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In the Democrats Russian Hoax

Igor Danchenko Arrested as Part of Durham Investigation - Danchenko’s arrest is a seismic development and confirmed Durham is far from done with his investigation...

The office of Special Counsel John Durham has confirmed that Igor Danchenko, a key source for British ex-spy Christopher Steele, has been arrested. This is the third arrest by Durham who is moving toward the prosecution stage of his investigation into the origins of the Russian collusion scandal. Durham is variously described as either painfully methodical or positively glacial as a prosecutor. But he is widely credited with being a dogged and absolutely apolitical prosecutor. Danchenko’s arrest is a seismic development and confirmed Durham is far from done with his investigation.

Washington was recently rocked by the indictment of Michael Sussman, former counsel for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee, for his alleged role in spreading a false Russia conspiracy theory.

Now Danchenko is being charged with lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Danchenko is widely referenced as the sub-source for former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele for his controversial dossier. That dossier, funded by the Clinton campaign, served as the basis for Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants against Trump campaign aide Carter Page.

Danchenko told the FBI that the dossier was “unsubstantiated” and said that Steele asked him to look for any “compromising” information on Trump. Mr. Danchenko worked for the Brookings Institution, a liberal Washington think-tank that often produced reports critical of Trump.

Danchenko is not someone who immediately comes across as an apex defendant — the highest target in an investigation. He was a key source used by others to advance false or unsubstantiated claims against Trump. He is the type of defendant that prosecutors pressure to flip against those who retained him or used him in this effort. In other words, he strikes me as someone who can be used as a building block to apex defendants.

Potential apex targets above him in investigation range from Steele himself to Clinton general counsel Marc Elias to Clinton campaign officials.
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Per Durham’s indictment of Christopher Steele’s employee Igor Danchenko, Danchenko’s lies to the FBI all came in 2017. Which means Comey and Mueller and Strzok and McCabe and that whole crowd knew then the entire dossier was garbage. And they covered it up.

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According to new Durham indictment, the Steele dossier is even more partisan & corrupt than previously known.

We knew that Steele worked for Clinton campaign/DNC. Now we learn that not only did Dems fund Steele's dossier, but dossier used a Democratic operative as a key source:

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Jonathan Turley - The indictment circles around an unnamed figure called PR-Executive-1 who was a close Clinton adviser who held high positions in the Democratic party and prior Clinton campaigns

Also Trump impeachment witness Fiona Hill implicated in criminal Steele Dossier operation
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BREAKING: Hillary Clinton offers condolences to Igor Danchenko on his impending suicide
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Durham has a broad scope. Huber turned his investigation over to him. Radcliffe turned over 80,000 classified documents over to him. He has it all. This leads to the Clintons, Obama’s and Biden’s. The Bidenistas might want to ask a simple question. Why doesn’t Joey Bribes fire him? Just wondering.
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General Flynn

A long but necessary read…and pay attention to the latest actions in the Durham investigation.

As we’ve known all along, the entire “Russia-Gate” collusion was one big set up. Democratic operatives were actually colluding with Russia…Look at what they did to me, my entire family and our country. We have all known or certainly felt it, but now Durham has confirmed it. By their grotesque abuse of the law, the DEMs changed the course of history by their egregious actions and lies. Forcing me out of the NSA position was job #1 for them because they knew I would stop this dead in its tracks. The DEMs and their thug henchmen on the left tried to destroy the country over the past four years. And even now they’re trying to get away with stealing the nation. They won’t, and may all these evil bastards rot in hell.
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BREAKING: Strobe Talbott lawyered up recently, as well as several members of the Clinton campaign such as Robby Mook and Jennifer Palmieri. No word yet on Jake Sullivan, the Clinton campaign official behind the criminal Russiagate operation, who now serves as Biden's National Security Advisor
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BREAKING: Strobe Talbott lawyered up recently, as well as several members of the Clinton campaign such as Robby Mook and Jennifer Palmieri. No word yet on Jake Sullivan, the Clinton campaign official behind the criminal Russiagate operation, who now serves as Biden's National Security Advisor Originally Posted by berryberry
Podesta is in deep trouble. The least of which is Russia gate.
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lustylad's Avatar
Durham has a broad scope. Huber turned his investigation over to him. Radcliffe turned over 80,000 classified documents over to him. He has it all. This leads to the Clintons, Obama’s and Biden’s. The Bidenistas might want to ask a simple question. Why doesn’t Joey Bribes fire him? Just wondering. Originally Posted by bambino

For the same reason Trump didn't fire Mueller. It would look like a cover-up. AG Barr (bless his soul) made Durham a Special Counsel, just like Mueller was. Payback's a bitch, especially when you're guilty as hell.
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Noted LIBERAL Journalist - Glenn Greenwald with an Epic rant / expose of the FAKE Russia Hoax perpetrated by the Clinton Campaign and the mainstream media. It tells teh tale of how the media take advantage of low information libtards with their lies. Here are just parts of it

These last two DOJ indictments -- first of Hillary's lawyer, then of Christopher Steele's main source -- show that the Clinton campaign funded and fed to the FBI a gigantic batch of lies in the 2016 election, which the vast bulk of the media spent 3 years ratifying and spreading

The employees of these media corporations know, deep down, what they did. They did the worst thing you can possibly do while calling yourself a "journalist": they drowned US politics for years in a fake conspiracy theory funded and concocted by criminals for partisan gain.

The NYT, the WPost, CNN, NBC and the digital liberal outlets are all vastly more guilty of what they have spent years claiming Trump and the GOP are: they basically ran a dangerous disinformation campaign, full of lies, in conjunction with CIA/FBI, and now won't own up to it.

They all made gigantic profit from this set of lies: all of them. Their ratings skyrocketed by scaring liberals about Kremlin control of the US. They wrote best-selling books and gave themselves Pulitzers based on this massive fraud. FBI lied to the FISA court. CIA fueled it all.

From the start, Russiagate -- which drowned US politics and dangerously ratcheted up tensions with a major nuclear-armed power -- was concocted from whole cloth by serial liars paid for by the Clinton campaign and spread by their media servants: David Corn, Isikoff, Frank Foer.

What Rachel Maddow in particular did makes her one of the most disgraceful and unhinged media figures ever to work for a major media corporation. Her derangement and lies were off the charts. Yet the liberal networks are bidding for her: because DNC disinformation is their model!

Anyway, for all of those who lied to the public for years -- the NYT and WPost reporters, the rich and insulated CNN and NBC hosts, the countless charlatans and politicians like Adam Schiff & John Brennan who wrote bestselling books -- none of this will matter. Lies are rewarded.

Polarization of media means virtually every major media corporation -- CNN, NBC, NYT, WPost, NPR -- have an exclusively Dem audience. These Dems don't want to hear that they were lied to and, even if they knew, they'd be fine with it: for the right cause. So zero consequences.

But if you are someone who hates these media outlets and the liars who work for them to your core, know that your hatred is valid, justified and righteous. They are a toxic force in US political life. They don't lie, smear and propagandize on occasion: it's their core function.
And all of this will lead to nothing. None of the big names will ever see a jail cell. There is too much corruption on both sides.