Louisiana State Rep. Guillory gets it, why don't the lefties here?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
State Representative Elbert Guillory of Louisian changed parties the other day. He became a newly minted republican. Why? He said that he had had enough of the charges of racism being thrown about democrats just to gain an advantage. He got tired of the democratic lies.

He gets it! Welcome aboard Representative Guillory!

I see JD left the convention a day early. BTW, what was the weather like in Salina?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-20-2013, 05:46 AM
funny thing, Elbert never mentioned racism. The man simply said he was tired of democratic principles holding back people (of all colors) in his "welfare state"
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Yep, the man gets it.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-20-2013, 06:12 AM
Yep, the man gets it. Originally Posted by The2Dogs

yup, he's tired of rightwingers constantly dreaming up scandals and being associated with the scandal because hes a dem... hes ready to be on the team throwing rocks, not dodging them
Yep, the man gets it. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
He gets shit. Nothing gets you guys more jacked up than a black republican, does it? Herman Cain and all that....well, hope springs eternal, I suppose. The old "democrats are the real racists" argument is so pathetically stupid that it boggles the mind. I guess if you stop your analysis of that issue around 1964 or so, it might hold some water. But, it ignores that last 50 years.

This guy, who was a republican by the way, before he was a democrat....this is his second party switch....is interested in job security, nothing else. Lafayette Parish voted Romney 2-1 in 2012.

By the way, MLK wasn't a registered member of either party.
All you liberals attempting to speak for him and put words in his mouth should listen to the man's own words...strong stuff. (It's only 4 minutes. Step outside your box and enlighten yourselves.)

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-20-2013, 09:22 AM
All you liberals attempting to speak for him and put words in his mouth should listen to the man's own words...strong stuff. (It's only 4 minutes. Step outside your box and enlighten yourselves.)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_YQ8560E1w Originally Posted by EXTXOILMAN
JD did exactly that..

cant imagine why
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-20-2013, 09:27 AM
incidently, Elbert is an idiot, and a liar, he belongs in the GOP ...

MKL wasn't a republican ..

JD did exactly that..

cant imagine why Originally Posted by CJ7
4 minutes, CBJ...I dare ya.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-20-2013, 09:44 AM
4 minutes, CBJ...I dare ya. Originally Posted by EXTXOILMAN
I read the entire text of every word he said ... you want it?

“Hello, my name is Elbert Lee Guillory, and I’m the senator for the twenty-fourth district right here in beautiful Louisiana. Recently I made what many are referring to as a ‘bold decision’ to switch my party affiliation to the Republican Party. I wanted to take a moment to explain why I became a Republican, and also to explain why I don’t think it was a bold decision at all. It is the right decision — not only for me — but for all my brothers and sisters in the black community.
You see, in recent history the Democrat Party has created the illusion that their agenda and their policies are what’s best for black people. Somehow it’s been forgotten that the Republican Party was founded in 1854 as an abolitionist movement with one simple creed: that slavery is a violation of the rights of man.
Frederick Douglass called Republicans the ‘Party of freedom and progress,’ and the first Republican president was Abraham Lincoln, the author of the Emancipation Proclamation. It was the Republicans in Congress who authored the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth amendments giving former slaves citizenship, voting rights, and due process of law.
The Democrats on the other hand were the Party of Jim Crow. It was Democrats who defended the rights of slave owners. It was the Republican President Dwight Eisenhower who championed the Civil Rights Act of 1957, but it was Democrats in the Senate who filibustered the bill.
You see, at the heart of liberalism is the idea that only a great and powerful big government can be the benefactor of social justice for all Americans. But the left is only concerned with one thing — control. And they disguise this control as charity. Programs such as welfare, food stamps, these programs aren’t designed to lift black Americans out of poverty, they were always intended as a mechanism for politicians to control black the black community.
The idea that blacks, or anyone for that matter, need the the government to get ahead in life is despicable. And even more important, this idea is a failure. Our communities are just as poor as they’ve always been. Our schools continue to fail children. Our prisons are filled with young black men who should be at home being fathers. Our self-initiative and our self-reliance have been sacrificed in exchange for allegiance to our overseers who control us by making us dependent on them.
Sometimes I wonder if the word freedom is tossed around so frequently in our society that it has become a cliché.
The idea of freedom is complex and it is all-encompassing. It’s the idea that the economy must remain free of government persuasion. It’s the idea that the press must operate without government intrusion. And it’s the idea that the emails and phone records of Americans should remain free from government search and seizure. It’s the idea that parents must be the decision makers in regards to their children’s education — not some government bureaucrat.
But most importantly, it is the idea that the individual must be free to pursue his or her own happiness free from government dependence and free from government control. Because to be truly free is to be reliant on no one other than the author of our destiny. These are the ideas at the core of the Republican Party, and it is why I am a Republican.
So my brothers and sisters of the American community, please join with me today in abandoning the government plantation and the Party of disappointment. So that we may all echo the words of one Republican leader who famously said, ‘free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty, we are free at last..

