Friendly Advise

I am just wondering what would you do if you found out someone you have never seen before is talking bad about you on here? Do you stay quiet or do you say something? Just curious to see what you guys think. I really dont like drama but I also really dont like guys I have never seen talking about me like they have seen me either.
heavyraidersfan's Avatar
I think you should defend yourself. I would just make sure that it didn't turn into a shouting match. State your case and then leave it at that.
Ok good idea... so some people have askee me in person why I changed my name well here is the reason for the rest of you who don't know the truth... There is a nutcase on this board who decided he would out me on a public website..he has done this to more then one person on here.. Well someone close to me found his post and all hell broke loose.. I am sure he is still on this board bc he has sent me threatening emails since the switch...he keeps changing his handle on here bc he keeps getting banned for the nutcase stuff he does.. And that was the reason I asked my old info not be posted on here due to him getting it and my request was ignored and he now has access to my new name... So I am sure as I said he has a new handle on here so here are some facts just incase he is on here bashing me...since he thinks it funny to ruin peoples lives and make up lies... I do not do drugs never have..smoke weed once and it wasnt my thing.. I dont even really drink maybe once or twice a year.. I also do not have a boyfriend...havent in many years.. I pride myself on being a great provider and a kick ass person and it sickens me that someone who obvioisly doesnt have a life keeps trying to ruin mine and other girls on this board...The only reason I am posting this is because I dont want people going on lies or on stories from a person who is unstable mentally...I will not go back and forth with anyone I have stated what I needed to.. Have a good day everyone
PS: Sorry for the crappy spelling I am doing this from my phone.
Oh hunny that is absolutely horrible for someone to do. Especially to someone as sweet as you are.
I had heard some of the ladies complain but they never said who it was they were having troubles with.
Those of us here that sincerely appreciate you ladies will take someone being mean with a grain of salt and check with others that have seen you this kind of blatant disregard really upsets me. You ladies are in my eyes the best ever to take time to be there for us. Personally since I already know you if I had any questions I would take the time to ask you and maybe catch lunch or breakfast in the process.I had read something really stupid once but didn't even give it a second thought since I already know you and just couldn't even imagine anything like that as being true.
I am truly sorry that this is happening to you. you ladies sure don't deserve anyone treating you like that at all..
Hope to see you around soon
I think you need to come up to ND and we'll 'console' you....we'll take care of ya sweety!! Don't let some a-hole ruin your day. karma's a bitch, he'll get his someday. Take care and stay safe.
Hi hun. Sorry to hear that nonsense. I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of responding to him. I'd out him to your friends and take precations though. I know you to be a cool person and truly enjoy your company. Stay strong baby.
Thank you guys
European's Avatar
No one should bad mouth you... stick up for yourself.. you know I and I'm sure a few others here have your back
DocHolyday's Avatar
Board drama is not good for business. If you are going to confront the member, do it in private.