Why Law-Abiding Mexican-Americans should fear the GOP.

wellendowed1911's Avatar
It's no secret that the GOP is perhaps is the the most exclusive party in history of this great country. One would just have to look at the audience of any of the GOP conventions an you will see that it's image is one of a white male dominated party. Compare that to the audience of any Democratic convention and you will see a melting pot of all different ethnic backgrounds.

Also,if you just look at how the GOP views muslims since 9-11 and even if you just look at the rhetoric from members on this board: Whirlaway, I B Hankering, JD, IIFF, LustLad, Budman, and Jewish Lawyer(although this is expected since Jews have a long history of distrust to muslims and vice versa) they all share one thing in they want to blame the actions of a few on the entire population.

Yes, we know there are radical muslims, but the vast majority of muslims especially the American muslims are peaceful and law abiding. It's quite ironic how so members on this board bash muslims and yet fail to realize that there are young brave American muslims who are fighting all over the world protecting our freedom. Obama has been called a "muslim so many times by the far right that I have lost count- but is there something wrong with being a muslim? Can a law abiding american man/woman who happens to be muslim run for political office? Not if the GOP had their way.

Now let's move on to the topic- if you ask anyone who hasn't been living under a rock- on what is one of the biggest problems facing America- surely a top 3 would be drugs. Drug use is rampant in this country- it has destroyed many families and has poisoned many neighborhoods and a good portion of our prison population has some drug lated crime Drug abuse affects all different races and income levels.
If you get to the root of the problem- if you were to trace the source of every single illegal drug on the streets of America- 99.9% of will get traced back and have connections to a Mexican Cartel. Mexican Cartels are Mexico's version of ISIS- cross them wrong or interfere with them and you lose your life and/or your head. Actually the Mexican Cartel has beheaded far more people than ISIS and Al-Queada combined. In fact here is a couple articles proving that the Cartels are more dangerous than ISIS: http://elitedaily.com/news/world/mex...-ebola/806049/ http://ultraculture.org/blog/2014/10...xican-cartels/ and http://www.hightimes.com/read/cartel...r-problem-isis

It's only a matter of time, before the GOP plays the guilt game by association and connect every law abiding peaceful Mexican American with either be an illegal immigrant(already happened in Arizona) or trying to align them with the Cartel.
I B Hankering's Avatar
It's no secret that the GOP is perhaps is the the most exclusive party in history of this great country. One would just have to look at the audience of any of the GOP conventions an you will see that it's image is one of a white male dominated party. Compare that to the audience of any Democratic convention and you will see a melting pot of all different ethnic backgrounds.

Also,if you just look at how the GOP views muslims since 9-11 and even if you just look at the rhetoric from members on this board: Whirlaway, I B Hankering, JD, IIFF, LustLad, Budman, and Jewish Lawyer(although this is expected since Jewish have a long history of distrust to muslims and vice Versa) they all share one thing in they want to blame the actions of a few on the entire population.

Yes, we know there are radical muslims, but the vast majority of muslims especially the American muslims are peaceful and law abiding. It's quite ironic how so members on this board bash muslims and yet fail to realize that their are young brave muslims who are fighting all over the world protecting our freedom. Obama has been called a "muslim: so many times by the far right that I have lost count- but is there something wrong with being a muslim? Can a law abiding american man/woman who happens to be muslim run for political office? Not if the GOP had their way.

Now let's move on to the topic- if you ask anyone who hasn't been living under a rock- on what is one of the biggest problems facing America- surely a top 3 would be drugs. Drug use is rampant in this country- it has destroyed many families and has poisoned many neighborhoods and a good portion of our prison population has some drug lated crime Drug abuse affects all different races and income levels.
If you get to the root of the problem- if you were to trace the source of every single illegal drug on the streets of America- 99.9% of will get traced back and have connections to a Mexican Cartel. Mexican Cartels are Mexico's version of ISIS- cross them wrong or interfere with them and you lose your life and/or your head. Actually the Mexican Cartel has beheaded far more people than ISIS and Al-Queada combined. In fact here is a couple articles proving that the Cartels are more dangerous than ISIS: http://elitedaily.com/news/world/mex...-ebola/806049/ http://ultraculture.org/blog/2014/10...xican-cartels/ and http://www.hightimes.com/read/cartel...r-problem-isis

It's only a matter of time, before the GOP plays the guilt game by association and connect every law abiding peaceful Mexican American with either be an illegal immigrant(already happened in Arizona) or trying to align them with the Cartel.
Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
The "guilt" lies exclusively on the users of these so-called "recreational" products these people market.

