FDA to ban Trans Fat

They are way behind the times as usual, as most food producers and restaurants have already been substituting trans fat products, for you guessed it, something equally as bad for you and proven to have the same results, they kill you and the net result will be zero lives saved. The substitution is Palm Oil, but it is usually found on the label as palmatic acid. Avoid like the plague, once oxidized, it is just as dangerous, if not more than trans fat.

The moral of the story: The government cannot protect you from your own stupidity. If you eat this type of shit found in processed food, fast food, and unhealthy restaurants, you are eventually going to die from it.


p.s., if you care to make it about Obamacare, and how they are planning to control what you eat based on what they deem is best for you, and in the best interest of healthcare for all, go ahead.