The primary difference between Al Capone and Trump

matchingmole's Avatar
Al Capone only had one wife....

  • oeb11
  • 09-28-2020, 04:29 PM
Poor al - except - al Capone died of syphilis.

But - DPST's do not want to know about that!

And - then there are those who never have a wife.

After all - DPST women -
Al Capone was a "successful" corrupt "business man" that didn't go bankrupt mucho times ��
Redhot1960's Avatar
Al Capone only had one wife....

Originally Posted by matchingmole
Tell me the story again about how y'all won in 2018, gerbilgiggler 9
winn dixie's Avatar
Al Capone was feared

President Trump Is Loved!
  • oeb11
  • 09-28-2020, 07:31 PM
And feared by the DPST leadership cabal - why else would they be plotting to deny the election results - and try to throw it to the House - where pelosi's minions will obediently vote as the elderly crackpot orders.

This is likely pelosi's last stand as Speaker
AOC will kick her off teh podium if she wins election next term - and if the DPST keep House majority.

Watch for it - pelosi has already made the intention clear - to use the Constitution to steal the election.

and perhaps start Civil war in America.

DPST's - bray in indignation all you want - DPST's always bray more when their intentions are revealed - usually by themselves.
  • oeb11
  • 09-28-2020, 07:32 PM
Al Capone was a "successful" corrupt "business man" that didn't go bankrupt mucho times �� Originally Posted by Tsmokies

Capone go alcatraz island- foolish DPST!
  • oeb11
  • 09-28-2020, 07:34 PM
The primary difference between biden and al Capone - Capone died of syphilis - with severe dementia.

hiden biden - has not yet been tested for syphilis for his dementia workup!
matchingmole's Avatar
Al Capone was a "successful" corrupt "business man" that didn't go bankrupt mucho times �� Originally Posted by Tsmokies
He wasn't anything remotely close to a businessman. He was a successful Criminal. Until he got pinched for Tax Evasion. His Boss Frank Nitti went down for the same thing.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Okay. For today's tally, 7 misspelled "the"s today.
More on topic, oeby worships wrong doers. If oeb lived in New York, he would be down waiting behind Nino Brown's truck on Thanksgiving.
This guy takes the cake for lacking in judgement. Too bad he doesn't show the courtesy of hiding his deterioration by wearing a pillow case (is plastic lining too much to hope for?) over his head.
Almost as concerning is the lack of condemnation of his lies by trumpys....oh, that's right. trumpys have no values.
And feared by the DPST leadership cabal - why else would they be plotting to deny the election results - and try to throw it to the House - where pelosi's minions will obediently vote as the elderly crackpot orders.

This is likely pelosi's last stand as Speaker
AOC will kick her off teh podium if she wins election next term - and if the DPST keep House majority.

Watch for it - pelosi has already made the intention clear - to use the Constitution to steal the election.

and perhaps start Civil war in America.

DPST's - bray in indignation all you want - DPST's always bray more when their intentions are revealed - usually by themselves. Originally Posted by oeb11
winn dixie's Avatar
Too much time on his hands!
Grace Preston's Avatar
OEB-- why do DPST not want to "know" that Al Capone died of Syphillis? That's a dumb statement-- particularly since its common knowledge.

Also an interesting fact to bring up on a SHMB-- seeing as he most likely contracted it from one of the brothels he owned.
HoeHummer's Avatar
OEB-- why do DPST not want to "know" that Al Capone died of Syphillis? That's a dumb statement-- particularly since its common knowledge.

Also an interesting fact to bring up on a SHMB-- seeing as he most likely contracted it from one of the brothels he owned. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Grace, you’ve hit the nails right on the head.

In a sane world, Ramboebsy is a hopeless, helpless refugee from Putin’s troll farm, trying to get back in their good graces by sowing discontents among the quarantined hobby population in the USEh. His political views are to the right of Attila the Hun, but hasn’t the guts to do anything but post his hate speech on a hooker board

All joking aside, he should seriously seek professionals help so he may finally find the cogent constructive care facility your government should be keeping him in.

  • oeb11
  • 09-29-2020, 08:37 AM
Grace - a characterization of the opposition - which prefers to remain in igmorance of Facts - in favor of their LSM propaganda and Lies.

Example - hannah-Jones and her widely circulated radical opinion - "OBLM and Antifa violence is riots and looting - is not 'Violence at all" - since it only destroys property.

Okay - rationalization, denial, deflection, and propaganda for the masses.

That is how the DPST party operates.

Trust them not - they are making the election a "personality contest" between biden and Trump - instead of divulging their marxist, controlling plans suchd as the Soylent Gren new Deal to control Amerika in perpetuity.

As if Biden - in hi pre-senile dementia - had a personality to project any more. The most racist, corrupt POTUS nominee of any in modern times.