The Lynching of Kyle Rittenhouse

  • oeb11
  • 11-14-2021, 09:30 AM


It’s a word you aren’t allowed to say – lynching – because leftists have claimed domain over it, making it an exclusively race-based thing, which is ironic considering the fact that it was Democrats who were lynching black people in the south. But the literal definition, at least until liberals pressure into changing it, is “to put to death, especially by hanging, by mob action and without legal authority” and “to criticize, condemn, etc., in public.” While he hasn’t been killed by the liberal mob, at least not yet, what the media is doing to Kyle Rittenhouse is exactly what the second definition of lynching is.
It’s shocking that, at this point in the trial, there has really only been one person I’ve seen acknowledge they were wrong about the Rittenhouse narrative, and it wasn’t even anyone at a mainstream outlet. It was Ana Kasparian from The Young Turks. She straight up admitted she’d gotten some of the most basic facts of the case wrong in the past, without trying to qualify or justify her screw-ups. How someone who ostensibly works in news could get these basics so wrong, she didn’t say; nor did she say whether or not lawyers had advised her to “correct” the record to avoid any future liability issues. Whatever the reason, she did it. Everyone else has only doubled down.

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Somehow, an event only involving white people was turned into a race issue. When you’re dumb as a hammer, everything looks like a nail, I guess. And when you don’t have reality on your side, create your own and insert something like critical race theory (CRT).
Speaking of dumb as a hammer, enter MSNBC personality and ironically named Joy Reid, who told her audience the circumstances of the trail “are almost built for an actual CRT course.”
How does an event involving white people exclusively become about race? You’ll go crazy seeking logic in leftist thinking, just realize they will do anything to get what they want – the ultimate ends justify the means, people.
Reid and other dim bulbs on the left, Jeffrey Toobin among them, have expressed varying degrees of one of the most popular lines about the Rittenhouse case with the left at this point: “If Kyle were black, would conservatives even care about his claim of self-defense?” It’s a dumb take, and very common. Cable news is riddled with people thinking they’ve somehow stumbled onto something really unique, who collectively belch it out like it’s the first time those words were strung together.
Georgetown Law professor Paul Butler told Joy Reid the Rittenhouse trial was “white privilege on steroids.” (Mental note: don’t let my kids attend Georgetown Law.) How? It doesn’t matter. Leftists never have to prove their allegations, they just have to make them.

Ironically, if Kyle Rittenhouse and the people he shot were black, none of these overpaid virtue-signaling frauds would have noticed or ever said anything about the case – three people being shot, two fatally, is just a day that ends in “Y” in Chicago and not a single one of them can be bothered to give a damn about that.
The media coverage of the Rittenhouse trial is a peek into the mind of fascism. They have only told their audiences what they wanted them to know, now the trial is exposing everything else. In an attempt to cover up their past lies, they’re now changing the subject to be about race. If Kyle is acquitted, as he should be, it won’t be because of facts, evidence, or testimony, it will be thanks to white privilege. Rittenhouse is guilty, no matter what, it’s just a matter of whether or not his skin color gets him off.
It fits the left’s narrative about the country, which tells you a lot about them, but it doesn’t fit the reality of the country, which tells you even more about them.

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It’s doubtful a single personality on CNN or MSNBC would mind if Kyle Rittenhouse were cleared, then killed by one of their viewers. They might not like the financial liability their employers could face, but they don’t give a damn about what destruction is in their wake about anything, let alone some white kid who defended himself from a child rapist who’d threatened to kill him and tried to take his gun, another domestic abuser beating him with a skateboard, or another “winner” pointing a gun at him.

The narrative needs to be fed, it’s “agenda über alles” for the left, written in German on purpose. If they have to lie, if they have to put someone in harm’s way and if that harm comes to pass, they don’t give a damn. They don’t look back. The checks keep flowing, and so do their lies and the damage they do. Come to think of it, that’s why they get the checks in the first place. Their philosophy led to more than 100 million deaths in the last century, what’s a few more for the cause?
Derek Hunter is the host of a free daily podcast (subscribe!), host of a daily radio show on WCBM in Maryland, and author of the book, Outrage, INC., which exposes how liberals use fear and hatred to manipulate the masses. Follow him on Twitter at @DerekAHunt

Comment - the LSM and race baiters such as reid and sharpton - have been lambasting the court and judge for violation of their sense of 'justice' - which means they ignore the due process of Equality of all under the rule of law - for All. And demand an immediate conviction and punishment regardless of teh jury system and deliberations.

The LSM propaganda - is a direct blow at teh Equality and Fairness of a justice system - One they are already perverting at teh DOJ - for purely political purposes

it is a dangerous precedent they embrace - a One party communist Rule - with no safeguards from teh government at All.
They set teh stage for revolt against their subvert Rule of Communist doctrine Uber alles!

Buck fiden
From my cold dead hands
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-14-2021, 10:21 AM
Whose mom drove the to do riot control when they were 17 years old packing an AR-15
  • oeb11
  • 11-14-2021, 10:34 AM
may you be treated by the 'justice system' - in teh same perverted, subverted way the racist/baiter al sharpton/LSM/guilty white liberals/democraticomunists aim teh Democraticommunist rule at Kyle Rittenhouse.

if there is not Equality of Justice under teh Rule of law for All - then there is NONE for Any citizen.

