Apparently, some people have the right to hold a grudge

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
TA-NEHISI COATES, an op-ed writer for "The Atlantic" does not castigate his own wife for holding a grudge against white people because she has a cousin who was called a bad name when she was six years old. I guess anything to continue what The Honorable Justice Scalia refers to as the infrastructure of racial entitlement is a good thing.

At the end, he writes this, "The other day I walked past this particular deli. I believe its owners to be good people. I felt ashamed at withholding business for something far beyond the merchant’s reach. I mentioned this to my wife. My wife is not like me. When she was 6, a little white boy called her cousin a nigger, and it has been war ever since. “What if they did that to your son?” she asked.
And right then I knew that I was tired of good people, that I had had all the good people I could take."
Munchmasterman's Avatar
TA-NEHISI COATES, an op-ed writer for "The Atlantic" does not castigate his own wife for holding a grudge against white people because she has a cousin who was called a bad name when she was six years old. I guess anything to continue what The Honorable Justice Scalia refers to as the infrastructure of racial entitlement is a good thing.

At the end, he writes this, "The other day I walked past this particular deli. I believe its owners to be good people. I felt ashamed at withholding business for something far beyond the merchant’s reach. I mentioned this to my wife. My wife is not like me. When she was 6, a little white boy called her cousin a nigger, and it has been war ever since. “What if they did that to your son?” she asked.
And right then I knew that I was tired of good people, that I had had all the good people I could take." Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Actually he is a senior editor. You make it seem like a person can't understand a person's actions or thoughts without agreeing with or embracing them.

And do you believe a single incident that occurs when you are 6 causes a life long grudge? I guess anything to continue what I call the "I believe anything negative regardless of how unlikely that props up any opinion I have". syndrome.

He mentions a start of a "grudge", the fact the person is black, and then you add your syndrome.
The result you come up is racial entitlement. Good job.

And even you should know, being single as a result of doing it among other things, that castigating someone you love has an impact far beyond "fixing" them. (Did you miss the "My wife would often trade small talk with whoever was working checkout." This shows thoughts aside, her outward actions were not racist. Or do you advocate "Thought Police"? You have numerous positions that are difficult to defend especially against each other.)

Personally, I save castigation for the likes of you.


1. to criticize or reprimand severely.
2. to punish in order to correct.
BBW Katrina's Avatar
All time low......smh
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Actually he is a senior editor. You make it seem like a person can't understand a person's actions or thoughts without agreeing with or embracing them.

And do you believe a single incident that occurs when you are 6 causes a life long grudge? I guess anything to continue what I call the "I believe anything negative regardless of how unlikely that props up any opinion I have". syndrome.

He mentions a start of a "grudge", the fact the person is black, and then you add your syndrome.
The result you come up is racial entitlement. Good job.

And even you should know, being single as a result of doing it among other things, that castigating someone you love has an impact far beyond "fixing" them. (Did you miss the "My wife would often trade small talk with whoever was working checkout." This shows thoughts aside, her outward actions were not racist. Or do you advocate "Thought Police"? You have numerous positions that are difficult to defend especially against each other.)

Personally, I save castigation for the likes of you.


1. to criticize or reprimand severely.
2. to punish in order to correct. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Senior Editor Coates is the one who pointed to a one time incident as the trigger for his wife waging war against certain people who were a different skin color. Racism is wrong no matter who practices it, or why. Racism is hatred personified. I think it merits castigation.
If you would read more of my missives, you would see I'm married. If you think a man becomes single because he stands up to his wife when she is wrong, and you are afraid of being single, you are in for a miserable married life.
Katrina .... can't we just get along??