Ladies, why do you provide?

I posted a similar thread in the men's section a few months ago, inquiring why they participated in this hobby and got some interesting responses.I know for you ladies the financial gain is an important aspect of this, but with that aside, what are some of the other reasons you chose to be a provider?
RedLeg505's Avatar
This should be interesting to read, if we get some truthful posts from the ladies.
So i can be a fulltime mom to a child with an illness he will suffer from for his whole life. College degree and RN... neither matter when it comes to spending every moment you can with a child.
It's always been a matter of choice for me.

A.) Be loose in my real life, or
B.) Be loose in private.

I chose B.
So i can be a fulltime mom to a child with an illness he will suffer from for his whole life. College degree and RN... neither matter when it comes to spending every moment you can with a child. Originally Posted by Devon Derriere
While I have no idea of the struggles you go through, I feel for ya. Your son is lucky to have you.

Providing has given me time to take care of my dad at the end of his life and now my mom with her illnesses and struggles.

It's always been a matter of choice for me.

A.) Be loose in my real life, or
B.) Be loose in private.

I chose B. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
LOVE IT!!!! I just love reading your posts.


Thinking back before I started providing or was in a SD/SB relationship, I would try to meet men for FWB/NSA, but there was so much game playing by those I met that I just ended masturbating all the time. SD/SB and providing cuts the bullshit out for the most part.

I started providing when my SD/SB relationship of 4 years ended at the same time I walked out of a demeaning job. I was horny and needed money, so Gigi was born Been loving it ever since!!!!
I applaud Devon....and Gigi!

Many of the women I've met have similar important reasons. Taking care of a loved one, furthering an education. Mine is not to question...the reasons can be many.
Grace Preston's Avatar

1. I have a child with a major heart defect. Every few months, we are dealing with doctors and hospitals. Even with my degree, not many employers have the leeway to tolerate so much absence.

2. I have 2 children who will both be in college within the next 3 years. One of those two is highly gifted-- this summer she gets to go to a summer immersion program at Stanford. No way could I magically find a way to afford that on a regular salary.

3. To echo Tiffani-- be loose in public or in private. I choose private. Plus.. mama always said if you're good at something, never do it for free
This should be interesting to read, if we get some truthful posts from the ladies. Originally Posted by RedLeg505

yea... i doubt we see any post "i have a bad habit" replies or "my pimp says so"

To the ladies that posted in regards to caring for others- much love and respect to ya.

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar

1. I have a child with a major heart defect. Every few months, we are dealing with doctors and hospitals. Even with my degree, not many employers have the leeway to tolerate so much absence.

2. I have 2 children who will both be in college within the next 3 years. One of those two is highly gifted-- this summer she gets to go to a summer immersion program at Stanford. No way could I magically find a way to afford that on a regular salary.

3. To echo Tiffani-- be loose in public or in private. I choose private. Plus.. mama always said if you're good at something, never do it for free Originally Posted by GracePreston
#4 If you have something valuable, never give it away, either (including US citizenship!)
Because I enjoy it...
LNK's Avatar
  • LNK
  • 02-28-2014, 06:59 PM
ND, your avatar . . .

Your boobies have a life of their own!
I'm doing it to pay my tuition and set up a somewhat decent savings account for myself for the future. I have a Roth IRA and use that income to dabble in stocks, etc so this money really helps me pay for my basic necessities (rent, gas, elec, monthly tuition payments) so I don't have to work my legit job as much and can dedicate more time to my schoolwork.

Plus since I attend a private University, they have the option to deny certain state and public financial aid so for those of us who aren't trust fund babies it serves as a way to keep us out from attaining quality higher education.
Forget that! I work for what I want in life and this hobby is one of the main reasons I will be graduating in May.

And just from the personal side, the quality of men here who actually respect me and treat me like a decent human being is. Better (a lot better) than what I get in real life. It seems people really do value what they have to pay for and in return it has taught me to value myself more and see myself as a beautiful human being who truly is desired by many. This hobby gave me a nice boost in confidence that I didn't realize I needed until I experienced it.
I work in car factory for 25yrs until shut doors.My husband pass away.Gotta eat!
cafriend's Avatar
This should be interesting to read, if we get some truthful posts from the ladies. Originally Posted by RedLeg505
I have met many ladies over the past few years that are providers for similar reasons listed (family health issues, single parents). Good to hear that some are treating this as a real business and are putting money away for their futures.

Will be interesting to see what happens on this one.
April_Showers's Avatar
I naturally fell into this and anyone that knows me knows that this just seems to make sense for me lol I'm not looking for love or stress so dating men/women/couples here versus the real world is by far a better experience. I meet better quality people here that know what they want and what they don't and for the majority are more upfront and fun than those I meet in the real world. I know that not every girl can do this and actually enjoy it so if you're one that does; why wouldn't you??

Money of course is another bonus but as you mature and go through life you really learn that money comes and goes so that is never my sole drive or reason. I like the new encounters, old friends, regular friends, attention, sex, playfulness, variety, flirting, massages, adventures in and outside of the bedroom and I could ramble on even more but I'll stop now ;P