What Makes "It" More Than Just Sex?

One-night-stands that turn into repeat performances, an exceptionally intense session with a Provider that becomes an addiction, a twitch in your gut when 'something' makes you think of him/her....what makes an encounter 'special' for you?

For me it usually begins when she starts looking me in the eyes while we're joined and/or cumming. There's a certain moment when the scene becomes personal that creates another level of intimacy.

Ladies, what makes it happen for you?
oldmarine's Avatar
Chemistry. I can't define it but I know when it happens. Is that vague enough for you?
  • npita
  • 06-01-2010, 02:05 PM
Probably the same thing that would ``It'' more than just money.
Unless I am in love with someone I never get addicted to one's pussy.
When you just click. It a combination of both chemistry a great conversation for me. Its nice to be able to both be able to laugh together and have a steamy passionate session.