Mao, a model for true social progressivism admired by lefties like Fonda, etc., solved China's drug problem years ago. He executed dealers, and rehabilitated users. User's who relapsed ... well, Mao executed them too. Drug problem solved!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
It's no secret that the GOP is perhaps is the the most exclusive party in history of this great country. One would just have to look at the audience of any of the GOP conventions an you will see that it's image is one of a white male dominated party. Compare that to the audience of any Democratic convention and you will see a melting pot of all different ethnic backgrounds.

Also,if you just look at how the GOP views muslims since 9-11 and even if you just look at the rhetoric from members on this board: Whirlaway, I B Hankering, JD, IIFF, LustLad, Budman, and Jewish Lawyer(although this is expected since Jewish have a long history of distrust to muslims and vice Versa) they all share one thing in they want to blame the actions of a few on the entire population.

Yes, we know there are radical muslims, but the vast majority of muslims especially the American muslims are peaceful and law abiding. It's quite ironic how so members on this board bash muslims and yet fail to realize that their are young brave muslims who are fighting all over the world protecting our freedom. Obama has been called a "muslim: so many times by the far right that I have lost count- but is there something wrong with being a muslim? Can a law abiding american man/woman who happens to be muslim run for political office? Not if the GOP had their way.

Now let's move on to the topic- if you ask anyone who hasn't been living under a rock- on what is one of the biggest problems facing America- surely a top 3 would be drugs. Drug use is rampant in this country- it has destroyed many families and has poisoned many neighborhoods and a good portion of our prison population has some drug lated crime Drug abuse affects all different races and income levels.
If you get to the root of the problem- if you were to trace the source of every single illegal drug on the streets of America- 99.9% of will get traced back and have connections to a Mexican Cartel. Mexican Cartels are Mexico's version of ISIS- cross them wrong or interfere with them and you lose your life and/or your head. Actually the Mexican Cartel has beheaded far more people than ISIS and Al-Queada combined. In fact here is a couple articles proving that the Cartels are more dangerous than ISIS: http://elitedaily.com/news/world/mex...-ebola/806049/ http://ultraculture.org/blog/2014/10...xican-cartels/ and http://www.hightimes.com/read/cartel...r-problem-isis

It's only a matter of time, before the GOP plays the guilt game by association and connect every law abiding peaceful Mexican American with either be an illegal immigrant(already happened in Arizona) or trying to align them with the Cartel. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Your race hustling is the kind of thing that tears the country apart, you fucking racist asshole.
rioseco's Avatar
It's no secret that the GOP is perhaps is the the most exclusive party in history of this great country. One would just have to look at the audience of any of the GOP conventions an you will see that it's image is one of a white male dominated party. Compare that to the audience of any Democratic convention and you will see a melting pot of all different ethnic backgrounds.

Also,if you just look at how the GOP views muslims since 9-11 and even if you just look at the rhetoric from members on this board: Whirlaway, I B Hankering, JD, IIFF, LustLad, Budman, and Jewish Lawyer(although this is expected since Jewish have a long history of distrust to muslims and vice Versa) they all share one thing in they want to blame the actions of a few on the entire population.

Yes, we know there are radical muslims, but the vast majority of muslims especially the American muslims are peaceful and law abiding. It's quite ironic how so members on this board bash muslims and yet fail to realize that their are young brave muslims who are fighting all over the world protecting our freedom. Obama has been called a "muslim: so many times by the far right that I have lost count- but is there something wrong with being a muslim? Can a law abiding american man/woman who happens to be muslim run for political office? Not if the GOP had their way.

