7 characteristics of a terrorist

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Hmmm . . . Do any of these describe you?

From the article:

One of the many enlightening moments during Sen. Rand Paul’s (R-Ky.) filibuster today came around 2:15pm, when the Republican Senator detailed the seven signs that someone may be a terrorist as found in a report issued by the Bureau of Justice Statistics.

“Who are these terrorists?” Paul asked. “Members of Al Qaeda – there are no people walking around with a card that says Al Qaeda on it.”

As Paul points out, however, these characteristics are a bit more common they you may think:

Having missing fingers . . .

As does having stains on your clothing . . .

or dyed hair . . .

You may be a terrorist if you own several weapons…
…including some that are weatherized.

You may also be a terrorist if you like to pay in cash . ..

Or store more than 7 days worth of food in your home . . .

How many of these characteristics describe you?

If you fall into any of those categories, the Obama administration has an excuse to kill you without due process. Ijs.


JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Two of seven unless you count my dirty working clothes then it's three which is still less than half.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Two of seven unless you count my dirty working clothes then it's three which is still less than half. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Yep, when you fall over while mopping the gym floor, I'd guess that your clothers would get dirty.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
My tailors don't get dirty.
Useless stupid post. Made up nonsense by the priest of paranoia....

If your clothes are dirty, the government can drone you.

How can you take yourself seriously after a post like this one? Why don't you just accept it's a slow news day at The Blaze, Breitbart and the rest of the whackadoo sites you troll for your news, and just not post anything at all? You'd look a lot less stupid.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It is from an official DHS document describing the attributes of terrorists, Timmy. Please try to understand something before speaking. You might sound less stupid.
Or if you can find nothing you like about America.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar