Just when you thought no one could be dumber than Shelia Jackson Lee.

Port Allen Louisiana's soon to be recalled mayor. There are actually funnier audio clips of her, could only find video clips on YouTube.

Dorian Gray's Avatar
"I've been witch hunt since day one. I've been fighting acquisitions after acquisition."
-Deedy Slaughter.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Do not ARG wit Dede!
Do not ARG wit Dede! Originally Posted by Don T. Lukbak
Wish I could find that one! It was hilarious!
pyramider's Avatar
Could she be related to the Rev Al Sharpton?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I am sure the dimocrats will find a place for her in congress.
I am sure the dimocrats will find a place for her in congress. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
She is a shoe-in
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
She is a shoe-in Originally Posted by tbone2u
....to follow Johnson as next Homeland Security poo-bah...

She-jack's overqualified for that job, doncha know?
It really is amazing that stupid people like this can get into office but a friend of mine who is a frickin genius has a hard time getting employed anywhere because of a possession charge that happened back when he was 17, and that was 16yrs ago. Maybe he should put on alot of dark spray tan, get gold teeth and act ignorant like her.
The Noob's Avatar
Ohhhhh heh heh heh. She's pretty clever. XD
pcsurvivorcbj's Avatar
Next time you see Ms. Lee,
Ask her about the rocks the astronauts brought back from MARS...
Guest123018-4's Avatar
True representatives of those that elected them.