A reminder for the men to CYA

Crystal West's Avatar
I'm not pleased putting it mildly and haven't been since Sunday. I canceled appointments in Fargo set up a week ago yesterday and continue to explain to others. On Sunday I received a text asking " who is this" my response of "who are you after all you text me" was met with I'm xxx and I'm MR yyy's wife. I was in Bismark and clearly North Dakota isn't highly populated nor would it be hard to track me down if need be. I spent well over 3 hours exchanging text with this wife to not only save my backside the backside of a Lady who takes CC's , as well others. She calmed down not that she was ever rude or disrespectful in the first place. She gave me the number he contacted me from and I found I'd blocked him. At the end of our conversation she was no longer speaking of LE and charges for attempting to run HER CC.
Delete Delete Delete gentlemen..
This one is not a member of any boards to my knowledge.

This was my first issue for canceling.
A wife contacting me then has a fight with husband and guess who's getting handed over to LE for being the cause.

Sunday - 1AM - Bismarck - I get a text from a guy wanting to see me "His friend referred him and HIGHLY RECOMMENDS ME". He refuses my screening refuses to provide information so I know who "the friend" is. As I am refusing to see him based on refusing to screen he starts texting me my hotel, room number, and a description of my vehicle. I told him to have his friend contact me in the mix of choice words I had for him. The friend has yet to contact me I do not think he will actually.

I was so amazing to you that you put me in danger ??

So I canceled due to 2 men with no regard for my safety and got to deal with being treated rudely by one man for canceling.
jmhawk1's Avatar
Sorry to hear about your issues, that's too bad and didn't really speak highly of the men in that area. I recall you stating you had issues in my neck of the woods (South Dakota) a few months ago.

It's tough when quality friends stop coming to visit, especially when we don't get the frequency or quality often. A few bad apples spoil the bunch, and it puts us as a region on the map as a "pass" to others who may be thinking of gracing us with their presence.

I hope you stay safe, and I want to personally thank you for your consideration when you dealt with the Mrs on the call. Having to deal with someone's better half would not be fun, and should never really have to happen if people think before they act...

Not much else to say, but thank you for reminding us that there are certain things that we can do to help protect EVERYBODY.
That's crappy you had to deal with that. There is no reason you had to deal with a wife, and no reason that second guy should have acted so creepy.
Crystal West's Avatar
Thank you gentlemen. I didn't post this or the other as a complaint at all. More as an insight to a fraction of what providers deal with and maybe to save a harsh post because a lady screened a bit harder or was a bit defensive.