6+ cop cars at perfect today

Seen from 35, be careful folks.
Took long enough.
Anyone have any scoop?
Phone no workie!
Any updates?
They didn't get shut down,just called,they still answer the phone.
Did a little digging from the local crime blotter and the only thing that seems close was an arrest for aggravated assault on Sunday.
Wow! It sounds very horrible! Be careful folks!
When they busted the Topeka Amps, the news stories said next time the Kaw Valley Anti-trafficking group would go after the johns. Can’t say for sure what happened or is happening now, but I would be cautious.
Still kinda fishy. The cops responded to the Aggravated Assault at a "Specialty Store" on Sunday the 11th. But the original post was Monday afternoon on the 12th. Maybe the OP waited a day to post this? Or a "John" got pissed at one of the ladies, got aggressive, and the cops were called. Cops saw some other shit while there and decided to raid the place the next day. OR, the "Specialty Store" was the dive shop next door and Perfect was completely unscathed. Either way, I gotta swear off that place for a long time.
Yeah I would give it a week for news to come out like if it was bust. Don't think they would sit too long on announcing it for publicity if it was, otherwise a few weeks of no news means it was probably unrelated. But dates are weird and everyone has secondhand info.
Went to Springtime and she translated on her phone "Please do not write anything about us on a website" and "We are scared police". This is the third AMP that I have been to that are requesting no reviews or not to say anything about them online. All of the AMP's are very scared.