Now let's move on to the topic- if you ask anyone who hasn't been living under a rock- on what is one of the biggest problems facing America- surely a top 3 would be drugs. Drug use is rampant in this country- it has destroyed many families and has poisoned many neighborhoods and a good portion of our prison population has some drug lated crime Drug abuse affects all different races and income levels.
If you get to the root of the problem- if you were to trace the source of every single illegal drug on the streets of America- 99.9% of will get traced back and have connections to a Mexican Cartel. Mexican Cartels are Mexico's version of ISIS- cross them wrong or interfere with them and you lose your life and/or your head. Actually the Mexican Cartel has beheaded far more people than ISIS and Al-Queada combined. In fact here is a couple articles proving that the Cartels are more dangerous than ISIS: http://elitedaily.com/news/world/mex...-ebola/806049/ http://ultraculture.org/blog/2014/10...xican-cartels/ and http://www.hightimes.com/read/cartel...r-problem-isis

It's only a matter of time, before the GOP plays the guilt game by association and connect every law abiding peaceful Mexican American with either be an illegal immigrant(already happened in Arizona) or trying to align them with the Cartel. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

Agreed, just as soon as we get thru playing footsies with ISIS we best go after the GOP.
For one can never know what terrible atrocities they are brewing up. Maybe the "real government" should put them in internment camps like the dems did the Japanese and some German immigrants during WW II.

As for Mexican cartels beheading more people than ISIS...........Note that both of these atrocities go on today right under the Bastard Boy Kings nose. But he is too busy golfing, lying and brewing beer to worry over it. As he said, ISIS is overhyped by the media and doesnt warrant the alarm created by them. I am sure he thinks Mexico is of minimal concern as well.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
The "guilt" lies exclusively on the users of these so-called "recreational" products these people market.

Mao, a model for true social progressivism admired by lefties like Fonda, etc., solved China's drug problem years ago. He executed dealers, and rehabilitated users. User's who relapsed ... well, Mao executed them too. Drug problem solved!
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
And the GUILT should rely solely on the Muslim radicals and not the law abiding peaceful muslims.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Your race hustling is the kind of thing that tears the country apart, you fucking racist asshole. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
I am a racist - yet you have been on record saying we shouldn't trust Muslims? It's your people who are terrorizing peaceful law-abiding Palestinians and you are calling me the racist?????
No but he will call you a faggot sooner or later.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Agreed, just as soon as we get thru playing footsies with ISIS we best go after the GOP.
For one can never know what terrible atrocities they are brewing up. Maybe the "real government" should put them in internment camps like the dems did the Japanese and some German immigrants during WW II.

As for Mexican cartels beheading more people than ISIS...........Note that both of these atrocities go on today right under the Bastard Boy Kings nose. But he is too busy golfing, lying and brewing beer to worry over it. As he said, ISIS is overhyped by the media and doesnt warrant the alarm created by them. I am sure he thinks Mexico is of minimal concern as well. Originally Posted by rioseco
You do realize that Cartels didn't pop up under the Obama Adminstration? Are you that stupid? Do you think as recent as the Bush administration that Cartels weren't just slapping people on the wrist? What did Bush do to curtail the problem? Did George H. Bush do anything? What about Reagan? Oh yeah Reagan's message to the Cartel was to have the First Lady Nancy Reagan start a "Just Say No" campaign that would hopefully shut down the Cartels!
I am a racist - yet you have been on record saying we shouldn't trust Muslims? It's your people who are terrorizing peaceful law-abiding Palestinians and you are calling me the racist????? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
cultmember1911, your "guru" sucks


A Refutation of Acharya S’s book, The Christ Conspiracy
Acharya S is a skeptic with an interest in mythology who has written a book entitled The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold. This book presents an hypothesis of how Christianity came into being.

