Begging vs. The Hunt

Ok... cannot bite my tongue any longer.

Guys- how do you REALLY feel about providers that beg?

"Im broke, Im lonely, Im horny"

When a provider begs you to come see her...

Do you jump on it because you think she is just begging you? That youre the only one out there that she thinks can give it to her good?

Do you wonder what bill is obviously due tomorrow that she has to resort to begging?

Do you wonder what "habit" needs accommodated so quickly?

Do you wonder WHY she has to beg for it?

What about a provider that simply posts ads, maybe some flirtatious posts?

Do you like to flirt, get a feel, shop around and hunt for that provider that makes you feel all naughty inside?

Which do you prefer and why? Beggers vs the Hunted
Begging reeks of desparation and is not very attractive to me...maybe some like it but, it always makes me uncomfortable. I certainly can understand it but, it usually sends me in the opposite direction.
I do not like the beggars. I do not have issue with posting ads, it is a business. I do like the flirty posts and pms. As well as the flirting in chat. But the ones in chat that basically beg I do not care for. Hey guys come see, Hey guys come see me, Hey guys come see me. Or the ones that do nothing in chat but post the same pics over and over get a little old. Fuck we have seen Just me 2 cents.
"Im broke, Im lonely, Im horny"
Which do you prefer and why? Beggers vs the Hunted Originally Posted by LusciousLacy
Ok LLacy I like both. Give me honesty vs using your kids or some other scheme to try and hustle money. Just look at coed or alert of any city and I am sure you will find a hobbiest saying some sob story of being used blah blah blah
I would say providers that are " Beggers" aren't Lonely, Horny or broke they just want to see who will fall for the BS. It's nothing more than a power thing.
I just hate the sob stories some ladies use, real or fake, to make me feel sorry for them. Strippers are notorious in my book for this tactic. I understand some guys have a soft heart and will go out there way to be "Captain Save-A-Ho" but talking to me about sick relatives, baby-daddy drama, bills etc. Is reverse-viagra for me. I don't mind a pm or text or whatever to see if I wanna set an appointment but leave it at that.
Begging is a big turn off. It is often a forerunner of drama, and so I avoid usually.

I use to see a certain little gal, it was not unusual for her to need money for some emergency. Most were true emergencies. When she needed money, she would go post something on ASPD. Never begging, sometimes flirty, sometimes antagonistic (sp?), sometimes inspiring. When she posted, I learned she was trolling and wanted to get some sessions, so it was time to contact her. Her comment to me was that all she needed to do was post and she could get enough sessions to pay the piper that needed paying. She once needed to make $2k in a weekend. I was tied up, but told her if she didn't make her target by Sunday noon, to let me know, I would help her out. When I contacted her Sunday, she had the last needed session already scheduled, didn't need my session, but was a bit tired.

There are better ways than begging for sessions. If you have regulars, maybe asking for a session is fine. But going into chat and begging, responding to every ISO in a city forum, all make a big turnoff to me. I actually avoid chat & one reason is the many comments that I have heard are the number of gals begging. The one time I went into ECCIE chat I was bombarded by ladies wanting a session.

I am always amazed at the number of gals who respond publicly to multiple ISOs with a "PICK ME, PICK ME" rather than send a simple PM. So often, these ladies don't even come close to meeting the request in age, race, build, services offered. At least in a PM they can respond without embarrassing themselves. (And it makes it easier for the guy to not have to be rude to a lady who doesn't have a clue how far from his expectations the lady is.)
Always Horny's Avatar
Ok... cannot bite my tongue any longer.

Guys- how do you REALLY feel about providers that beg? Originally Posted by LusciousLacy

'Nuf said.
Brasky's Avatar
Begging is a turn off.
That kind of begging sucks. The kind that goes more like "Please Sir, please fuck me...I want you to fuck me...I NEED you to fuck me" while whimpering and dripping works better.
God, as a provider, that's stooping so low to me. Desperation is just a turn-off. But I hear about it all the time from some guys about how provider X beg mostly for money.
That kind of begging sucks. The kind that goes more like "Please Sir, please fuck me...I want you to fuck me...I NEED you to fuck me" while whimpering and dripping works better. Originally Posted by Vitruvian
Oh now i will beg bcd... "Please let me lick my glaze from your chin", "Please pound me harder" <giggle>

God, as a provider, that's stooping so low to me. Desperation is just a turn-off. But I hear about it all the time from some guys about how provider X beg mostly for money. Originally Posted by alluringava
Yea i agree. I dont think I could enjoy being with a gentleman because I had to beg. I prefer to be wanted, desired...
SASpurfan's Avatar
No begging for or by me. Takes the fun out of the chase.

I can't imagine ever doing that! I have actually wanted to email or contact gentlemen that have shared information during an appointment just to follow up with them (sick family member, trip over seas, new job... ) but have not as I didn't want there to be any misunderstanding for my initiating contact. Not fishing for an appointment, just really was listening and care. lol I generally wait for the gentleman to initiate contact.

I have been with a gentleman when a text came through from another provider saying "Been thinking about you all day and I want to do really naughty things to you". THAT is fishing....
Chasing is fun SAS! lol

Im with Paulina. Now I do have a mailing list. But they simply want me to inform them of specials or tours. The rest is up to them. I dont see it as begging tho.. just keeping informed per their request. Since I dont normally do ECCIE ads... its usually the only way they know where Im at.