
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Yesterday, I went to a Starbucks with a very attractive female friend of mine. We're both pretty bad about looking at men and my friend has one of those looks that causes men to whip their heads around.

There was this man, an older one, who had a scar running down the side of his face. Of course, he was just staring at my friend as she sauntered back and forth. But with that, this man was interesting.

And my friend thought that he was compelling. Why? It was that damn scar. He had average looks, and a wedding ring (I went back to look), but we were going to actually VISIT with him because of that scar. And he just looked damn masculine. Clean cut. Very nice clothes. And that SCAR!

I'm guessing that he was in his 50's. Of course, I like that age but for my friend, it's a little older than her preference but hot damn!!! We spoke about him again this morning. We both would have wanted to bed him, well maybe.

So here is my question. The people who know me know that I tend to be attracted to off beat things. But what about scars? I have a few. Smile.

But when I see a man that looks like he could have been a bit player in some Gladiator film, or 300, I cannot take my eyes off of him. When someone has interesting marks on his body, it intrigues me completely. For me, it shows a man who has experience. Who has lived life and it shows on his face. Often, I want to touch him.

I don't mind belly scars, either. In other words, I might be a scar lover. I'm not sure, yet. What are your thoughts on scars?

Guest091314's Avatar
Having a few myself (including stretch marks) but I like all of mine! I could care less that I am not some tight and perfect bodied girl...

Also the scar on the face sounds kinda hot!
  • hd
  • 06-03-2011, 10:26 AM
Do emotional scars count? I could fill an hour and more telling you about them. Probably have to wake you up a few times too.

I agree though that scars and their stories are very interesting, but personally, I find the lines on faces attract me more so, particularly with older, (senior) people.
true_whatever's Avatar
Only scar I have is a faded one on my leg from being bitten by a police dog.

Long story, and not what you'd expect. (pretty boring actually)
Spikebaby's Avatar
Elizabeth......your a scaraholic!

I guess it all depends on the size and location of the scar(s), but generally I don't find them unattractive at all. Often, I think they're sexy and there's an interesting story behind them.

I know one popular escort with a not small burn scar on her arm since childhood. But for the scar, she'd be model beautiful by conventional standards. I think I find her more attractive with the scar than I would without because it gives her some vulnerability instead of being picture perfect. She also strikes me as an extremely kind and compassionate person without the least touch of arrogance. I've wondered whether there's a relationship there because, in my experience, women with her perfect looks are often put on a pedestal their whole lives, are high maintenance, and lack empathy. So, did having a physical "flaw" help create the beautiful personality?
  • hd
  • 06-03-2011, 12:00 PM
Shackleton hit the nail, +1, I missed the point on my first post not relating it to BCD activities. Depending on severity and location of a scar will bother anyone to a degree. But I won't judge anybody's character because of it.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
For anyone who likes Southern Gothic literature and writing, try "Scar Lover" by Harry Crews. Real gritty stuff by the guy who wrote "Feast of Snakes" and really not for the faint of heart.

But it was an interesting book that I read over a decade ago.

I find the idea of scars, if I bother to think about it, to be intriguing in the same vein that others have mentioned above.

There is something to this scar business, I believe.

Anyone else?

rachet3375's Avatar
NeedingMore's Avatar
I think you will have to factor ethnicity into the equation. Some races scar worse than others. I would say I have about 10-15 scars, some with interesting stories, but mostly just because I am clumsy.

I wouldn't mind sharing the stories for a kiss on each one though...helps with the pain.
Guest062512's Avatar
Damnit - my eyebrow covers mine.
35 stitches, but under my left eyebrow.

Maybe I should pluck my eyebrows???
Captain Caveman's Avatar
Elisabeth, most of us carry some sort of scar. Some on the outside... some on the inside. There are those that carry both.

I can't judge someone on their scar because thier scar was a result of a life altering experience. For some, it might have made them a better person... for other it may not have...
knotty man's Avatar
pain fades, chicks DIG SCARS, glory lasts forever. the immortal words of Keanu Reeves in "the replacements"
Tina Fey has a scar on the left side of her mouth....doesn't take away from what she has.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
... chicks DIG SCARS ... Originally Posted by knotty man
I just HEARD that phrase this afternoon. I didn't know that it was some sort of popular phrase. How coincidental!!!