... I Quit!

Smoking! Not the hobby.

Although I'm sure the anti-kliq got really excited for a moment.

I am on day 12 of the new smoke-free me now!

Danielle has been on tour with me during the entire thing and amazingly, she is still alive and well.

P.S. All the hobbyists who are oppposed to providers who smoke... you can stop avoiding me now.
Congratulations, Ginger!
Congratulations Ginger. Know it ain't easy, but hang in there.
Omerta's Avatar
Ginger, that's fantastic! And I know from watching family members struggle to quit, it's VERY hard to do. Be proud of yourself!
Congratulations! You've got this!
Thanks so much for all the support, everyone. The smoking cessation program that my doctor put me on has really helped!

My plastic surgeon required that I quit for the full mommy makeover... so I'm ready for surgery July 27th now!

On a related note, I'll be recuperating during August and September. I won't be hobbying from my surgery date until October.
DocHolyday's Avatar
Excuse me, "mommy makeover??" Looks like your smoking now!! Hot that is. I am really seeing NO need for a makeover....Really!!
Wishing you strong willpower. Hell you might have to suck on something more healthy when you have a craving....
Kudos to you! I have no doubt you can accomplish any endeavor you pursue.
Nicolefoxx1's Avatar
Congratulations girls!!
Nicolefoxx1's Avatar
Girl! Sorry mis typo
Glad you've stuck with it and kicked it! You should be proud! That's a hard one to put down!
Vannah's Avatar
Good for you, Ginger! I can imagine it would be a hard habit to give up and it takes a tremendous amount of willpower. Your lungs will thank you!