"Shadows of Liberty"

HoustonMilfDebbie's Avatar
Please watch and share:


Major multi-national coporations are calling the shots, not the people!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I'll watch later, but you are correct about the corporations and 0.1%ers running the show. We have the illusion of choice in this country.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Another idiotic post without any value. We've talked about this Deb.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Is this another Chomsky thread?
What is your solution Debbie?

Mine is to return power to the states, downsize the influence, size and expenditures of all 3 branches of the federal government, and return legislative, judicial and executive powers to the states (federalism).

Would you favor the repeal of the 17th Amendment? I do.

If you don't want corporations to have influence, the best thing you can do is support the downsizing of the our administrative state that is headquartered in Washington, DC. Ordinary citizens have very little control over what happens in our federal government. Force giant corporations to go to 50 statehouses to get what they want.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Yep Whirlaway is correct. The very large and burdensome government is manna for large corporations. Big government serves no real useful purpose for the individual other than to centralize control over the people. The corruption of our government, and by that I mean the act of ignoring the Constitution, is largely responsible for the large corporations having more say in our government than the individual States.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Whirly is spot on, again. Repeal the 16th and 17th Amendments and end the Fed. That will be a good start to ending crony capitalism/corporatism.
boardman's Avatar
What is your solution Debbie?
Originally Posted by Whirlaway
^^^^^^^ This...
Deb wants more government control over capitalism. I'm assuming she wants government control over her industry as well. I mean, 1/2 the cuntry's population controls all of the pussy. How fair is that?
What is your solution Debbie?

Mine is to return power to the states, downsize the influence, size and expenditures of all 3 branches of the federal government, and return legislative, judicial and executive powers to the states (federalism).

Would you favor the repeal of the 17th Amendment? I do.

If you don't want corporations to have influence, the best thing you can do is support the downsizing of the our administrative state that is headquartered in Washington, DC. Ordinary citizens have very little control over what happens in our federal government. Force giant corporations to go to 50 statehouses to get what they want. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
You going to overturn Article 6 while you're at it?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You going to overturn Article 6 while you're at it? Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
How does Article 6 apply?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Wow! Talk about a dogpile! Stand your ground, Debbie! (Worked for G. Zimmerman!)

It's obvious that you liberty loving dipshits LOVE them big multinational corporations!

I guess that's because all of you are in Whiny's %0.1 percent group!

Meanwhile, Whir-LIE-turd would have the US busted up into 50 (or how many was that according to his whackoff queen, Sarah Palin, by golly?) autonomous entities and give more power to lunatics like Danny Goeb, errr, Dan Patrick, in Texas.

JDIdiot says your thread is idiotic and has no value. Actually, I applaud you for exposing these nuts!

Guest123018-4's Avatar
We are a republic of States or do you fail to understand that.
How does Article 6 apply? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Oh I don't know... Go read clause 2. Federal law is the Supreme law of the land
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So you don't know, do you, UnderDestruction? You just mouth off crap hoping no one calls you on it, Does the Supremacy Clause apply to federal acts not enumerated to the federal government by the Constitution? Back when the Constitution was in effect, it did not.
So you don't know, do you, UnderDestruction? You just mouth off crap hoping no one calls you on it, Does the Supremacy Clause apply to federal acts not enumerated to the federal government by the Constitution? Back when the Constitution was in effect, it did not. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
If a state law conflicts with federal law, article 2 invalidates that law, as long as it's found to be constitutional. And...