
I saw a provider ad that presented the idea of essentially going on a date (dinner, drinks, GFE) at a rate less than what would normal be hourly rate x 3 or so hours that would be involved. I'm just curious, how much actual interest is there in this sort of interaction among (a) hobbyists and (b) other providers?
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
I would be fun
This is something that takes place from time to time, depending upon chemistry, open schedules, and someone taking the risk of mentioning it. But promising that sort of GFE experience to a stranger seems a bit off to me, simply because I couldn't promise that it'd go swimmingly. And if the "date" portion felt forced or unnatural or hell, unpleasant, it'd be difficult for me to switch to GFE mode. I'd try my damnedest, but the anxiety to perform well to "make-up" for the failed first half of the booking is troublesome. In the best case scenario, the effort would lead to super hot BCD time. THEN he might wish he'd just stuck with a 1hr. In the worst case scenario, the whole thing would fall even more flat BCD, and I'd be kicking myself not to have just kept the date at the normal hour since I would have provided a more enjoyable time.

BUT, that's just my opinion on based upon my experiences and knowledge of my skill set. The fancy ass girls who only book super multi-hours or weekends or whatever probably have this shit I'm sure many of the other professionals do, too.
Bob McV's Avatar
Jenn, t does seem to be a bit backwards around these parts. Here we book time, have an intimate exchange, and then if it all clicks, maybe extend things to a more traditional date type encounter.

The "fancy ass girls" are partly banking on the fact that guys willing to book that much time and money on an unknown are pretty good at faking a charming if shallow evening of small talk and pleasantries. Then meeting them at least half way with their own acting skills and talent for the job. In the end their hourly rate isn't much more than most but they are only having to do a fraction of the time on their back. Not to say suffering through dinner and drinks with someone that annoys you isn't more work than just blowing them.

I think some of the "less than fancy ass girls" may be offering this as an attempt to see how well they can play that game. It does take a goodly amount of grace, decorum, and demure charm to really sell it, even to a guy that is willingly buy it.
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 06-16-2014, 08:59 AM
Did something along these lines. Had a civvie event that I couldn't escape from so needed a date for 5 hrs. Polled my stable and one of the ladies referred me to a visiting lady she knew that was closer to my age. Had a BCD nightcap. Total cost was roughly equal to a 2 1/2 hr date that ended up being 6 hrs.

Doubt that I'd ever run into this again but it turned out great. Plus factor was she was a good dancer both on and off the sheets.
Whispers's Avatar
I saw a provider ad that presented the idea of essentially going on a date (dinner, drinks, GFE) at a rate less than what would normal be hourly rate x 3 or so hours that would be involved. I'm just curious, how much actual interest is there in this sort of interaction among (a) hobbyists and (b) other providers? Originally Posted by love_machine
I am not a supporter of paying a lady to dine with me or have drinks......... They need to eat as well as drink and often a guy will entertain them at a nicer place than they may choose for themselves....

I tend to enjoy this kind of arrangement.... I like a lady to meet me at the notel.... knock out a quickie to take the edge off.... get dressed and have a leisurely dinner and/or drinks and head back to the notel for a more consuming round with a couple of shots at least.... 4-5 hours....

Strippers are the logical choice for these types of evenings because they value their time by the shift they would work... not by the hour.....

Truthfully...... I think any guy that has been around as long as you have with the number of reviews would have had the opportunity to connect with a couple of ladies......

You do not see these talked about or reviewed but they are common place between providers and regular clients..... It's a perk to be a regular..... Ladies take time off for themselves..... Presenting the idea to one that you would like to wine and diner her for a few hours and then go BCD and suggesting she lets you know if she is ever up for something like that will probably reap you some results.

Over the years I've been approached by a couple of ladies at the luncheons that had seen reviews or posts I made and knew I was this kind of client... They approached me offering me my "stripper rate" and I've enjoyed many an evening in the exact manner you mention.

One way to try to set this up might be to book a 30 minute session at 6:30PM and a 60 minute session at 9:30PM..... Invite the lady to join you for dinner during the in between time.... I've had luck with this as well.... For me it works great as I get older and need some recovery time..... 4-5 hours for 1.5 hours rate....

