A Q for the guys about unusual appt times?

I am VERY girly in the sense that unless I am asleep I am always in a dress, with makeup on, hair in place ect..
Here Is where I have a minor concern:
With gentleman I have previously spent time with I try to accommodate very early/very late appts with AT LEAST an hrs notice.
GUYS- Do you expect us to be completely dolled up if you come for a visit at 2am?
for me, nope, But i do expect you to tell me at that point that its not a good time and to give me your schedule so i can sync it up with mine.
The G.O.A.T's Avatar
Holy shit!!! You would really see a gent at 2am?!

Shit... I now have you on speed dial. Holysheepshit take down her number.

Hell, as long as you're there and available I wouldn't give a fuck. You can be in your pajamas at that hour of the night. Fuck make-up. Fuck lingerie. Fuck combing your hair. But brush your teeth. Please brush your teeth.

Yes... being dressed in this would be acceptable.
Woodduck82's Avatar
+1 ^
Dress and dolled up. No. PJ is sexy too. At least be sbowered and have a good attitude. Or just say it's not a good time and ask for a later time. I think most will under stand.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 10-03-2011, 07:21 AM
At 2 am a sleazy outfit is best. You don't need to girl it up that late. The only thing out that late is the devil so dress to impress him. Slut outfit, little bit of brushing the hair and minor makeup on. That's probably the best you can get away with. You are at least required to look like you tried to look good. Maybe just have that late night outfit hanging up for quick access. Being clean us still one of the most important thing.
At 2 am a sleazy outfit is best. You don't need to girl it up that late. The only thing out that late is the devil so dress to impress him. Slut outfit, little bit of brushing the hair and minor makeup on. That's probably the best you can get away with. You are at least required to look like you tried to look good. Maybe just have that late night outfit hanging up for quick access. Being clean us still one of the most important thing. Originally Posted by trey
Very well said.The second provider I ever saw was at 1am and she showed up in a very casual shorts and tank top outfit.Looked fine to me.Didn't hurt that she was already hot looking!
Jack Flash's Avatar
Anyone scheduling at 2am is either drunk and horny and could care less what you look like or they are just a regular ole nut job driving around for 4 hours looking for pussy (aka HSS).

Either way, at that time in the morning, I'd be fine walking in a room and your in pj's, shorts and tshirt, whatever. Actually I don't care what a girl is wearing at any time of the day, because the whole point of my arrival is to get all that shit off and on the floor as fast as possible anyway.
ZedX79's Avatar
I expect sexiness at anytime of the day/night.
dtymh55's Avatar
What the provider is or, is not wearing. Is not a big deal,it will be stripped off anyway.
If you need 1 hour to get yourself what I call " street presentable" aka you can go out in public and blend in then the guy should give you that hour... if it is taking longer and you can message/call him.. do so.. he should be understandable in that area but keep in mind some schedule their fun in a small window of time so if it takes too long they give up and you got ready for nothing, unless you have another caller then you do not have to do as much for the next guy.

But do not be afraid to say "its too late" or "I am too tired" etc.. tis better to not see a guy unless you are ready to give a good or great performance than give a lack luster one and get a bad review.
ramblmkey's Avatar
As long as you are clean where it counts, then no worries. A 15 minute shower is all I'd ask for. Greet at the door with still wet hair and nothing on but a T and all is good.
De's Avatar
  • De
  • 10-03-2011, 07:44 PM
I think as long as your hygiene it's good, that the room is clean and that at least you look like you're fully awake and not with your hair all over the place! lol
That's pretty much all it matters...
+1 on the hygiene thing. All dolled up is not necessary at 2 a.m., it's just going to be on the floor quick anyway. For the guys that typically work the 3-11 mid-shift, this would be a pretty sweet deal.