GOP Fox/Google Debate

Perry took a pretty good pounding tonight. He stumbled around and threw some punches that didn't land. I look for him to start sliding in the polls. Anybody else see it?
budman33's Avatar
Santorum and Caine did best but cant get elected. So its a choice between Perry who gets worse and worse each debate or Middle Class Mitt. I wish I was a part of that Middle class of 190-200 Million net worth.
  • Booth
  • 09-23-2011, 07:47 AM
I have to take back what I said a few weeks ago about not being able to see anyone keeping Perry from getting the nomination. Perry will keep Perry from getting the nomination. He's turned into his own worst enemy.
  • Booth
  • 09-23-2011, 07:18 PM
Perry took a pretty good pounding tonight. He stumbled around and threw some punches that didn't land. I look for him to start sliding in the polls. Anybody else see it? Originally Posted by Billy_Saul
Perry really took a beating from conservative media today. He looks worse with each debate.

Was anyone else surprised that an active member of our military was booed by the audience? That was shocking.
Perry really took a beating from conservative media today. He looks worse with each debate.

Was anyone else surprised that an active member of our military was booed by the audience? That was shocking. Originally Posted by Booth
Liberal press as well. Perry is unelectable in a general election.

Yes, the booing was inexcusable. One of the candidates should have spoken up and denounced the boos. A missed opportunity.
  • Booth
  • 09-24-2011, 10:22 AM
Liberal press as well. Perry is unelectable in a general election.

Yes, the booing was inexcusable. One of the candidates should have spoken up and denounced the boos. A missed opportunity. Originally Posted by Billy_Saul

Whatever the liberal press says about Perry is to be expected. The words of William Kristol are far more damning. "No front-runner in a presidential field has ever, we imagine, had as weak a showing as Rick Perry. It was close to a disqualifying two hours for him."
budman33's Avatar
well at least his record of never losing an election might remain untarnished because pointy boots isn't going to get on the ballot i'm thinkin. almost a shame, The only benefit to him as a president is I wouldnt have that fucker as a governor anymore
Advocate's Avatar
You know, when Dubya was running, you at times could see flashes of what could have been a graduate-level intellect if he had ever buckled down and studied. I remember early on when he was questioned about Cheney's expanded role, he defended his position by asking questions like, well who said that the VP's role has to be limited? Where is that written? We can make a bigger role for that position if we feel it's good idea. As a former Government major, I was a little taken aback. It was a good question, if clumsily phrased and needing a lot more analysis, but he was at least willing to take on an assumption that had nothing but tradition as its underpinnings.

Perry, on the other hand, seems like the guy who got bad grades not because he was lazy, but because he is simply not smart. Or just simple.