Austin Client Threatened Me With a Bad Review

HoustonMilfDebbie's Avatar
Last night I only saw one client, but will not put his handle name here. He has done several reviews and was very nice to me before and at the start of our session. Various activities were engaged in, including oral (giving and receiving, X2), kissing, touching, convo, different positions, at least 45 minutes of BBBJ, alternating with hand job, due to inability to maintain an erection. This gentlemen is between 55-65, I believe. Tried to say it was my fault and that I really had a serious psychological problem. Then because I wouldn't agree to give him an okay on P411 the very next morning after our session, he is hinting around about giving me a bad review.
Well, I must say, from your pics and profile, it would be difficult to imagine a poor review from me. I like a lady who has high standards and expectations, especially as the same applies to me.
so he is threatening... but u wont say who it is. So basically ur covering ur butt for a bad review but leaving ladies risking to see this guy?
so he is threatening... but u wont say who it is. So basically ur covering ur butt for a bad review but leaving ladies risking to see this guy? Originally Posted by LusciousLacy

You make a very good point Lacy.
This is the 2nd time your mental state has been questioned.
pickupkid's Avatar
don't let him threaten what if he writes a bad will many positive reviews
Cpalmson's Avatar
Open forum is probably not best place for this. You should probably take it up in the Powder Room. Just sayin......
Still Looking's Avatar
Wasn't me! She lost me at giving oral LOL
awl4knot's Avatar
I am wondering what we are supposed to be doing with this information. Do we send the offender to bed without dessert
or take away his ECCIE play time?

Doesn't P411 have an internal complaint mechanism? But it is still a she said - he said situation.

My sense is that the OP will find little comfort in Austin forums. Those guys stick together and will blame a complaining provider for being born with ovaries.

All in all, another minor tempest in the playground. It's not fair, but life is not fair.
Mojojo's Avatar
so he is threatening... but u wont say who it is. So basically ur covering ur butt for a bad review but leaving ladies risking to see this guy? Originally Posted by LusciousLacy
As alluringava hinted out, excellent point!

This is the 2nd time your mental state has been questioned. Originally Posted by BlackMistress
Random postings..

Still Looking's Avatar
This should be moved to Austin Coed. They love controversy there! They are truly caring. About what, I don't know.....
cumalot's Avatar
The last time I checked we had freedom of speech and freedom of press, this applies to everyone including you and the dude....let the guy have his freedoms and don't see him again...your option to not give an okay on P-411 is your choice. Like SL said put it in the Austin Coed where you and he can respond to it....Put a period on it and move on.....ijs
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-09-2012, 10:11 AM
I am not going to takes sides on this, but rather just point out that part of it seems to be a difference of opinion over what a P411 "OK" means.

It seems the OP believes the "OK" is partially a matter of how enjoyably the encounter went, so since it didn't go well in that aspect she doesn't want to give an OK. I know otherladies who feel the same way, and will only give an OK if it's someone they will see again.

I think for most it means "he was safe, clean, and didn't push against my boundaries". I have had a couple ladies give me OKs even though there was no chemistry and it wasn't a wonderfully toe curling experience for either of us.

I don't think either is wrong, but different expectatins do cause issues at times.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
I am wondering what we are supposed to be doing with this information. Originally Posted by awl4knot
Me too 4K. Especially the majority of the members here that are NOT located in Austin TX USA. Like me for instance.
National thread?? Really?? Sure glad I know this - I'll keep my eyes open here in Connecticut for a 55-65 year old hobbyist from Austin that can't maintain an erection - Geeez, you just narrowed it down to half the guys in Texas!! (and at least one in Connecticut!!)