What's up everyone?

smoothnsilky's Avatar
HIIIIIIII everyone So I just wanted to let you all know that I am still alive but retired.

Moved back to Ohio a few years ago and have been keeping myself busy.

How are all my friends in Pittsburgh?

Miss y'all!

Hello there.
Glad to hear that you've been well.

Pittsburgh misses you too.
smoothnsilky's Avatar
Hi dear sexymaid! Hope that you are well

My first and still the best!! . . . glad to hear you're doing well (and a bit sorry that you're retired )
smoothnsilky's Avatar
Thank you carbon62 dear! Hope that life is treating you well
Life is good thank you, but could be a bit better lol.
Hi dear sexymaid! Hope that you are well

D Originally Posted by smoothnsilky
I am quite well TYVM.
Headed to one of my favorite lakes for the weekend to enjoy this gorgeous weather.

Hope life is treating you to all that you want.
smoothnsilky's Avatar
I am quite well TYVM.
Headed to one of my favorite lakes for the weekend to enjoy this gorgeous weather.

Hope life is treating you to all that you want. Originally Posted by sexymaid_69
That sounds fun! Enjoy yourself now
smoothnsilky's Avatar
Life is good thank you, but could be a bit better lol. Originally Posted by carbon62
Sorry to hear darling. Hope that it gets better for you real soon honey!
You're a sweet heart. My life is great, but my on line flirting skills apparently need to be improved. Enjoy this glorious weather and your weekend!
smoothnsilky's Avatar
A quick shout out to all my lovely friends! I truly do miss you all <3
Hi Silky nice to see you.
smoothnsilky's Avatar
Hi Silky nice to see you. Originally Posted by pghbill
You as well pghbill
Come back . . . please
raemonj's Avatar
Wow! Great to hear from you doll. You were the best I ever had in the hobby. Please come back for a reunion tour.