Trump eliminating the fiduciary law is classic Swamp Juice!

StandinStraight's Avatar
The fiduciary law simply states that if you are someone that makes a living investing other people’s money you have to invest with the intention of doing what’s best for the people not yourself. In other words you can’t lose money for others to make money for yourself, you can’t be a crook!
The trump administration saw this as a bad thing and now investors can screw you over without worry.
This is the classic example of Trump not draining the swamp ( that was another lie for his uneducated deplorables) but making the swamp deeper and deeper! We have never had a more corrupt president or administration than what we are living with now!

Bob Mueller better hurry!
LexusLover's Avatar
Is Trump passing laws now?
StandinStraight's Avatar
Is Trump passing laws now? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Trump doesn’t pass anything he just destroys things, he seems to have a goal of making us as weak as possible, something Putin would also want to do, isn’t that a coincidence, Bob Mueller will tell us very very soon!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Trump doesn’t pass anything he just destroys things, he seems to have a goal of making us as weak as possible, something Putin would also want to do, isn’t that a coincidence, Bob Mueller will tell us very very soon! Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Trump certainly destroyed hildebeest's presumptive bid for the White House, didn't he, Standing Stupid?
LexusLover's Avatar
Trump doesn’t pass anything ... Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Then why did you tell your class he did?

StandingInShit: Trump eliminating the fiduciary law
Did you explain to your class that to "eliminate" a law an act has to be passed to "eliminate" (aka repeal) the law? Or did you tell them the POTUS can "eliminate" any law he wishes? And would you mind providing a cite to the Executive Order he signed "eliminating the fiduciary law"? Or do you not have the ability to find an "executive order" signed by the POTUS?
LexusLover's Avatar
Trump certainly destroyed hildebeest's presumptive bid for the White House, didn't he, Standing Stupid? Originally Posted by I B Hankering
He told his class that HillariousNoMore actually won!
First, it’s not a law, it’s a regulation. Second, it wasn’t eliminated. It became effective on June 9, 2017. Enforcement has been delayed to give advisors and firms time to get into compliance, just like what happened with Obamacare.
StandinStraight's Avatar
First, it’s not a law, it’s a regulation. Second, it wasn’t eliminated. It became effective on June 9, 2017. Enforcement has been delayed to give advisors and firms time to get into compliance, just like what happened with Obamacare. Originally Posted by Beaum3tx2
They need time to get into compliance ?
The regulation simply states that you must do what’s right for your client, you cannot rob them! What adjustments do they have to make ? Do they have to slowly get use to not robbing clients?
LexusLover's Avatar
First, it’s not a law, it’s a regulation. Second, it wasn’t eliminated. It became effective on June 9, 2017. Enforcement has been delayed to give advisors and firms time to get into compliance, just like what happened with Obamacare. Originally Posted by Beaum3tx2
Inauguration Day 2017 Trump signed an EO advising agencies to not enforce such things as the ACA Mandate and it was not "to give advisors and firms time to get into compliance" if that is to what you are referring. It was to neuter it until Congress could act. It just did.

If you mean the beginning stages of ACA, the implementation delays were for political purposes, not "to give advisors and firms time to get into compliance." Had the proponents of ACA implemented the provisions immediately there would have been a sea change in Congress and probably in the White House on 2012. The Obaminable Administration had to issue politically advantageous exemptions from the mandatory provisions in order keep their alleged "base" happy .... with supplements and grants to keep it afloat.

That's why so much whining now. The chickens have come home.
LexusLover's Avatar
The regulation simply states that you must do what’s right for your client, you cannot rob them! What adjustments do they have to make ? Do they have to slowly get use to not robbing clients? Originally Posted by StandinStraight
And you claim to be a "professor" .... "world renowned speaker" ....
....and .... "author of text books"?

StandinStraight's Avatar
Inauguration Day 2017 Trump signed an EO advising agencies to not enforce such things as the ACA Mandate and it was not "to give advisors and firms time to get into compliance" if that is to what you are referring. It was to neuter it until Congress could act. It just did.

If you mean the beginning stages of ACA, the implementation delays were for political purposes, not "to give advisors and firms time to get into compliance." Had the proponents of ACA implemented the provisions immediately there would have been a sea change in Congress and probably in the White House on 2012. The Obaminable Administration had to issue politically advantageous exemptions from the mandatory provisions in order keep their alleged "base" happy .... with supplements and grants to keep it afloat.

That's why so much whining now. The chickens have come home. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Will you please quit trying to impress me with your futile recent attempt at explaining things. Go back to just insulting people your much better at it.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
whats lpsg?
LexusLover's Avatar
Will you please quit trying to impress me ..... Originally Posted by StandinStraight

Does that help?
StandinStraight's Avatar
whats lpsg? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
LPSG is the Large Penis Support Group I founded years ago when in high school I was teased because of my size, the kids called me Mobey, it was humiliating. If you know anyone Dilbert that can use the support you can refer them to me.
Thanks for asking.
LexusLover's Avatar
whats lpsg? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
You're sitting down, aren't you?*

Another fantasy of his.

Remember the alleged co-worker who grabbed "his balls" by reaching for his crotch?

*I googled it, and was sitting down so I didn't fall and hurt myself from laughing so much.

Perhaps that's why he has international speaking engagements! He's measuring dicks to see if they qualify to join his "club"! If they tickle his tonsils, they're in!