MLK was NO republican and Elbert is a liar and an idiot ... nowhere in his words does he say anything about racism like JD wants idiots like you to believe... that's JD attempting to speak of the man
Wonder what the odds are of him speaking at their convention?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Boy! That MLK thing really burns you up. I guess there is some truth to it or you wouldn't care so much. I know you hate the idea of a black man with his own thoughts but do pay attention to what he said you racists (and you know who you are). The first black senators were from Louisiana immediately after the Civil War but men such as yourselves contested the outcome of the election. Jim Crow was an invention of the southern democrat just lke the Klan and the chaingang. It seems that democrats have a long history of wanting to keep people in chains. Even LBJ believed (sadly he was right) that if the democrats could get credit for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 then black people would be shackled to the democratic party for years to come.

Just see how angry the party gets (including in here) when someone like Hermann Cain, Allen West, Condaleeza Rice, or Mia Love shows up. Everything is thrown at them, fair and foul, to stop their career before it begins. Cain was a sexual predator, West as a thug, Rice was a servant, and Love....we'll see what happens next year now that we know that she will probably beat Matheson. Come boys, be proud of your history, straighten your hoods, and prepare to go to hell.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-20-2013, 01:17 PM
Boy! That MLK thing really burns you up. I guess there is some truth to it or you wouldn't care so much. I know you hate the idea of a black man with his own thoughts but do pay attention to what he said you racists (and you know who you are). The first black senators were from Louisiana immediately after the Civil War but men such as yourselves contested the outcome of the election. Jim Crow was an invention of the southern democrat just lke the Klan and the chaingang. It seems that democrats have a long history of wanting to keep people in chains. Even LBJ believed (sadly he was right) that if the democrats could get credit for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 then black people would be shackled to the democratic party for years to come.

Just see how angry the party gets (including in here) when someone like Hermann Cain, Allen West, Condaleeza Rice, or Mia Love shows up. Everything is thrown at them, fair and foul, to stop their career before it begins. Cain was a sexual predator, West as a thug, Rice was a servant, and Love....we'll see what happens next year now that we know that she will probably beat Matheson. Come boys, be proud of your history, straighten your hoods, and prepare to go to hell. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

You understand that no matter how many times you parrot this silly talking point that you've heard from Rush and Sean and Alex, nobody is buying it, right? The idea that the best defense is a good offense works sometimes... but this argument is just flat stupid for a whole bunch of different reasons.

Not the least of which is.... it's insulting to black Americans who, as you are well aware, are overwhelmingly democrats. So, in your inimitable republican fashion, you end up alienating and insulting the very people you are courting. By telling them that they are too stupid to realize that the democrats are the ones who are the racists and who have been fooling them for the last 50 years. Do you get that? Are you capable of comprehending it? That blacks might find your arguments offensive because they are insulting and condescending? You stupid motherfucker?