Screening etiquette question

  • myodb
  • 03-22-2023, 11:01 PM
Should one follow up with a lady after screening if said lady hasn’t responded?
Joddxxx's Avatar
It depends on how you introduced yourself to the provider. If you follow there instructions, then I would follow up after a week. If nothing happens, then I would move on.
TinMan's Avatar
^^^Good suggestion^^^

I’d make the follow-up low-key, just checking in to see if she needs anything further, then let if drop. Sometimes I don’t hear back for awhile on an initial inquiry or screening request, and it usually has nothing to do with me.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Depending upon your availability, if you still wish to see the provider, then I would say at least a couple of days. Usually, the other providers whom you gave as references have not responded to her request so there's very little she can do but try contacting again. There is no reason for her to get upset or angry if you send her a text following up or inquiring status. If she is, then it may also indicate the impersonal session that awaits you with her.
corona's Avatar
I'd definitely follow up, but if they continue to not respond, I'd move on. Don't be a pest either.

They either must be busy or aren't interested.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
I would just send a text or PM and ask her if you passed screening
And if nothing back from her in a few hr's then move on.
You never know what might be going on in her real life
Something might of happen in between the time you first reach out .

I'm a TCB type of person so I respond right away, but I can ,as I have nothing to worrier about in my real world . But sometimes I'm away from my hobby phone and can't answer right away ..

Aways interduce yourself and give as much info she ask for as for screening.. really makes us jump and know you are for real about booking
TexTushHog's Avatar
I’d say a couple 9f days unless you have some specific information that it will take longer than that.
Pangolier's Avatar
Should one follow up with a lady after screening if said lady hasn’t responded? Originally Posted by myodb

Was a specific date and time agreed to? If so, then you definitely need to if it's been more than 12 hours, especially if the date is drawing near. I might reconsider if it's past midnight local time, and before 7 AM.

If no specific date and time was agreed to, then I would give it 24 to 48 hours, and make 1 follow up. If she doesn't respond to the single follow up, I would abandon and she's likely a lousy provider anyhow.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 03-26-2023, 08:05 AM
Should one follow up with a lady after screening if said lady hasn’t responded? Originally Posted by myodb
She might got into her TV streaming, move on
GayleMeyers's Avatar
Should one follow up with a lady after screening if said lady hasn’t responded? Originally Posted by myodb
By all means, yes. Sometimes we get busy with life and things fall through the cracks, especially if references never reply ... I think communication is always essential. If you remind me or reach out, I can let you know the status of your referrals.
  • myodb
  • 03-26-2023, 01:33 PM
Followed up, and no reply unfortunately. Thank you all for your suggestions. I’m moving on
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Never beg a provider to spend your money on her. After you text, call or email that you are interested and you get ignored and she does not respond, walk away. It is called self respect.
Brot's Avatar
  • Brot
  • 03-27-2023, 09:48 PM
No response is a response..the return on subsequent requests is likely to be worse.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
TCB skills are very important. By contacting a provider, you can pretty much get an indication of how those skills are. The good thing about a provider who does not respond is a provider who does respond, set an appointment and whenever you get ready and drive halfway across town to her incall, she ghosts you and leaves you sitting in your car in the parking lot of the hotel.
Bald Bryan's Avatar
Followed up, and no reply unfortunately. Thank you all for your suggestions. I’m moving on Originally Posted by myodb
Not just the ONLY approach, but the BEST approach too.

Important to never take it personally, unless you're just creepy, manipulative or come across as entitled (like plenty of the usual suspects do). It might have been something in your messages or screening that kept her from responding or it (more likely) could have been that you're messages simply got buried and unfortunately passed over and the timing was off. If the provider in question is someone you're really hot after, you could leave it open to maybe circling back around after a good bit of time has passed. Maybe something like "Hello, tried to connect awhile ago but it didn't happen, curious if maybe we could try again?" - but there's a TON of variables that could make this either a terrible idea or the best idea ever.

There's no written formula or standardized protocol to any of this shit...