Would you want to know?

ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 06-23-2010, 08:15 PM
I heard about an incident that happened in another part of the country that I thought would be a good discussion topic. A provider finds out that's she's pregnant (really early on, so that part is rectified rather quickly.) However she's only had CFS, and she's only seen a handful of regulars during the small window where she could have become pregnant. All of the guys have previously claimed to have had vasectomies. If you were one of the guys, would you want to know that there is a possibility that you aren't shooting blanks?

My take on it, as a "fixed" guy myself, would be that I would definitely want to know. That way, I could go for a sperm test and make sure, and have a little discussion with the surgeon if that isn't the case! My rationale was that in the future, if I end up in a fluid-bonded relationship where we are having BBFS, I don't want to have the spectre of an unwanted pregnancy to deal with.

Of course, the guys might have lied ("Oh yeah, baby, I'm fixed. Are you sure we need a cover?") or maybe the provider's memory isn't accurate, but the story did make me think...

Your thoughts?
Whispers's Avatar
What did you go and get yourself into now?

I warned you about providing BFE services.... What the gals would expect.....

Would you listen?

Anyway... to answer your question.....

Been there.... Done That..... Not with a Provider though....... Right at the end of the first marriage.....

GF situation..... She came up pregnant.....

Tried to tell me it was mine actually......

So I went through the process of being tested to find out if there was any possibility and the answer was no.....

to be honest... at the time.... I was a bit disappointed......

Her trying to scam me destroyed a decent relationship at the time....

In retrospect, I still would have wanted to know.....


in all honesty....

The true answer to this question and only way to resolve it requires but a single word uttered repetitively......

Jerry.... Jerry.... Jerry.... Jerry.... Jerry.... Jerry....
CDL1's Avatar
  • CDL1
  • 06-23-2010, 10:38 PM
A friend of mine in Dallas got pregnant while providing (since retired). She had the little one and is a very happy Mommy. She was able to pinpoint the Father and a test proved she was right. He stepped up to the plate. Exercises his visitation and pays child support even though he is married to someone else still to this day.

Been in a similar position as Whispers. Girl gets pregnant. I find out there is another male that is a possible father. He refuses to pay anything and says he is not the father. I pay all the medical bills. Baby is not mine and he is the father. She is a great Mom. He was worthless.

Ran into her about six years ago. Great gal and just a wonderful Mom to her children. Had a great talk and it was really good to see her.

So to answer your question, Yes, I would want to know if the child was mine.
Hmmm. If you have had the snip job done you still need to get tested periodically. I got snipped the first time (you read it correctly) in '86. Some years later, a girl that I had been living with for a couple of years turns up pregnant. My first question was who had she been sleeping with? You can imagine how that went over! I went and got checked and horror of horrors, I was firing real bullets. It had grown back together. Some years later I went and got snipped again, albeit this time by the master of snipp, Dr. Dick Chopp!! After the second procedure, it still took several months to get a clean sperm count. I now get checked annually, just to be sure!!! I guess that sometimes those little swimmers are pretty determined to do their job.
It's not yours until proven to be yours.

I know that sounds like a real asshole thing to say, but I've been in that modern day tar pit.

Mine was just looking for a sucker to pay for her irresponsibility. and sadly I have his underwear on.
I got nauseated just reading this!

Sounds more like the maury show! "Who's the babies daddy "

as Kayne West sang "She ain't nut'n but a gold digga".........."18 years. ...18 Years!"

to answer the question. Im fixed! i have no problem taking the test
I heard about an incident that happened in another part of the country that I thought would be a good discussion topic. A provider finds out that's she's pregnant (really early on, so that part is rectified rather quickly.) However she's only had CFS, and she's only seen a handful of regulars during the small window where she could have become pregnant. All of the guys have previously claimed to have had vasectomies. If you were one of the guys, would you want to know that there is a possibility that you aren't shooting blanks?

My take on it, as a "fixed" guy myself, would be that I would definitely want to know. That way, I could go for a sperm test and make sure, and have a little discussion with the surgeon if that isn't the case! My rationale was that in the future, if I end up in a fluid-bonded relationship where we are having BBFS, I don't want to have the spectre of an unwanted pregnancy to deal with.

Of course, the guys might have lied ("Oh yeah, baby, I'm fixed. Are you sure we need a cover?") or maybe the provider's memory isn't accurate, but the story did make me think...

Your thoughts? Originally Posted by ztonk
Small window? Are you talking about a window created by a lack of birth control, etc...or a window where a woman can biologically become pregnant? If she was not covering her ass by taking birth control on the regular...shame shame. IF you were referring to the window where pregnancy is a possibility, then honey...its not that small of a window. Its more like a gaping door.
Sir Hardin Thicke's Avatar
Sounds like a case of PFC, pregnant from a condom. What are the chances?
LadiesFan's Avatar
Why did you only mention the guys that paid her for sex?
What about her S.O., or the various dates she had during that time.
Are we to believe that an attractive woman stops her personal life while she is providing? I would hope not, what fun is that?

ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 06-24-2010, 08:18 PM
What about her S.O., or the various dates she had during that time. Originally Posted by LadiesFan
What I heard was that she was not in any civilian relationships during this time.

And to answer the other question, no, the lady is no one I'm acquainted with.