldwide Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
The magic like/ RTMer strikes again.

Hope you reported all the violations in this thread WWE!

rexdutchman's Avatar
Lets see black drug dealer gives infor (to save his ass to coppers ) Judge signs warrant , Boyfriend ( who is black) shoots cop and is cleared DA/AG black AND ITS RACIST WOW

Real issues nobody talking about is the broken warrant system ( Oh the attach on the 4 th AD ) and the broke "war on drugs"
  • oeb11
  • 09-24-2020, 08:07 AM
Kentucky AG denies cops executed ‘no-knock warrant’ in Breonna Taylor case

By Lia Eustachewich

September 23, 2020 | 2:59pm | Updated

The Louisville police officers involved in Breonna Taylor’s shooting death “knocked and announced” themselves — and did not execute a “no-knock warrant” as previously believed, Kentucky’s attorney general said Wednesday.
At a press conference, AG Daniel Cameron said a neighbor corroborated cops’ claims that they knocked on Taylor’s apartment door and announced themselves as police in the early hours of March 13.
“Evidence showed officers knocked and announced their presence at the apartment,” Cameron said, following the announcement from a grand jury to indict one of the officers, Brett Hankison, on three counts of wanton endangerment in the first degree for firing his weapon into another apartment.
Cameron also defended two other officers involved — Detective Myles Cosgrove and Sgt. Jonathan Mattingly — saying they were first shot at by Taylor’s boyfriend, Kenneth Walker, before returning fire.
“Our investigation found that Mattingly and Cosgrove were justified in their use of force after having been fired on by Kenneth Walker,” Cameron said.

Mattingly and Cosgrove were not indicted.
Cameron urged the community to accept the decision and chided those who may “influence our thinking” to spark further unrest.
“Our reaction to the truth is the society we want to be,” he said. “Do we really want the truth? Or do we want a truth that fits our narrative? Do we want the facts? Are we content to blindly accept our own version of events? We, as a community, must make this decision.”
“There will be celebrities, influencers, and activists who having never lived in Kentucky, will try to tell us how to feel, suggesting they understood the facts of this case and that they know our community and the commonwealth better than we do,” Cameron said.
“But they don’t,” he added. “Let’s not give into their attempts to influence our thinking or capture our emotions.”
Taylor was sleeping when police burst into her first-floor apartment. She was struck by six bullets — including one that was fatal — with a contemporaneous investigation by the FBI finding that Cosgrove is the one who fired the deadly shot, Cameron said.
Taylor’s death certificate indicates that she was struck five times, with Cameron clarifying that a bullet was lodged in her foot.
The timeline leading up to the botched raid has been hotly debated — with Walker claiming the officers never announced themselves. He said he only fired in self-defense.

Cameron is black - BTW

The issue of whether the officers 'knocked' or not - denied by Kenneth Walker - perp- who stated the officers did not knock - naturally - he has everything to gain in his defense by clouding the issues that he fired first at officers - striking an officer - and DPST's think that is police abuse!!!

CT - with your defund, disarm-disband the cops - it is clear You don't care if Cops are shot - that's just fine and of no concern to DPST's. Including the FACT that cops are human beings of all races/both genders with families to care for.

Rioters are chanting "What do we want - Dead Cops - when do we want it -Now. " with full support of the DPST leadership - who hate law and Order in favor of violent marxist revolution.

AG Cameron issued a reasoned ,appropriate response - which will be vilified in the DPST LSM - he will be an 'Uncle Tom" to the celebrities and feckless DPST marxist politicians who think they rule America.

Cameron has my support - he is a reasoned man upholding the Constitution and Rule of Law against hating radicals who wish only to destroy and burn our American representative democracy.

DPST's - including those with multiple handles and mushroom issues - feel free to call your local police Dept and tell them - I don't want your protection any more
and - i won't pay my taxes to support the Police Department.

Be my guest!!
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yup fact any black person that goes against the narrative is wait for it " Uncle tom " anybody that believes in the rule of law is a right wing nut fascist , again the DPST has very selective memory
Neither is push-the-envelope racism at a time of civil unrest.
Hope you reported all the violations in this thread Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
That is all you hollow leftist have...looting, property destruction, assaulting innocent people and chanting "death to America" use the term "civil unrest". The term is marxist criminal anarchy. You don't have a very good grasp on reality. Why is racism always the go to word with the intellectually and morally bankrupt left??
Have you reported you multiple handle violation...
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
ESPN that bastion on "wokeness" seems to be not so woke ..

those racists at ESPN! they silenced a black man!! how dare they!!!

ESPN cuts off analyst Jalen Rose as he calls for arrest of cops in Breonna Taylor case

Basketball analyst Jalen Rose got cut off by ESPN on a live broadcast as he called for the arrest of the police officers in the Breonna Taylor case.

The former NBA star weighed in after the announcement that none of the three officers would be charged with her killing.

“It’d also be a great day to arrest the cops that murdered Breonna Taylor,” shouted Rose as he discussed the fourth game of the NBA’s Eastern Conference Finals.

*murdered (not killed)

Jalen Rose yelling “it would be a great day TO ARREST THE COP THAT KILLED Breonna Taylor” before ESPN cuts to a commercial break during halftime

ESPN quickly cut to a commercial and has declined to comment.

Taylor was shot and killed in Louisville, Kentucky, in March when police broke down the door to her apartment as she slept.

It was announced on Wednesday that a grand jury decided to indict only one officer on first-degree wanton endangerment charges, and none for the actual killing.

Hours after the announcement protestors took to the streets of Louisville and two police officers were shot and wounded.

Mr Rose, who played in the NBA for 13 years, also spoke during ESPN’s pregame show about the hurt Black people continued to suffer in the US .

“So, we are starting a game, It’s 400 years of slavery to zero," Rose said during the pregame show.

“We know we not going to win, but you still gotta continue to move the ball forward and put people behind you in a position to be successful, and that's what we're here to do today.

“That's what the NBA players are doing today, and that's why I applaud them because while they're out, they're preforming with heavy hearts trying to win a championship.

“I understand that this is really painful, to show up to work and still try to entertain.”

Read more
‘Violence is never the answer’: Biden condemns shooting of two police officers at protests over Breonna Taylor decision
A timeline of events related to the death of Breonna Taylor
Q&A: What were the results of Breonna Taylor investigation?
Two police officers shot in Louisville during Breonna Taylor unrest