From my cold dead hands

Buck fiden.
The media coverage of the Rittenhouse trial is a peek into the mind of fascism. They have only told their audiences what they wanted them to know, now the trial is exposing everything else. In an attempt to cover up their past lies, they’re now changing the subject to be about race.


its also about class, all smelly white supremacists stem from one class

on the stephanapoulis talk show this morning, the leftists were exclaiming how much they did for the working man - yeah right
Whose mom drove the to do riot control when they were 17 years old packing an AR-15 Originally Posted by WTF
That's about the only thing he can rightfully be charged with. Everything else will be thrown out. He'll do a few years probation and that's about it.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-14-2021, 11:43 AM
That's about the only thing he can rightfully be charged with. Everything else will be thrown out. He'll do a few years probation and that's about it. Originally Posted by Levianon17
I have no idea ...I haven't kept up with this at all....heard they are going to let lesser charges be considered.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-14-2021, 11:51 AM
may you be treated by the 'justice system' - in teh same perverted, subverted way the racist/baiter al sharpton/LSM/guilty white liberals/democraticomunists aim teh Democraticommunist rule at Kyle Rittenhouse.

if there is not Equality of Justice under teh Rule of law for All - then there is NONE for Any citizen.

From my cold dead hands

Buck fiden. Originally Posted by oeb11
If you think the justice system treats all equally you probably think poor people get equal medical attention as wealthy or that your broke ass had an equal chance of banging Melania as Donald

Grow the fuck up kid...there is nothing equal about justice system and quite frankly...I'm kinda glad.
I have no idea ...I haven't kept up with this at all....heard they are going to let lesser charges be considered. Originally Posted by WTF
I've heard two versions of how he obtained this Rifle. One he transported it with him from Illinois to Wisconsin and the other version is the Rifle was already in Wisconsin in the possession of the business owner he was assisting in securing his business from the rioters. Either way Kyle will face some sort of illegal possession of a Firearm by a minor. As far as Kyle being convicted of Murder, not a happening thing.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-14-2021, 12:23 PM
I've heard two versions of how he obtained this Rifle. One he transported it with him from Illinois to Wisconsin and the other version is the Rifle was already in Wisconsin in the possession of the business owner he was assisting in securing his business from the rioters. Either way Kyle will face some sort of illegal possession of a Firearm by a minor. As far as Kyle being convicted of Murder, not a happening thing. Originally Posted by Levianon17
I heard him testify if I remember correctly...a friend bought it and he was going to buy it from his friend when he turned 18.

There are a whole slew of charges from murder one on down. From the one day I watched his testimony....when he way he gets a murder rap.

But that is my opinion from only one day of testimony.

I will say it once more....were he black...the cops would have shot his ass dead. They waved him through and would not even detain him after he told them he was the shooter!
I heard him testify if I remember correctly...a friend bought it and he was going to buy it from his friend when he turned 18.

There are a whole slew of charges from murder one on down. From the one day I watched his testimony....when he way he gets a murder rap.

But that is my opinion from only one day of testimony.

I will say it once more....were he black...the cops would have shot his ass dead. They waved him through and would not even detain him after he told them he was the shooter! Originally Posted by WTF
I think the fact that he came clean that he was the shooter and didn't show any aggression may have been part of the reason why it turned out the way it did on the scene. His race has very little to do with it. The white guys he shot had criminal histories. They may have killed Kyle if Kyle had no way of defending himself.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
I've not been following this case, and I refuse to give it any attention at all. I'll leave whatever the fuck happened up to the judge and jury.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Clarence Thomas, Justice Kavanaugh, the Covington boys, and Kyle Rittenhouse....the democrats have never lost their taste for lynchings.
If he goes to jail maybe he can give that crying bit another shot. Or self defense. He’ll have all options when dealing with his celly.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Whose mom drove the to do riot control when they were 17 years old packing an AR-15 Originally Posted by WTF

the media falsely reported that. Rittenhouse reportedly drove himself.

Did Wendy drive her son Kyle to the Kenosha protests?

While many people believe Wendy drove her son to the protests, Kyle reportedly drove himself to Kenosha.

I have no idea ...I haven't kept up with this at all....heard they are going to let lesser charges be considered. Originally Posted by WTF

this is not uncommon in criminal cases. don't read too much into it.

I heard him testify if I remember correctly...a friend bought it and he was going to buy it from his friend when he turned 18.

There are a whole slew of charges from murder one on down. From the one day I watched his testimony....when he way he gets a murder rap.

But that is my opinion from only one day of testimony.

I will say it once more....were he black...the cops would have shot his ass dead. They waved him through and would not even detain him after he told them he was the shooter! Originally Posted by WTF

really? that is both wrong and borderline racist and i'm giving you some slack on that. so convince me how you know this to be true?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-14-2021, 02:13 PM

this is not uncommon in criminal cases. don't read too much into it.

really? that is both wrong and borderline racist and i'm giving you some slack on that. so convince me how you know this to be true? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Next protest I'll dress you up as black , strap an AR-15 on you and have you go running towards the police.

Nothing racist about what I said. Pull up your panties, your white privilege is showing.