Thank You Gents!

Thank You Gents!

There are times when a good old fashioned THANK YOU is in order. I have been blessed with A WONDERFUL lifestyle of this hobby.

There are times that you gents SAY and DO things for us ladies that make us feel so blessed to have you in our lives.

I thank you for every smile, Every Flower, Your bottles of wine and perfumes and every bit of excitement and giddiness that you share with us.

The Sincerest form of flattery was given to me today.

A Gent stated, “You have a spell on me”.

ben dover's Avatar
WOW! How nice of you to say that! It's great to know we are not just a WEFOC ...(White envelope full of cash) to at least a few providers. Thanks for the sentiment! ...BD
Redsan's Avatar
Get your sexy, cute, body down to Texas for some real
southern appreciation!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank You Gents!

There are times when a good old fashioned THANK YOU is in order. I have been blessed with A WONDERFUL lifestyle of this hobby.

There are times that you gents SAY and DO things for us ladies that make us feel so blessed to have you in our lives.

I thank you for every smile, Every Flower, Your bottles of wine and perfumes and every bit of excitement and giddiness that you share with us.

The Sincerest form of flattery was given to me today.

A Gent stated, “You have a spell on me”.

Sigh…. Originally Posted by Charlotte Carrington
you are completely right and sometimes we get so caught up with the drama and forget the great aspect of the hobby..The people we meet and build reporres with.... even today i send emails and pm's just to say hi and let the gentlemen know i appreciate them....
I am sooo working on it.. cant wait to meet all of you..
Sweet N Little's Avatar
+1 Charlotte..good post

I am extremely grateful

I for one am also very grateful for all my clients and everything this profession has had to offer me. xoxo Ava xoxo