Do you care....

if your provider is intelligent or not? What qualities make up an ATF? Sense of humor, friendly, sexy etc? Figured I'd ask here. Or do you just care about the body and the performance? What makes you return, or not return?
Good question. I'll tell you my thinking. Intelligence absolutely matters. What repels--and repulses!--me are the ones who like to tell me and the rest of the world how intelligent they are, over and over again. The qualities of an ATF? No, it's not at all just body and performance for me. The ability to carry on a casual relationship without any attachments and without getting too caught up in the "rules" is key for me. This biz is what it is. I won't get any illusions that a lady is my steady girlfriend as long as she promises not to treat me like just another client and make me be screened again if I don't return within 180 days. It must be CASUAL. What gets me to return? Good TCB skills. I love the looks of most of the ladies on this site but the TCB skills are rarer so I find that to be the number one determinant whether I return. Ease of scheduling, no email games ('it got stuck in my spam folder', 'I didn't check my email at all last year', 'I sent it. Didn't you get it?' etc.), gentle/humble manners. All those are critical. Another thing is demeanor on the board. If a lady drops by only to post an ad, not my type. A lady who comes on and boasts about her house, her car, her education, her income, her volume, etc.--not my type. A lady who comes on a banters about in a witty fashion so I can tell she has a sense of humor AND a mind--my type.

So it's all personal opinion. Those are mine.

Great post.

All the best.
geecue's Avatar
if your provider is intelligent or not? What qualities make up an ATF? Sense of humor, friendly, sexy etc? Figured I'd ask here. Or do you just care about the body and the performance? What makes you return, or not return? Originally Posted by sophia rose
Qualities that make an ATF for me- Smart, Very Sexy, Funny, Easy Going, Friendly,Body, Performance, Always has the time of day if not too busy for you. Hmmm this reminds me of somebody.
Good points guys. JD, I almost forgot about the TCB skills. I know a few ladies in the biz and some are definitely hard to get a hold of when you need them! I try to keep on top of my email especially and always reply even if I am not available-it's just the polite thing to do.
I guess though there are some guys that really love the variety and so certain qualities are not as important if they are planning to sample it all so to speak! Nothing wrong with that either
Stilts's Avatar
I'm more than sure that there is a lot of diversity that goes into the eye of the beholder with this inquiry. In my experience, there are at least two main motivators for attraction on this kind of a level: (1) Pathos (the desire to be enthralled...which can manifest itself as the worship, on some level, of the female form); and (2) Sexual Frustration. In my experience, people are attracted to certain qualities depending on how they heighten what one is after. People can pursue a quality in another person simply because they believe it will heighten the frustration...and sometimes qualities are even artificially added, such as in S&M.
These two motivations will most likely see intelligence from totally different perspectives, and if the motivations spur attraction, they will probably manifest different things in mind of the seeker. A Pathos perspective may see intelligence as another manifestation (perhaps even a fuller manifestation) of the female form...or something attractive in and of itself. One who is frustrated by intelligent people, or who seeks to maximize a sense of frustration against/with an intelligent person, would probably approach an intelligent person from the opposite perspective that the person mentioned earlier would. Some people are aroused by praise; others by insults.

Just my two cents.
if your provider is intelligent or not? What qualities make up an ATF? Sense of humor, friendly, sexy etc? Figured I'd ask here. Or do you just care about the body and the performance? What makes you return, or not return?

Oh my I absolutely care if my provider is intelligent or not. For me a great session is very dependent on a great chemistry between the two people involved. Can't have great chemistry if the mental aspects don't click. It's the mental, emotional, and physical connections that make a great session.
if your provider is intelligent or not? What qualities make up an ATF? Sense of humor, friendly, sexy etc? Figured I'd ask here. Or do you just care about the body and the performance? What makes you return, or not return? Originally Posted by sophia rose
It's extremely important that the provider I see has the ability to make intelligent decisions.

My experience has has showed me that intelligent women are ravenous in bed.
For me, the level of intelligence isn't as important as how she uses what she has.
So in that sense, I would say wisdom is sexy!
ncdiver069's Avatar
To me its all about how they make you feel, are they happy to see you or are you just a john. All sex is good but for me the best is the caring ,smart ,witty, the Pros do this, they can read a man and react accordingly and Intelligence is always important to me, I know what its like to be dumb lol
Womanlover's Avatar
I think this is easy Sophia. Have you ever been with someone you just liked to be with, whether it was having sex, dinner, shopping, sitting on a bench looking at the mountains, river, gardens, or whatever? It's when you want to be with that person. If the gal feels the same way she shows it in her behavior. I'm looking for another ATF, having had that once. Maybe you are the one.

if your provider is intelligent or not? What qualities make up an ATF? Sense of humor, friendly, sexy etc? Figured I'd ask here. Or do you just care about the body and the performance? What makes you return, or not return? Originally Posted by sophia rose
Smarter is better. I just don't like being around stupid people. As far as making an ATF it require a certain connection as well as all the things that would make you want to be around someone who was not a provider. Oh and great sex with a menu that matches your desires.
My experience has has showed me that intelligent women are ravenous in bed. Originally Posted by JJ
Very much so..