Although it has received no attention from scholarship, with the lone exception of a negative book review and that from an atheist scholar,(1) The Christ Conspiracy has nonetheless gained support from a number of laypersons. The occasion for this paper is to assess Murdock’s major claims in a brief manner in terms of their accuracy and whether her book is a worthwhile contribution on the origin of Christianity. The paper will sample some of her major claims. No attempts will be made to defend the Christian worldview.

Acharya means “guru” or “teacher.” Her actual name is D. Murdock.(2) Throughout the remainder of this paper, this author will be referred to as Ms. Murdock. The thesis of The Christ Conspiracy is that pagans and Jews who were Masons from the first and second centuries got together and invented the account of Jesus and his disciples in order to create a religion which it was hoped would serve as a one-world religion for the Roman empire. This religion would be a collage of all of the other world religions and combined with astrology.

This, of course, is a radical and unorthodox picture of Christianity. However, being radical and unorthodox does not invalidate a view. Notwithstanding, if Ms. Murdock’s picture of Christianity is to be believed as correct, she has to be accurate in her assessment of the details of the other religions she cites in terms of their similarities with Christianity, correct in her assessment of ancient astrology, correct in her peculiar datings of the Gospels, and correct concerning the Masons. If she is incorrect on any one of these, her hypothesis must be altered or abandoned. It is when we look at the areas of astrology, comparative religion, New Testament higher criticism, Freemasonry, and other issues, we find her to be incorrect in every one of these areas.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
cultmember1911, your "guru" sucks


A Refutation of Acharya S’s book, The Christ Conspiracy
Acharya S is a skeptic with an interest in mythology who has written a book entitled The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold. This book presents an hypothesis of how Christianity came into being.

Although it has received no attention from scholarship, with the lone exception of a negative book review and that from an atheist scholar,(1) The Christ Conspiracy has nonetheless gained support from a number of laypersons. The occasion for this paper is to assess Murdock’s major claims in a brief manner in terms of their accuracy and whether her book is a worthwhile contribution on the origin of Christianity. The paper will sample some of her major claims. No attempts will be made to defend the Christian worldview.

Acharya means “guru” or “teacher.” Her actual name is D. Murdock.(2) Throughout the remainder of this paper, this author will be referred to as Ms. Murdock. The thesis of The Christ Conspiracy is that pagans and Jews who were Masons from the first and second centuries got together and invented the account of Jesus and his disciples in order to create a religion which it was hoped would serve as a one-world religion for the Roman empire. This religion would be a collage of all of the other world religions and combined with astrology.

This, of course, is a radical and unorthodox picture of Christianity. However, being radical and unorthodox does not invalidate a view. Notwithstanding, if Ms. Murdock’s picture of Christianity is to be believed as correct, she has to be accurate in her assessment of the details of the other religions she cites in terms of their similarities with Christianity, correct in her assessment of ancient astrology, correct in her peculiar datings of the Gospels, and correct concerning the Masons. If she is incorrect on any one of these, her hypothesis must be altered or abandoned. It is when we look at the areas of astrology, comparative religion, New Testament higher criticism, Freemasonry, and other issues, we find her to be incorrect in every one of these areas.
Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
What does that have to do with the price of Tea in China? Have you been drinking some booze or are you trying to reflect away from the issue that your party is archaic and exclusive?
The sign should say: How to irritate an Ozombie. Me and my mexican & central american friends are going to cling to our BIBLES... cultmember1911

gfejunkie's Avatar
I am a racist - yet you have been on record saying we shouldn't trust Muslims? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Your idiocy is showing. 'Muslim' isn't a race. It's a religious faith. And a damned fucked up one at that!

It's your people who are terrorizing peaceful law-abiding Palestinians Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
You're joking, right?
Your idiocy is showing. 'Muslim' isn't a race. It's a religious faith. And a damned fucked up one at that!

You're joking, right? Originally Posted by gfejunkie

Yea, cultmember1911 likes that word "your".
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Yea, cultmember1911 likes that word "your". Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Yea, cultmember1911 likes that word "your". Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Attachment 390923

Get use to this ASS-Clowns- this is what you will see the Rest of your filthy Miserable Lives!!!!!