How picky are you?

Satyrrical's Avatar
So when you're looking for an ASP to contact, using all the ad boards you usually do (here, 411, Cityvibe, BP, etc), what percentage do you end up wanting to see?

This percentage being the ads of the women that meet your own standards (looks, listed activities, reviews, etc) compared to the total number of ads of available ASPs.
nightengale1973's Avatar
Obviously attraction is key, but if the price is right, there's no provider I wouldn't see. Lol
Cpalmson's Avatar
I wish you had put a 10-15% option in there. For me, the number is greater than 5% but less than 20%. I went with the 20% because in reality, it is closer to 17% for me.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
The fact, from my perspective, is that there are very few truly beautiful women in the world.

I have traveled around the world and kept copious notes.

I would say that, in general, I only find about 7% of women attractive to me personally.

However, some locales, like say the Playboy Mansion seem to have about 95% totally gorgeous women!

. . . Maybe, I've just been hanging out in the wrong places!

burkalini's Avatar
No woman is truly beautiful until you get to know her. There are alot of attractive hot bodies though.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
. . . I think you may just be wearing your beer goggles to make such a generous statement!

Satyrrical's Avatar
Kinda surprised how much appearance is factoring into the commentary. To a point, I value skill and enthusiasm over looks when choosing a sex partner.
Want to see or have the opportunity to see? There's a big delta the next those percentages.
Kinda surprised how much appearance is factoring into the commentary. To a point, I value skill and enthusiasm over looks when choosing a sex partner. Originally Posted by Satyrrical
Me too - give me skills and a "wanna be there" attitude over looks any day of the week! I figure it's around 10% for me.
Still Looking's Avatar
You know..... Heff and I were having Mimosa’s at the pool checking out the action at the Mansion pool the other day talking about the "Ask SL Thread". I agree with Fastgun, some places just are a target rich environment. OMG! Then Mijo woke me up by spilling his Jack & Coke on my dick. Turns out I was at a Motel 6 in Houston. Ahhhhhh but we can all dream! If you look for the bad you'll always find it. If you look for the good, you'll find that as well. but you might need to look a little longer!
awl4knot's Avatar
This is one of those loosely written polls that doesn't give you the right options. Statistically I am pleased with about 90% of the ladies I see, but I do my homework and rarely make an appointment based on impulse.\

However, that doesn't mean that I will repeat. The need for "strange" is pretty strong and even if I enjoyed the lady and the session, I am always on the look for something better. It may be a chimerical odyssey, but I am committed to it.
Satyrrical's Avatar
This is one of those loosely written polls that doesn't give you the right options. Statistically I am pleased with about 90% of the ladies I see, but I do my homework and rarely make an appointment based on impulse.\

However, that doesn't mean that I will repeat. The need for "strange" is pretty strong and even if I enjoyed the lady and the session, I am always on the look for something better. It may be a chimerical odyssey, but I am committed to it. Originally Posted by awl4knot
I shall attempt to rephrase. The question was, out of the all the ads available in the sources you regularly use, after you do your homework, and after decide to see the lady, what is the percentage of these "acceptable to you" ladies against the number of original ads. How does this does not match up with the poll options? If I look at 25 ads a day and decide that through my research only 1 lady might be what I am looking for, 4%, i.e. second poll choice.
Roothead's Avatar
5%-7% is my range estimate.....

1st step: My guess is that I would be attracted/interested in taking a brief look at only 20% of a given population (aka 20 out of 100)

2nd step: of that 20% - I would look at the provider's overall brand value and marketing - ie an in-depth look at their profile/web page/postings/reviews/fees, etc

3rd step: of that 20%, it would now be distilled down to 4-5 actionable options that I would personally contact and introduce myself