For a lady that values repeat business and wants a new regular it's win-win
Johnny Tightlips's Avatar
As a hobbyist, zero interest.
Paying someone to let you buy them dinner is ridiculous. There are way more suitable places to find a date / dinner companion than eccie.
I've always done half-price for non-bcd time. I don't spend any time for free. I consider this to be my job, and I expect to get paid for it. Feel like the non-bcd time price is a fair compromise. I like going to dinner. I normally don't consider it to be a chore. Breaks the ice, you get a chance to warm up to someone. Not for every man, but some guys seem to like it.
cckid2006's Avatar
Done this many times. Never paid more than the hourly rate and sometimes not even that. One time I had 3 providers with me for lunch never cost me more than the price of the meals. Went to pick-up a provider one day for lunch and she asked me if she could bring her twin sister!
I have done this numerous times over the years (previous trip through this 'La-La' land) and have always had a great time.

I credit the success to the man doing his homework. He has read my reviews (of previous dinner dates and reviews, in general). He has read my posts on the board, my showcase, my website and 'knows' that our chemistry would meld, both over dinner and drinks and then 'dessert'.

I love to have 'regulars' over to my house for dinner - usually from a favorite restaurant and we share food/drinks/relaxed conversation and

After thinking about it, three times it has it gotten me into trouble...
One, I married (yes, it happens)
One, I fell in love watch out and be warned, lol.
The other...let's just say...nah, better not

Personally, I feel it has a lot to do w/ both parties ability to make small talk, be willing to trust and share about their lives and interests. If there is a connection there, it will be established and cemented over common interests and personality. It takes two and shouldn't fall just on the provider's shoulders to keep the client entertained.

If a man has taken the time to study my personality then there won't be any unpleasant surprises.
It should also behoove you to make sure your prospective 'date' has the social skills to navigate her way through a dinner date - grammar, good conversationalist, able to handle her liquor, appropriate behaviour, ability to converse about topics beyond pop or rap music/reality TV/her personal 'drama' and so on.

If she is a high-caliber woman, then you shouldn't be able to tell if your BCD time was 'real' or not. She will bring her A-game, if you bring yours and choose wisely.

One last thing, I think it is 'polite' to adjust my fees to allow for our time and his generosity. I am appreciative and gracious about his time and $$ as I am with mine. Just my opinion.

Aphro *warning!-a-dinner-date-may-change-your-life* Dite

Miss Valentina's Avatar
I am contacted for this quite frequently in fact. I am likely to provide non-BCD entertainment twice a month, sometimes more.

It seems there are a number of traveling and local gentlemen who arrive in town for large events, conventions and the like and desire accompaniment for these social occasions. I am expected to be dressed well and appropriately, be bright and conversational, witty and charming, and generally be an ornament to the gentleman. It does take a certain geisha level mindset to be "on" for that many hours; I have been asked impromptu to speak on political or current events to a large table of guest, I've been asked to play guitar and/or to sing, one never knows what to expect and it is sometimes a bit disconcerting.

I love it, it's fun, I've met some wonderful gentlemen, and been invited to some really great events including fund raisers for the arts, fashion shows, gallery openings, doctor's conventions, record launches, product unveiling and the like. Besides, it gives me a chance to bust out some of my gowns that would otherwise be mouldering in the deep recesses of my closet.
I do this quite often as well but only after I have met someone at least once
when I was in Austin I had several gentlemen who I went to lunch with or strip clubs with and saw on a regular basis

I also see gentlemen for casino dates it's kinda nice to go gamble have some great food and have the hotel all in the same building!

I am always casual though as to not draw attention

I agree with Chelseabean it's not for everyone but some do enjoy it!
Miss Valentina's Avatar
Ah yes, theater production openings vs strip club attending. Just goes to show there is a Jill for every Jack. Myself being on one end and Annika on the other.

That's not to say one is better than the other, just different.

Viva La Difference!!!
Bob McV's Avatar
different buy equal I have heard that somewhere before?

And now that I think about it I have been to both a dance performance and a strip club with two different ladies I have met from here. (full disclosure the later I was the invited guest, but I didn't have the wherewith all to negotiate an appropriate rate for my time)
Whispers's Avatar
Ah yes, theater production openings vs strip club attending. Just goes to show there is a Jill for every Jack. Myself being on one end and Annika on the other.

That's not to say one is better than the other, just different.

Viva La Difference!!! Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
hmm..... I have season tickets to the Majestic in San Antonio as well as VIP cards for Palazios, Sugar's and P10.

I guess it goes to say as well that some jacks get to play with a variety of jills