Seeking Company Without Giving up CC or Personal Info in Vegas

hey, i'm in Vegas on business for a couple of days. not comfortable at all giving out my CC to services or giving out personal info to anyone. anyone have any recommendations of good services or girls to call that wont require a CC pmt and wont require too much personal info given out?

not sure if this is realistic. all suggestions appreciated. if you do suggest a girl, obviously it would be nice to see a review or something here.
Chica Chaser's Avatar

Saw her last night, absolutely wonderful. Review is coming

It sounds like you are looking towards the agency route, my advice is absolutely stay from any non legit "agency girls" and read this before you do anything else

This quote from another thread from NiceGuy describes it pretty well

So I'm guessing you didn't read the 100's of posts here on vegas bro because you would have surely called a girl with reviews from here. At a minimum you would of read our many recommendations to send them on there f***** way without a dollar as soon as a different girl shows up. Also, I really really think as soon as you agree to pay that much ever you are getting took one way or another. For the price you paid you could of had 3 GFE providers with reviews. In this town prob at least 85% of all the ad posters on the internet have no interest in being good providers. They are rip-off artists just waiting around for a guy like you to call them and agree to sum ridiculous fee like that. Not trying to be a dick bro but shit you are from Houston like me why would you ever agree to a number like that in the first place? Originally Posted by niceguy882