For those who have been asking...

Sarah Renee's Avatar
Website is updated with new wishlist, donation, schedule, and very soon NEW PHOTOS.

New 52 day tour starts tomorrow. I'm excited to be making new friends and getting to see some of my old ones as well.

I hope everyone is having a great week!!!


Sarah Renee
Still Looking's Avatar
First off let's get one thing straight! COED is NOT your personal AD section. There are guidelines for providers posting ADS. Now if you're that damn desperate, and you need MORE then buy a banner AD or advertise some where else. You are obviously hitting the ISO & AA threads as well. Is that NOT enough for you? Or are you a pimp just trying to get this hooker some business

You should be ashamed of yourself!
Still Looking's Avatar

Here is what I posted in Austin:

Sawa I'm sorry for your loss. PLEASE don't take this personal. See I don't know you other than whats available to read. And since I don't know you there is a chance you could be a wonderful person.

But that's NOT what this is about. "YOU" refuse to address and acknowledge what I plainly stated in my previous post. So let me try again.

There are guidelines for providers placing ADS. You are abusing that by placing those look at me ThreADS in Coed. And your doing it in every COED forum your visiting. You announce your taking a 50+ day tour and slashing your name every where it can possibly go. In AA ThreADS, In ISO and multiple posts in COED. (Some have been taken down here in Austin & San Antonio)

Then when you get negative comments you blame shift and talk about your house being paid off and that you'll be retiring to Belize.

Do you thinck this is fair? What if every provider did what your doing? Then COED would simply be an AD section I guess and what need would be there for AD sections? You've been around a while you even tried to post in the Welcome sections!?

Most providers when this gets pointed out to them has enough pride and dignity to stop. When that doesn't happen its been my experience that there might be a pimp ignoring everything and recklessly just posts every where trying to get business for his hooker. So I ask again... are you a pimp just not giving a shit and earning this provider a very negative reputation? Hell even the "Hey why is it so slow in Austin" is an AD and you know it.

Also the guidelines require you to only have age verified providers traveling with you if they are mentioned in your ADS. So when your SPAMMING COED (That's right Crptickicker SPAMMING you know the 10 point kind of SPAMMING) you need to supply a link to the other providers account.

This provider is plainly SPAMMING COED in every city she is touring. When will you be doing something about this? Her ADS have been taken down in Austin & San Antonio.

Now I know your policy on SPAM because I posted an AD in 2 different forums and they were taken down then put back up but I received 10 points. I know how busy you are with all the forums you MOD over. But I wanted to allow you to enforce your SPAMMING policy "fairly". After all your not the kind of person that would single out one board member and point him or her and let others board members commit the same violations without consequences..... RIGHT?
SL - again the mods are here to figure this out and will take care of it. If you want to report it - you can use the RTM link for any post and the mods will be aware. No need to be posting in every thread. You are accusing others of their posts as spam - and your replies are also pretty much that - dont you think ? So - please use the RTM links when needed. And again - I request you to refrain form any animosity or any personal remarks or un-ncessary rudeness out here in the West TX forums. Thanks for your understanding.
dearhunter's Avatar
The whore can call this her "Angel Food Cake Tour".........ijs
john_deere's Avatar
we can handle our own shit out here just fine, thanks. i'm sure there's enough for wannabe mods to do in your own cesspool.
dearhunter's Avatar
The fat Angel Food Cake tour is coming for you......take care of that wish list for the big city suckers.